Chapter 1060 Kill
"Boom boom boom..."

The Yaozu monks still didn't know about the death of their companions. From their point of view, even though they were trapped in a large formation, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian must also be attacking them, but they didn't want to kill them so quickly.Especially Chi Ming and the Four Realms, still have a certain degree of self-confidence.

But after a quarter of an hour, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian had killed a total of [-] fellow monks, and those monster monks began to panic in their hearts. Can't break through this big formation.Some monks among them began to give up the bombardment formation, and began to be vigilant.As for these vigilant monks, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian ignored them, and specifically targeted those Hedao Monster Clan monks who were still bombarding the formation.

But at this time, Ye Weiyang's pressure has been greatly reduced.With the decrease in the number of monster races and her continuous drawing of talisman formations, the formation is basically free of worries.However, Ye Weiyang did not end the formation, but began to draw offensive talisman, and then put it into the big formation, and began to lay out the offensive talisman array.

Less than a quarter of an hour passed, and there were only 76 monks left in the formation.

One boundary-breaking, four boundary-building and 71 unions.Moreover, the 71 Compassionate monks were not attacking the formation, but vigilantly guarding their surroundings.

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian got together and communicated with each other, and then the two began to join forces.In this way, even if the monster monks are vigilant, they can't stop the two people from joining forces.After all, they are just joining forces, while Chang Zai and Gao Yutian are creating worlds.Or two people join forces to attack one.

These two people almost don't want face, but what they pay attention to is practical effect, and they don't care about face at all.

"Boom boom boom..." Only Chi Ming and the four world creators were still attacking the formation.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Chang Zai and Gao Yutian here joined forces to continuously kill the monster monks.

This time it took a long time, about half an hour, two people beheaded all the fellow monks, and there were only five monster monks left in the entire formation.

One breaks boundaries, four create boundaries.

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian had a tacit understanding and began to join forces to attack the world-maker monks, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but stop writing to watch.Killing Hedao before, there is really nothing to see.What is being killed now is the creation world, and she also wants to see what kind of abilities these two people have, to make the Yaozu pay such a high price to kill two people.

"Hiss... so strong!"

Ye Weiyang saw the two figures intertwined, and unexpectedly beheaded that monster clan's world-building within one round.After the two of them beheaded the second world-maker, Ye Weiyang saw some tricks.

This is not only the strength of the two people, but also the supernatural powers of the two people. When the two join forces, the power is not one plus one, but the strength has multiplied several times.

"The Sky Sect still has this kind of supernatural power inheritance!"

Ye Weiyang was surprised, she could see that this was not a way of fighting in line with the battle formation, but a kind of supernatural power.

The two teamed up and killed the last two world-makers. Ye Weiyang watched carefully, but still did not see the mystery of this supernatural power.

"I really can't underestimate the nine super sects. I challenged the world-building of the second-rate sects before, and I have been winning consecutively, which made myself a little inflated."

Ye Weiyang simply stopped drawing talismans, and although he did not deploy a large offensive magic circle at this time, he also deployed a small offensive magic circle.She didn't want to miss the process of Chang Zai and Gao Yutian teaming up to kill Chi Ming.


The two fought, but Chi Ming reacted extremely quickly, not only defending, but also attacking, while laughing loudly:
"Just wait for the two of you to show up."

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian were not afraid, they teamed up to attack Chi Ming like a revolving lantern, and Chi Ming also used all means, allowing Ye Weiyang to see a real strength that broke through boundaries.Moreover, it is also the strength of Tianjiao in Yaozu Breaking Boundary.

In just a few rounds, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian were at a disadvantage. The two of them were able to jump up and challenge, beheading and breaking the boundary.But the cultivator of the highest realm that the two of them joined forces to kill was only in the middle of breaking the boundary, and this was the first time that they had successfully met the previous one, and it was not just an ordinary breakthrough, but a genius.

Ye Weiyang didn't make a move, she felt that even if she added herself, the three of them besieged Chi Ming, but they couldn't defeat each other.However, now I have a talisman.


Ye Weiyang activated the talisman array, and a golden sword suddenly appeared in the air, and it slashed towards Chi Ming like a split in the air.Chi Ming had already shown his original shape at this time, smashed the golden giant sword with one tail, and slapped Chang Zai and Gao Yutian with two tiger claws.Chang Zai and Gao Yutian were slapped and flew backwards, and at this moment, Chi Ming opened his mouth and sprayed out a golden ball of light, shooting towards Chang Zai.But at this time, Chang Zai was shaken by the previous tiger paw slapping his body's spiritual power and consciousness, unable to release his supernatural powers to deal with it, and his eyes showed despair.


A golden giant sword suddenly struck the golden light bullet, and with a bang, the light bullet and the golden giant sword shattered.The whole formation shook.

"Come back!" Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transmitted voice.

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian disappeared into the formation and returned to Ye Weiyang's side with lingering fear.

"Friend Ye Daoist, is there a way?"

"The power of the big formation is not enough. The two of you adjust your breath first to restore your state to the peak. I will draw some talismans to increase the power of the big formation, and then besiege the monster clan."

Chang Zai glanced at Chi Ming in the formation, worried: "He has been hiding his strength, if he attacks the formation with that kind of light-bullet supernatural power, will the formation be able to withstand it?"

"I don't know, give it a try! If it doesn't work, we'll run away, and the formation will buy us time."


The two of them stopped hesitating, and immediately sat cross-legged, took pills to adjust their breathing.

"Boom boom boom..."

Chi Ming was attacking the big formation. This time he used all his strength to shoot light bombs out of his mouth, and the big formation shook violently. When the fifth light bullet was fired at the same landing point, the big formation there appeared A crack.

Ye Weiyang picked up the pen tip, and a completed talisman shot out, and the space where the crack had just appeared disappeared immediately.Chi Ming, who originally had surprise in his eyes, suddenly froze.Afterwards, he began to spit out light bullets frantically, attacking the formation.

Ye Weiyang here is also drawing a talisman quickly, and then put the talisman into the formation.Cracks appeared in the big formation for a while, and the cracks disappeared for a while, Ye Weiyang and Chi Ming became deadlocked.But as time went by, the cracks became smaller and smaller. After more than an hour, Chi Ming was helpless in this big formation.

(End of this chapter)

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