The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1094 Encounter

Chapter 1094 Encounter

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang also occasionally used his sword, and every time he used his sword, he would kill a void beast.

Every sword will kill the Void Beast, and they will rescue their companions at any time. This makes the monks around recognize Ye Weiyang's strength, and at the same time feel deeply grateful to Ye Weiyang. With a little dependence, it is like trusting the three world-making monks.

In their hearts at this moment, Ye Weiyang's strength is already equal to those three world-makers.

The battle was fierce and swift, but it didn't last long. In about half an hour, more than 100 void beasts were all killed.Ye Weiyang rarely used her sword, only nine times, but only a void beast was harvested.

And at this time, the three world-making cultivators no longer dared to underestimate Ye Weiyang.They knew in their hearts that although Ye Weiyang was of the same way, he was definitely a great talent.Her strength is definitely on par with them.If I want to target Ye Weiyang alone, I may not be able to fight.Unless the three of them join forces.

But which sect did this woman come from?

When he thought of it, he asked, and a world-maker opened his mouth and said: "This fellow Taoist, Liang Zhiwei, the next true virtue sect, what is the name of the fellow Taoist? Which sect do you come from?"

"Casual repair, Ye Yi."

That Zaojie didn't want to talk anymore, and turned his head with embarrassment.

Who are you kidding?
With your strength, would you be a casual cultivator?
The name is also definitely fake.

But with Ye Weiyang's strength, he didn't dare to force him, since he didn't want to make friends, so he didn't want to put a hot face on him.

As they continued to move deeper, the numbers of Primordial Immortal Rhyme and Void Beasts began to increase.

However, the number of Void Beasts is not much more than the last time they encountered, Ye Weiyang and the others are still operating the large formation, moving towards the depths.Hongmeng Xianyun did not appear in large numbers, they were all small-scale, sometimes one or two pieces, sometimes one or two thousand pieces.

The dozens of monks around Ye Weiyang feel more at ease now, because they know that Ye Weiyang will rescue them when they are in danger.

In this way, about six hours passed, and the large formation that was moving couldn't help but pause.

Crazy surprise appeared in everyone's eyes.

What did they see?
There are at least tens of thousands of strands of Hongmeng fairy rhyme that can't be seen at a glance.

At the same time, everyone's heart trembled.

They saw the demon monks moving over on the other side. It was the one that came in at the beginning. The number was about the same as that of the human race, about 100 less than that of the human race.But those monster races stopped when they moved a certain distance. There was a distance of about 2000 meters between the two sides, and they all faced the Hongmeng Xianyun rushing down from the upstream like a sea tide.


Hongmeng fairy rhyme covered it.

All the monks showed their abilities one after another, and Ye Weiyang released the domain again, forming a yin and yang domain, devouring the celestial charm of Hongmeng frantically.

The total number of monks from the human race and the monster race has exceeded [-], and Dao Yuan is the weakest one.So even if there are more than ten million strands of Primordial Taoist Rhyme, they are quickly captured by these monks.

Ye Weiyang glanced across the three worlds of the human race, and then glanced at the four worlds of the monster race in the distance, and sighed softly in her heart.

When fighting with them, I am not afraid, and even feel that they can't support me a few times under my hands.But the creation of the world is the creation of the world after all, because they can own the world.And the world is naturally higher than the domain.Perhaps because of a certain monk's strong fighting power, even if he is in the same way, he can still cut through the realm of the world-creating monk.But in non-combat situations, this kind of situation of capturing the celestial charm of Hongmeng, his own field is not as good as the boundary.

Even if he cultivated in the yin and yang domain, he naturally has the effect of absorbing it, but it is not as good as that in the realm.The Hongmeng fairy charm they captured was at least [-]% more than their own.

In a quarter of an hour or so, the Primordial Immortal Rhyme that hadn't been captured in time has flowed by quickly.At this time, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became tense, even more tense than when he captured the Primordial Charm just now.

Because the monster race over there is quickly approaching the human race.


The world-maker cultivator on the human side shouted immediately.If you don't understand this situation, you don't deserve to be a world-maker.With this order, the preparations before the battle were completely started. The monks immediately took the elixir, and recovered as much as they could before the decisive battle.The quarter of an hour just now consumed a lot.

Ye Weiyang didn't push her too hard this time, and also took a pill.He looked at the Yaozu who was rushing towards him.For the monster clan's attack, Ye Weiyang was not surprised.To be honest, in the process of capturing Hongmeng Xianyun just now, Ye Weiyang was already attacking the Yaozu.

On the one hand, hunting the demon clan was originally one of the tasks.On the other hand, every time you kill a Yaozu, you can not only get the corpse of the Yaozu, but also get the Primordial Charm from the Yaozu.Presumably the Yaozu also thought so.And the reason why the Yaozu dared to take the initiative to attack was because they had one more boundary than the human race.Therefore, the human race was nervous and did not take the initiative to attack.

However, the human race is not afraid.Because fear is useless.This is the River of Nothingness, even if you want to escape, you will be restricted, or in other words, you cannot escape at all.There is only a decisive battle, and there is only one side left between the human race and the monster race, and the environment has caused a decisive battle.

The three worlds are also full of worries, how do they not know that the other party has four worlds?

In the place of the Void River, if the other party created an extra boundary, that would be fatal.The opponent can entangle the two realms on the human side with two realms, and then the remaining two realms of the monster race can pinch one realm on the human race.

Can this hold up?

I can't stand it for sure!

In this way, if two demon races kill one human race, it will become three monster races besieging and killing one world, and after killing the human race, it will become four monster races besieging and killing people. The family creates a world.The speed of killing people and creating worlds will become faster and faster.When the Human Race Constructor was wiped out, the remaining Human Race monks were almost doomed to be wiped out.

The gazes of the three world-makers of the human race involuntarily looked at Ye Weiyang. At this time, they rang Ye Weiyang. Although Ye Weiyang's cultivation was perfect, let alone them, even the rest of the human monks could do it. It can be seen that even if Ye Weiyang can't fight against the world, he can definitely last for a while.Ye Weiyang saw their eyes, the monster clan was getting closer and there was no time, so Ye Weiyang didn't wait for them to speak, and said simply:

"Give me a world-building!"


The three world-makers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, they don't need Ye Weiyang to kill the world-maker of the Yaozu, as long as they can delay for them a little more time, they might be able to kill a certain world-maker of the Yaozu and replace Ye Weiyang.Among the three realms, the one with the highest level of cultivation was at the late stage of realm creation. His gaze swept across the monster clan that was getting closer and closer, and finally his eyes fell on a monster clan with a unicorn on his head. It was an early stage of realm creation.

(End of this chapter)

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