The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1093 6 Closing Curtain

Chapter 1093 Liuhe Curtain

Ye Weiyang did not sacrifice the five elements space this time, but directly sacrificed the domain.

Yin and Yang domain!

It was as if a black hole had formed above Ye Weiyang, with yin and yang circulating, possessing a great suction force, which continuously sucked Hongmeng Xianyun into the yin and yang domain, and then was collected by Ye Weiyang.The speed at which she captures the celestial charm of Hongmeng has already surpassed the three world-builders, so that the three world-builders can't help but look sideways at her.

There are a lot of more than a million Hongmeng fairy rhymes, but their flow speed is faster, and they flow past like a sea tide in just a moment, and everyone only captures less than two-thirds.And Ye Weiyang alone captured more than 15.

The three world-makers glanced at Ye Weiyang, their eyes flickering.

They are a little confused about Ye Weiyang's strength now.

To be honest, seeing Ye Weiyang capturing the charm of Hongmeng in such a way, and also having a nothingness pill on his body, the three world creators all wanted to rob.But just now they saw Ye Weiyang's ability to capture Hongmeng Xianyun, which made them afraid of Ye Weiyang's fighting power.

Naturally, they can see that Ye Weiyang is only a consummation of Dao, but this does not mean that the three of them have the ability to kill Ye Weiyang and take away the treasure.In the Immortal World, there are not many arrogance who can jump to challenge.Especially the Tianjiao of the nine super sects.They just don't know Ye Weiyang's identity now, and they haven't fully seen Ye Weiyang's strength.Therefore, although they were apprehensive, it was inevitable that they still wanted to rob.It's just that it's not the right time to be in Wuwu River with so many monks around.

The three world-makers restrained their thoughts, continued to issue orders, and moved to the depths of the river of nothingness.

Half a day later, Ye Weiyang also lamented the vastness of the River of Nothingness, and he still couldn't see the other side of the River of Nothingness, and still hadn't reached the center of the River of Nothingness.But the impact of the void river is getting more and more violent.Many monks have already begun to swallow pills to replenish their immortal energy.Ye Weiyang also took the elixir, her consumption is not big, but she wants to keep herself in a peak state at all times.

This is an extremely dangerous place, not to mention, she also saw that the three world-makers coveted her.After moving to the depths for about an hour, the faces of the three world-makers also changed a little, and they shouted sharply:

And before the three world-makers shouted out to be careful, they already knew about the Void River, and Ye Weiyang, who had been vigilant all along, had already seen a dark shadow pounced towards her battle formation.

Void Beast!
Lots of void beasts!

Ye Weiyang glanced over and found that there were no less than one hundred void beasts.

Many monks have already started to swallow their saliva, and [-]% of the monks here are Hunyuan and Daoyuan. At this depth, the scouring force of the void river is already a severe test for them.Their celestial power is consumed very quickly.There are not many experiences that can be separated.Most of the experience has to be used to maintain the defensive shield.At this time, these people were also aware of their own danger, and their first thought was to swallow the elixir immediately, fearing that they would start fighting soon and would not have time to take the elixir.Even if the celestial power in their bodies is still sufficient.

Too much pressure!

The Void Beast rushed towards it quickly, and shot out a black beam of light from its mouth. The monks in the formation paid attention to the immortal power to maintain the defensive shield, and at the same time sacrificed immortal weapons to attack the Void Beast.

The battle became fierce in an instant.

Ye Weiyang kept things in order this time, because she knew that in a battle of this scale, if she wanted to avoid accidents and be safe, it was best to rely on the strength of the whole body. The immortal power in her body was continuously poured into the defense Inside the protective cover, he held the fairy sword in his right hand, and a light curtain the size of half a palm hovered around his left and right palms.

That is Liuhe Curtain!
She didn't attack lightly, but poured in her immortal energy to maintain her defensive shield.Look around and search.The monks around were all attacking vigorously at this time, but the Void Beast's defense was also very strong, and its speed was extremely fast, not only could it dodge deftly, but even if there were sporadic attacks on it, it did not let it immediately die.They are constantly approaching the formation, and they can already clearly see the sharp fangs in their mouths.


The fairy sword in Ye Weiyang's hand shot out, a void beast that had already jumped less than five meters away from the big formation didn't even react, the dexterous dodge and swift speed didn't have time to use it, Ye Weiyang's fairy sword stabbed It pierced through her head, and then grabbed it with a big hand of immortal power, and dragged it to Ye Weiyang's head in an instant, and was put away by Ye Weiyang.

The monks around couldn't help but look sideways, Ye Weiyang didn't make a move, as long as he made a move, he would gain something.Especially the monk who provoked Ye Weiyang before, now he is no longer afraid of Ye Weiyang.Instead, he felt that standing beside Ye Weiyang, his heart suddenly settled down.

The next situation was that Ye Weiyang basically didn't make a move, but when he made a move, he killed a void beast, and all of them rushed to the edge of the big formation, and shot the void beast that was the most dangerous to the big formation.Keep this big formation on their side safe.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless black beams of light bombarded the formation, and a monk not far from Ye Weiyang suddenly let out a desperate exclamation, the defensive shield in front of him had cracks, and at the same time, a black The beam of light was bombarding rapidly, it could be imagined that this black beam of light attacked the cracked defensive shield, and it would definitely shatter the defensive shield completely.

Once the defensive shield is smashed, not only the cultivator behind the defensive shield will die, but the entire formation will be broken by a point, and it is very likely that the entire formation will be in trouble.


Ye Weiyang raised his left hand, and the Liuhe Curtain in his hand shot out, appeared in front of the cracked defensive shield, instantly enlarged, and completely covered the cracked defensive shield.


The black beam of light bombarded the Liuhe curtain, and the Liuhe curtain only shook slightly, but remained firm.The monk who was screaming in despair suddenly heard Ye Weiyang's voice:

"Repair the defensive shield!"

"oh oh……"

The monk reacted from the desperate shock and hurriedly started repairing the defensive shield.


The fairy sword in Ye Weiyang's hand shot out again, beheading the void beast, and then a big hand with immortal power grabbed the void beast, dragged it over, and put it away.

The scene became more and more intense, Ye Weiyang was still the same, she didn't rush to plunder and kill the Void Beast, but looked at the whole situation.From time to time, he threw a Liuhe curtain to save the defensive shield that was about to be broken.The same is true for the three world-builders, but the addition of Ye Weiyang has obviously greatly reduced the pressure on the three world-builders.

(End of this chapter)

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