The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1061 Kill Again

His face became extremely gloomy, and he knew that he was trapped by this large formation.At this moment, he also figured it out. It is estimated that the other monks of the Yaozu are dead at this time, and he is the only one left.He didn't dare to continue attacking the big formation anymore, the series of attacks just now had consumed him a lot.If Chang Zai and Gao Yutian jointly attack him at this time, he is really in danger.Therefore, he also began to exercise vigilance and adjust his breath while being vigilant.

Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, and began to draw symbols to improve the big formation. As long as she is given time, let her set up a real killing formation. You don't have to stay with Gao Yutian often.

Another two hours passed, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian finished their training.

"Young friend Ye, how is the formation going?"

Ye Weiyang entered another talisman, and while continuing to draw talismans, said: "I'm afraid it will take several months to raise the formation to the level of beheading the opponent."

"So how far has it reached now?"

"I don't know either, this is the first time I have set up a large formation of this level."

Gao Yutian glanced at Chi Ming who was in the formation: "How about the three of us join forces and try again?"


Ye Weiyang didn't refuse, just now the three of them teamed up, although they were defeated, they were able to escape, now that the power of the big formation has increased, they may not be able to defeat Chi Ming, but if they want to, Chi Ming can't do anything against them.If Chi Ming could be killed, it would also save several months of time.Ye Weiyang drew two talismans and stuck them on the two people.The two got up and touched Chi Ming.

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian had already touched a very short distance from Chi Ming, and the two of them stopped. Although they were covered by a large formation, after all, the opponent was breaking the boundary. If the distance was too close, they could still be sensed by the opponent.The two looked at Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang moved her fingers, then pointed at Chi Ming.


Just under Chi Ming's body, several big hands seemed to emerge, firmly grasping his legs and body.And at this moment, Gao Yutian and Chang Zai's attack had already been launched.

Qianyufeng smashed down on the head, and when Chang Zai stabbed out with a sword, it was like a bright crack appeared in the sky, and he slashed straight towards Chi Ming.


With a sudden struggle, Chi Ming exploded those big hands, and at the same time raised his head and sprayed out a light bullet, which hit Qianyu Peak, bombarding Qianyu Peak like a projectile, and flew away backwards. Twisting, dodging that ray of sky-like sword.


The sword crossed his chest, leaving a sword mark on his chest.

Ye Weiyang in the big formation pulled his hands again, and Chi Ming felt his feet sinking, the hard rock under his feet had turned into a swamp, but in an instant, he had sunk down to his knees, and was still sinking.


Qianyu Peak was blown away, Gao Yutian sacrificed another big seal, and smashed it down towards Chi Ming's head, the big seal was like a square mountain.And Chang Zai also sent the flying sword to shoot towards Chi Ming again, and the long sword split into light, like a rolling river of swords.


Chi Ming was not in a panic, he had already held two tiger-headed knives in his hands, and with a shake of his arms, he jumped out of the swamp, and the two tiger-headed knives smashed towards Dayin and Jianhe.


The two chopping knives turned into two giant tigers, rushed towards Dayin and Jianhe, and crashed into each other.

The great seal rolled, and the river of swords hung upside down.


The two of them couldn't help spurting blood from their mouths and noses, a fierce light flashed in Chi Ming's eyes, but his face suddenly changed, and when he looked down, he saw the mud in the swamp below was crawling up his body, although his His feet had left the ground, but the mud had also risen up to his waist.And at this moment, Ye Weiyang saw that Chi Ming found the mud, and sighed lightly, it would have been better if he found it a little later.As soon as the finger in the hand changed, the mud turned into stone.

Chi Ming's complexion changed drastically, and he found that his lower body was turning into a stone, and it was only the surface layer, changing towards his inner body.

How could this care about catching Chang Zai and Gao Yutian?

Hastily run Xian Yuanli.


The immortal energy in his lower body exploded, and those stones shattered and shot out, but his lower body was already covered in blood and flesh, and some bones were even exposed.

"come back!"

Seeing Chi Ming's appearance, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian were just about to attack when they heard Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transmission, the two of them retreated decisively, and their bodies disappeared into the large formation. Back to Ye Weiyang's side.

Chi Ming's eyes over there were fierce, and then turned into helplessness.

He originally thought of grabbing one of Chang Zai and Gao Yutian, and then forcing the other to let him go, but he didn't expect that, seeing success, he was almost turned into a stone by the formation.

He knew in his heart that there might not be such a good opportunity next time!
"Hurry up and heal your wounds!" Ye Weiyang said to Chang Zai and Gao Yutian.

The two nodded, without speaking, they sat cross-legged, took pills, and began to heal their injuries.And Ye Weiyang started making talismans again, and then set up the formation.

Time passed day by day, and a month passed in a blink of an eye, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian had already recovered their cultivation, and the two of them sat on both sides of Ye Weiyang, watching Ye Weiyang's formation.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, do you want to set up a large formation to directly kill Chi Ming?"

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded and continued to draw symbols.

"How long will that take?"

"It will take about two months."

Chang Zai rolled his eyes: "Friend Ye, what power has the formation achieved now? The three of us join forces again, can we kill Chi Ming?"

Ye Weiyang stopped drawing symbols, thought for a while and said: "I don't know if I can kill him, but I probably won't be caught by him."

"Then let's try!"

Chang Zai said, Gao Yutian was also eager to try.

"Then try!"

Ye Weiyang moved her fingers, then pointed at Chi Ming who was in the formation.


The big formation shook, and Chi Ming suddenly opened his eyes in the big formation, with anticipation and nervousness in his eyes.

It's been a month, and those three people haven't moved, and he doesn't know if the three people have left or not.

If he left, he could safely attack the formation. After a long attack, he was confident that he would blast the formation out of an exit.

If he didn't leave, when these three people suddenly launched an attack when he was attacking the big formation and wasted a lot, then he would be in danger.

Therefore, his heart is very contradictory and tangled.

Now there is finally movement. After waiting for a month, finally there is movement. This is the reason why he is looking forward to it.But there was no movement for a month, and suddenly there was movement, and he was also very nervous.

Is there another helper?

The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

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