The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1048 Level 9

Chapter 1048 Nine Hundred Floors

Don't underestimate the Great Master of Immortal Talisman, even if this Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman is just a Daoist, the talismans and treasures he made are definitely killer weapons.Moreover, Ye Weiyang can also teach Chongxu Zong talisman masters. It won't be long before Chongxu Zong doesn't need to spend fairy crystals to buy talismans. Chongxu Zong can make them by itself and sell them. It's all a leap forward.

A master of immortal talisman is too important for a sect!
Ye Weiyang's comprehension time is extending, but the extension is very small, they can foresee that Ye Weiyang will surpass Guan Ke in a short time.

Chen Pingan's eyes became more and more complicated.

On the one hand, his disciples should soon regain their confidence.On the other hand, he felt that he had an extra threat.Maybe ten thousand years later, there will be one more person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him in the fairy world.

As for Ye Weiyang wanting to reach the top and compete with him within a few hundred years of opening the ladder, that is absolutely impossible.Not to mention that when Ye Weiyang climbed to the middle stage of the Immortal Talisman Great Master, the time for comprehension will be greatly extended, even if she can still climb to the nine hundredth floor.Above the nine hundred floors, the time for comprehension cannot be broken through in a few hundred years.And after a few hundred years, he will close the climbing ladder and never give Ye Weiyang a chance.

More than a month later, Ye Weiyang stepped onto the 830th floor as expected by everyone, which was comparable to Guan Ke.Ye Weiyang looked up, and in front of her, there was a monk sitting cross-legged on the 840th floor.His target has become the old man.He took a breath, sat down cross-legged, and started a new round of comprehension.

Thirteen days later, Ye Weiyang stepped onto the 830th floor.

Liang Shidong jumped up, swung his fist fiercely in the air, and then let out a few breaths, his face gradually calmed down.Climb to the upper level and start to comprehend.

Chen Pingan breathed a sigh of relief, his disciple finally regained his confidence.At this moment, he was a little dumbfounded.It's really Ye Weiyang who loses, and Ye Weiyang who succeeds.

Another five months later.

Guan Ke opened his eyes, with joy in his eyes, and his talisman Taoism has improved a step further.When she looked up, her expression changed.

Who is the person on the 840th floor?
Some familiar!

He suddenly remembered something, suddenly turned his head, and looked down the climbing ladder.Sure enough, the young nun in memory disappeared.Looking back, looking at Ye Weiyang's back, she was sure that it was the young female cultivator.

Guan Ke's mentality collapsed!
"Hehe..." Chen Pingan and Fan Lin on the mountain peak laughed unkindly.

There was a sigh outside the ladder.

At such an age, such a high-ranking Grand Master of Immortal Talisman, his mentality has collapsed...

And at this time, the great master of the immortal talisman on the 840th floor stood up and boarded the 840th floor.

He didn't look back at all, his eyes were only those people above, and those were the ones he wanted to chase, there was no need to look at those who were not as good as himself.

half year later.

Ye Weiyang sat not far from him, entering into comprehension.Guan Ke below, his eyes fluctuated, sat down slowly, leaning on his chin and staring at Ye Weiyang's floor.

A day later, the old man woke up with joy in his eyes.He finally comprehended this level, and the realm of Talisman Tao has improved again.Then he sensed that there were people around him, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Have Guan Ke caught up?"

Looking over his head, he opened his mouth wide, then suddenly turned around, first saw Guan Ke leaning on his chin to look at him, then continued to look down, then suddenly turned around, looking at Ye Weiyang.

His face kept changing, and finally showed a trace of gray defeat.He didn't stand up and go to the upper floor, but just looked at Ye Weiyang like this.

Ten days later, Ye Weiyang woke up, and a voice came from beside him: "Who are you?"

Ye Weiyang looked over, then cupped his hands and said: "Chong Xuzong, Ye Weiyang."

"Chongxuzong...Ye Weiyang..." The old man kept repeating with a look of confusion and despair.

Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, then shook her head, thinking to herself, is this person dementia?

Simply ignore it, it is important to understand the Talisman, she has already spent too much time here.Immediately got up and set foot on the upper floor.And the old man seemed to be unaware that Ye Weiyang had left, and was still in a daze.

Eight years later.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the ninth floor of the 890th floor. Behind her, on different steps, eight old men stared at Ye Weiyang with burning eyes.The old man closest to Ye Weiyang is on the 880th floor.After their mentality collapsed one after another, after Ye Weiyang stepped on the 890th floor, they began to gradually recover.

And those monks outside the climbing ladder were even more silent, especially Wan Qingzong, who had never felt so nervous.

The pinnacle of the Great Master of Immortal Talisman!If Ye Weiyang can ascend to the [-]th floor, then he has the aptitude to be the Saint of Immortal Talisman.There are only two voices of fairy talismans in the fairy world today, and that is Fan Lin and Chen Pingan.If your own sect produces a Saint of Immortal Talisman...

Thinking about it, he grinned silently.

Sitting next to Wanqingzong at this time is the suzerain of Shangqingzong, Hua Qingting.Although she saw Wan Qingzong coming in person and knew that her chance of recruiting Ye Weiyang was slim, she still decided to try.She doesn't think Ye Weiyang will be able to climb to the top in the next 400 years, so she has hope.She can promise Ye Weiyang that as long as she joins Shangqingzong, what Chongxuzong gives, Shangqingzong can give, and also let Ye Weiyang comprehend on the ladder anytime and anywhere.On this condition, she believes that she has an absolute attraction to Ye Weiyang.

Just imagine, when Ye Weiyang comprehended the nine hundredth and dozens of floors, and then the collision of the demon world began, and the Shang Qingzong closed the climbing ladder, how cruel would this be for a monk like Ye Weiyang who practiced Taoism?
Thinking that within [-] years, there will be no chance to climb the ladder again, how can Ye Weiyang bear it?

As soon as this condition is fulfilled, Ye Weiyang has a high possibility of agreeing to join the Shang Qing Sect.

This time Ye Weiyang still didn't take long, within nineteen days, she comprehended this level, then got up, drew amulets in the void, broke the barrier, and stepped onto the nine hundredth level.

No one cheered, but even more nervous and expectant.

Because Ye Weiyang climbed to the [-]th floor, it is only the completion of the Great Master of Immortal Talisman, and it does not mean that he has become the Saint of Immortal Talisman.Only after comprehending this level can one become the Saint of Immortal Talisman.

Can Ye Weiyang comprehend?
If yes, how long will it take?
At this time, Chen Pingan and Fan Lin on the mountain were also nervous.If it is because he can really comprehend this level, there will be one more person in the Saint of Immortal Talisman.Although the two of them are consummated saints of fairy talismans, Ye Weiyang is only a beginner.But that is also the Holy Talisman.In the future, people in the fairy world will say that there are three saints of the fairy talisman.

Thank you very much Sanshengyuannannan (1000) and book friend 160612124033950 (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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