The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1092 Void Beast

Chapter 1092 Void Beast

Ye Weiyang did not release the domain, she still released the five elements space.Although she is now consummated in the Dao, but she has the primordial spirit, and the celestial power has also reached the consummation of cracking. In fact, she can no longer be measured by the realm of the Dao. In addition to being unable to release the realm, she is no longer comparable to ordinary realm-making. Than.Therefore, even in the River of Nothingness, the five-element space she released is still strong, blocking the erosion of the River of Nothingness, covering the ray of Primordial Immortal Charm inside, and then collected into the storage ring by Ye Weiyang.

The monk who ridiculed Ye Weiyang before had a look of embarrassment and fear.At this time, he is not a fool, how can he see Ye Weiyang's strength?

Although he is the same way as himself, but his way of harmony is different from his own. It probably doesn't take much trouble to kill him.At the same time, I feel wronged in my heart. Why is my life so good? With so many monks standing with Ye Weiyang, will I still have a chance to catch Hongmeng Xianyun?
"That..." The cultivator hesitated, "Friend Daoist, my servant..."

Ye Weiyang waved her hand and said: "It depends on each person's ability."

The monk breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Weiyang's words showed his attitude.Everyone here is just trying to capture the celestial charm of Hongmeng according to their own abilities, and the matter of the nothingness river will not bring out the nothingness river.He was really afraid that Ye Weiyang would kill him after leaving the Wuwu River.But then his face drooped again.

Nothing about the Wuwu River, but with Ye Weiyang here, how much of the Primordial Immortal Rhyme can he grab?

Can you snatch Weiyang overnight?
If Ye Weiyang was targeting him, maybe he wouldn't be able to grab a piece of Primordial Immortal Charm during this trip to the Wuwu River.

He was about to cry right now!
"Be careful!" At this moment, the shout of a world-making cultivator came from the front.

Everyone cheered up immediately, and saw six void beasts appearing around them.Ye Weiyang's heart trembled, if it wasn't for the shout of the world-creator cultivator, she would not have found the Void Beast yet.The Void Beast was almost the same color as the Void River, so it was hard to spot.In fact, it's not that Ye Weiyang's cultivation is not enough to find out, it's just because she has almost no preparations.However, the preparation work is very thorough, and the characteristics of the Void Beast have long been known.

Each Void Beast is about twenty meters long, looks very ferocious, and has tentacles with suckers.The wide open mouth and sharp teeth gleamed with a cold light.

Every monk immediately poured a large amount of immortal energy into the defensive shield.They were afraid that the Void Beast would shatter their defensive shields, and then their supernatural powers would rub against their bodies, so that they would turn into nothingness.

The cultivator in front of Ye Weiyang was also flustered at this time, because he saw one of the void beasts rushing towards them from this angle, and there was already a black light gathering in the wide open mouth, it was nothingness The supernatural powers of the beast.

But at this time, a stream of light was seen shooting out. The stream of light was extremely fast, and it had already reached the head of the void beast in an instant.


The cultivator didn't even see the stream of light clearly, and the stream of light was like an antelope's horns, with no trace to be found.It seemed as if it suddenly appeared in front of that void beast's head, and then stabbed in with a sword.Void beasts die when they become huge.

Ye Weiyang grabbed the Void Beast, and the corpse of the Void Beast was caught on her head by Ling Kong, and she put it away.Youmu looked around, and found that there were still two void beasts left, but they were on the other side of the formation, far away from him, so he slammed his mouth regretfully, and didn't make another move.

The two void beasts were also killed. After all, there were so many monks, but these two void beasts caused disputes.Unlike the previous four void beasts, they were beaten to death by the three world creators and Ye Weiyang.They were all clean and neat, killing the Void Beast with one move, and no one else had anything to do with it, so the others didn't have any objections to Ye Weiyang and the four of them putting away the Void Beast.However, the remaining two void beasts were not killed by a single monk.It was a joint effort to kill.

Here comes the problem.

Who does this nothingness pill belong to?

No one wanted to let it happen, and in the end, two world-making cultivators spent the Primordial Immortal Rhyme to buy the two Void Pills, and those cultivators shared the Primordial Immortal Rhyme.Then the three world-makers were still not satisfied, and stared at Ye Weiyang's nothingness pill.One of the world-makers spoke first:

"These little friends, how about selling me your void pill?"

"Not for sale!" Ye Weiyang said lightly.

In front of so many monks, the World Maker cultivator naturally wouldn't try to snatch it, but his face was obviously displeased, he glared at Ye Weiyang together, and then shouted:

"Continue to go deeper, everyone be careful. Don't die here."

These words and this attitude are very bad, many monks looked at Ye Weiyang with pity.Rejecting a creation, and then being missed by this creation, in this space of the law of the jungle, it is really not a good thing.If there is an accident in the void river, or after leaving the void river, don't walk alone, otherwise it is not impossible to be killed and seize the treasure.

Ye Weiyang had a calm expression on her face, as if she didn't understand the meaning of the boundary-making words at all, and her eyes were still looking around.

"Isn't this a fool!"

The monks around were secretly thinking, wishing to stay away from her, so that they would not be affected by the anger of the great monk who made the world.But this is just thinking about it. Everyone in the formation has their own position and cannot move at will.

However, they didn't have time to think about it, and the formation began to move again, moving towards the depths of the River of Nothingness.The speed of movement is not slow, sporadic Hongmeng fairy rhyme appears from time to time, but not many.Even Ye Weiyang only captured two wisps, and it has been a long time since she captured Hongmeng Xianyun.And there are no more void beasts.

In this way, moving towards the depths of the River of Nothingness for another half a day, everyone was in a state of spirit, and they saw a bright light, like a dazzling galaxy, covering them.

Hongmeng Fairy Rhyme!

It is much more than the previous wave of Hongmeng Xianyun, definitely more than a million strands.The monks also became nervous amidst the excitement.In fact, there are many people in this large formation who are not in good condition.

where is this place?
River of nothingness!
Moreover, they entered the River of Nothingness already very deep. The deeper the River of Nothingness, the faster the River of Nothingness flows, and the greater the impact on them.In this depth, those Hunyuan and monks below Hunyuan actually don't have much energy left.Seventy percent of their strength is used for defense, to infuse immortal energy and maintain the defensive shield.There is only [-]% of the strength left to capture Hongmeng Xianyun.

But at this depth, the flow speed of Hongmeng Xianyun is even faster.


Hongmeng fairy rhyme covered it.

(End of this chapter)

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