The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1047 The Great Master

Chapter 1047 The Great Master

These two words appeared in the minds of the monks outside the ladder at the same time.It was extremely complicated in my heart for a while.Perhaps this is the beginning of the decline of a generation of talisman geniuses.

on top of the mountain.

Fan Lin looked at Chen Pingan. Seeing that Chen Pingan was still calm, he couldn't help being surprised. He didn't have any scruples in his identity, so he asked:
"Aren't you worried?"

"Is it useful to worry?" Chen Pingan said lightly, but his eyes were fixed on the climbing ladder.Fan Lin followed his gaze and found that what Chen Pingan was looking at was not Liang Shidong, but the back of Guan Ke sitting cross-legged on the third floor of 830.

The third floor of the 830th floor is the peak of the early stage of the Grand Master. As long as you climb to the fourth floor of the 830th, you will enter the middle stage of the Grand Master.Guan Ke's current realm is the early peak of the Great Master of Immortal Talisman.At the same time, it is also the lowest realm among the eight people.

Fan Lin understood immediately.

Ba Jun's mentality collapsed before, but when they saw that Ye Weiyang surpassed Liang Shidong, their mentality recovered.If it is because of surpassing Guan Ke, there is a high probability that Liang Shidong's mentality will be able to recover.

This means that a person is too strong than himself, that is, he has lost the heart of comparison.

Fan Lin thought about it seriously. Ye Weiyang's ability to climb up to the 790th floor so quickly proves that Ye Weiyang has the strength of a great master.But it would be an exaggeration to say that he could reach the peak of the Grand Master in the early stage.However, she felt that Ye Weiyang would definitely be able to reach the peak of the Grand Master on the ladder, but it should be absolutely impossible to climb to the first floor in nearly six days.I'm afraid it will take half a year to reach the first floor at the earliest.This is the time given by Fan Lin who overestimated Ye Weiyang again and again, so it would take more than ten years to reach the peak of the Grand Master.

Can Liang Shidong afford to wait for more than ten years?

I'm afraid my mentality has collapsed and I can't recover long ago, right?

For more than ten years, with the help of ascending the ladder, I am afraid that Guan Ke has already been promoted to the middle stage of the Grand Master, right?
Ye Weiyang wants to catch up to Guan, but it is difficult!
Fan Lin didn't speak anymore, he also looked at Ye Weiyang.He knew that Ye Weiyang couldn't be hard on this floor, and Ye Weiyang should be able to reach the [-]th floor in about six days.What he wants to see is how long Ye Weiyang will spend on the [-]th floor.

The monks outside the ladder became nervous again. Just now they witnessed the birth of a peerless genius, but now they felt that they were about to witness the birth of a legend.

six days later.

Ye Weiyang stood up, then drew a talisman in the void, broke the barrier, and stepped onto the [-]th floor.

Liang Shidong's numb eyeballs moved, and then a more dejected breath emanated from his body.There was also a strange silence outside the ladder.

Even though they just imagined that Ye Weiyang would become a great master, they still couldn't believe it when Ye Weiyang actually stepped on the [-]th floor.These people have already learned from the monks of the Chongxu Sect that Ye Weiyang's age is less than four thousand years old. If someone told them that about a master of immortal charms at this age, they would definitely spit in the other party's mouth. face.

Who are you fooling?


After a while, I don't know who let out a breath, and then there was a sound of exhalation, which merged together to form a huge noise.

The huge noise suddenly woke up the sluggish Hu Qingsong.

"O Great Master!

I have lost control of the situation.It must be reported to the suzerain to prevent Ye Weiyang from being recruited by the Qing sect when he came down from the ladder.What's more, we must beware of Ye Weiyang being assassinated when he left Shang Qingzong. "

He immediately started contacting the suzerain Wanqingzong.

Wan Qingzong was cultivating in the cave, when suddenly, the messenger jade sword hanging on his waist vibrated.He poked his divine sense in, and his face changed drastically.

"Ye Weiyang is still a fairy talisman master?

Do not!
Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman? "

He immediately sent a message into the communication jade slip: "Clarify the matter from beginning to end."

After half a day.

Wanqingzong hurriedly left Chongxuzong and flew towards Shangqingzong.

Ye Weiyang sensed the mysteriousness of the great master of the Immortal Talisman, time passed day by day, and six days passed quickly, Ye Weiyang was still sitting cross-legged on the [-]th floor.

Fan Lin quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right! How is it so easy to comprehend the realm of the great master? Look at that level, you have comprehended it for more than half a year, aren't you still sitting there?"

Ten days later, Ye Weiyang still didn't move.But Guan Ke stood up and set foot on the 830th floor, stepping into the middle stage of the Great Master of Immortal Talisman.So Fan Lin breathed a sigh of relief, it was too difficult for Ye Weiyang to catch up with Guan Ke.

It is not impossible for Liang Shidong to restore his confidence. It may take a hundred years to recover, and there is even the possibility of a complete decline.

On the 11th day, under Fan Lin's astonished gaze, Ye Weiyang stood up.Then draw a talisman in the void, break the barrier, and step onto the [-]th floor.

Even Fan Lin stood up in shock, staring at Ye Weiyang on the ladder.A complex look appeared on Chen Ping'an's face.There is shock, but also surprise.If Ye Weiyang can really catch up to Guan Ke, his disciples will still be saved.

The sluggish Liang Shidong looked astonished for a moment, and it was this sliver of astonishment that made him no longer sluggish, and the decadent breath dissipated a little, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Weiyang's back.

half year later.

Ye Weiyang climbed to the seventh floor of 810, and Guan Ke also climbed to the fifth floor of 830.But the distance between the two has been shortened to eighteen floors.

Liang Shidong's eyes had recovered, and he kept staring at Ye Weiyang and Guan Ke.

Guan Ke is a senior of the same generation as his master, if Ye Weiyang surpasses Guan Ke, what can he not accept?

The eyes of Wan Qingzong who had arrived earlier were shining brightly.

The rules against ascenders are no longer suitable for Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang must be kept in the Chongxu Sect.He circled all kinds of conditions in his mind to keep Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang, who was on the ladder, didn't know this at all. At this moment, she just comprehend, recover, comprehend again, recover again, comprehend again.

Another half year later.

Guan Ke set foot on the sixth floor of 830, while Ye Weiyang stepped on the second floor of 830, only four floors away from Guan Ke.

"too strong!"

Liang Shidong clenched his fists. At this time, he had already forgotten the depression in his heart, and all his energy was focused on Ye Weiyang.As a junior, he surpassed his seniors, which gave him a sense of substitution.

The monks of the Chongxu Sect were flushed with excitement, and the faces of the Wanqing Sect were slightly flushed with excitement.In fact, since Ye Weiyang stepped onto the [-]th floor, the Chongxu Sect has benefited enormously.Since then, Chongxuzong has had one great master of fairy talismans, and there have been nine great masters of fairy talismans in the entire fairy world.

Thank you very much for the reward of Sanshengyuannannan (1000)!

(End of this chapter)

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