Chapter 1046

Ba Jun on the ladder had already stood up and couldn't sit still.Almost all the onlookers outside the climbing ladder also stood up, and couldn't sit still.

The time to witness history is coming!
Hu Qingsong, Wen Yufei and other monks from the Chongxu Sect gathered together involuntarily, their faces full of tension, anticipation and pride, straightened their chests, and looked up at Ye Weiyang on the ladder.

Too many people have gathered around, wanting them to inquire about Ye Weiyang and make friends with them.Any talisman made by an immortal talisman master is a life-saving trump card for a monk.

Hu Qingsong and the others started to blow it up, but they also didn't mention that Ye Weiyang was an ascendant. According to them, Ye Weiyang was a genius cultivated by their sect. They all pressed on Ye Weiyang's body.

In the Immortal Realm, Ascendants like Ye Weiyang who haven't passed the assessment time and haven't received the world-making inheritance have incidents where their geniuses were abducted by other sects.

It is precisely this kind of ascendant who has not obtained the inheritance of the world that makes those sects unable to pursue too much.I haven't learned the inheritance of your sect. You are too much to pursue, such as chasing and killing, which is a bit unreasonable.I can only condemn the quality of this monk, and then if the monks of the sect meet the monk who switched to other sects, try to trouble the other side as much as possible, and kill him if he can.But this kind of pursuit is not deliberate, but when it happens, it counts.

Therefore, Hu Qingsong and the others are now afraid that Ye Weiyang will be abducted.How could it be possible to raise the identity of Yeweiyoung Ascender?

Another six days passed.

First of all, Ba Jun, who is climbing the ladder, is struggling to shake his fist in the air.Because Ye Weiyang boarded the 780th floor, and then there was a huge cheer outside the ladder.

The main force of the cheers was naturally the monks of the Chongxu Sect, and then all the monks other than the Shang Qing Sect. Being able to make the Shang Qing Sect ugly at the Shang Qing Sect's home made all the monks excited.

The monks of the Shang Qingzong looked frustrated and hated Liang Shidong.How much he admired Liang Shidong before, but now he complains as much.

on the mountain.

Chen Ping'an looked calm, he had already thought of this step.In his opinion, it is inevitable for Ye Weiyang to catch up with Liang Shidong, and it is also inevitable to surpass Liang Shidong, without any surprise.

He just hoped that his disciple's confidence would not collapse!

Liang Shidong didn't know these things at all, and he was completely immersed in comprehension at this time.

Ye Weiyang didn't pay attention to Liang Shidong either, and sat cross-legged about ten meters away from Liang Shidong, her spiritual sense penetrated into the huge talisman.

The inside and outside of the climbing ladder became quiet, and everyone was more nervous than before.Before, it was to witness a history, but now it is to witness the birth of a legendary peerless talisman.

On the fifth day, almost all the monks who climbed the ladder to watch the battle stood up, waiting for the moment to witness the birth of a peerless genius.According to Ye Weiyang's rules, in the following time, she will stand up at any time and climb to the upper floor.

If Ye Weiyang climbed to the upper level first, he would surpass Liang Shidong and become the number one genius in the Talisman of the Immortal World's youth generation.This is definitely a historic moment.

Time passed little by little, and it had already exceeded the time Ye Weiyang had comprehended before, and everyone's expressions were faintly anxious.Hu Qingsong even prayed in his heart, once Ye Weiyang became the No. 1 youth talisman, it would definitely be the pride of the Chongxu Sect.Wen Yufei even muttered words, praying for Ye Weiyang.And those monks of Shang Qingzong also cursed Ye Weiyang in their hearts, making her stuck in this level.

Time is anxiously waiting to become very slow, very tormented.

Time passed slowly for another half a day, just when everyone's expectations began to decrease and they felt a little anxious, Ye Weiyang stood up in front of everyone's sight.Everyone held their breath, stared at Ye Weiyang's back with wide eyes.They expect Ye Weiyang to climb up, not walk down.

Sure enough, Ye Weiyang boarded the fourth floor of Ground 780.


There was a commotion outside the ladder.

Hu Qingsong excitedly raised his arms and shouted: "Ye Weiyang!"

The monks of the Chongxu Sect immediately raised their arms and cheered: "Ye Weiyang!"

"Ye Weiyang!"

"Ye Weiyang!"


Except for the monks of Shang Qingzong, the other monks raised their arms and cheered.This made Shang Qingzong's face even more ugly.But Chen Pingan on the mountain had a calm face. He had already expected this situation, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes. He was worried that Liang Shidong's confidence would collapse when he saw Ye Weiyang's back after he woke up.

Gradually, the cheers stopped, and everyone started talking again.

"You say, when Liang Shidong wakes up and sees Ye Weiyang surpassing him, will he collapse?"

"Haha... I think he will collapse!"

"I also feel that he has always been the No. 1 talisman of the younger generation, and if he is suddenly suppressed, everyone will collapse."

"Then I have to stay and take a good look. I'll wait to see Liang Shidong's reaction."

His voice was not low, in exchange for the angry eyes of the monks of the Qing Dynasty.But the monk didn't care at all.Instead, he said loudly:

"You guys said, how many floors can Ye Weiyang climb in the end?"

"I think it should be no problem to go up to the [-]th floor. But beyond the [-]th floor, I don't know how many floors can be climbed."

"Eight hundred floors, that's the Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman!"

"Now there are only ten great masters in the fairy world, right?"

"Yes, there will probably be eleven soon."

Everyone had different thoughts, although they all expected Ye Weiyang to slap Qingzong in the face, but they were not willing to see that Chongxuzong had an extra master of immortal talisman.

Three months later.

Liang Shidong opened his eyes, his first reaction was to look back, and saw on the steps below, Bajun's sixteen eyes were staring at him, then he smiled neatly, waved to him, and then looked behind him Pointing on the high steps.Anxiety arose in Liang Shidong's heart, he suddenly turned his head and looked up the steps.The eyeballs stared suddenly, almost bursting the eye sockets.

"how come?"

What did he see?
He saw Ye Weiyang sitting cross-legged on the 790th floor.

His mentality immediately collapsed, and he stood there blankly, like a log.

Ba Jun was satisfied, they could tell from Liang Shidong's stiff back that his mentality had collapsed.As long as Liang Shidong's mentality collapses, they have a very high possibility of surpassing Liang Shidong this time and stepping Liang Shidong under their feet.Ba Jun immediately spread his consciousness, entered the giant talisman on his head, and began to comprehend.But Liang Shidong was still like a piece of wood, not moving for a long time.


Thank you so much lammasfan (100), Xiao Zhang is not easy to mess with (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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