The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1103 Boundary Making

Chapter 1103 Boundary Making
One day, two days, three days...

One month, two months, three months...

The contraction of the domain has reached a radius of less than one meter around Yuanshen as the center, and the speed of contraction has slowed down again at this time.Another half month passed like this, and the entire field shrank into the body of the primordial spirit.But it's still not enough, it's still shrinking, shrinking in Yuanshen's body.Finally, it shrinks into the left chest of Yuanshen, which corresponds to the heart of Ye Weiyang's body.

According to the process of breaking through the world, it will be an arduous and long process to get here. Normally, this process will last for one to three years.Because it is necessary to open up a heart orifice here, which corresponds to the heart of the human body.However, Ye Weiyang has already opened a star aperture here.Ye Weiyang was also a little nervous at this time, wondering if this star aperture of hers was equivalent to a heart aperture, or if she needed to open another heart aperture next to it.


But then it was discovered that the domain suddenly shrank into the star aperture, and Ye Weiyang was worried again.Judging from the current situation, this star aperture is the heart aperture.But obviously, the method and process of opening the star aperture by oneself are different from the method and process of opening the heart aperture.

So which one is better, or the same?
She looked inside her heart orifice, and found that the area at this moment was full of her heart orifice, but it was shrinking, shrinking towards the center of the heart orifice. This process was very fast, and it shrank into a dot in less than three days. The dots are black and white, like a Tai Chi ball, and there are dots on the ball, like stars.

"This is the world species?"

Ye Weiyang knew that at this time, she had already halfway through the breakthrough, and now she needed to continuously pour the power of the primordial spirit into this seed.This process is the process of activating the seed.

The power of the primordial spirit in the primordial spirit began to pour into the seed, and while pouring, Ye Weiyang sensed it, and she felt that the world seed gradually began to have a rhythm, as if the heart was contracting and beating.

Yu Sheng in the distance is a little relieved, it has been more than four months, Ye Weiyang has not had any problems, and there is a high probability that there will be no problems.Ye Weiyang should be having fun now, right?
This time will take one to three years. Should I leave or continue here?

He took out a token, which is the center that dominates this secret realm. When he probed into it, he found that no monks came to practice in the secret realm, so he decided to continue watching Ye Weiyang here.

His heart suddenly jumped, and he found that the dense celestial power in the secret realm began to flow rapidly at this time, and the direction of flow was Ye Weiyang, and those celestial powers rushed towards Ye Weiyang crazily, poured into the Ye Weiyang's body.Yu Sheng suddenly stood up.

How can this be?

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, Ye Weiyang activated the world species, began to absorb the immortal energy, infused the world species, and let the world species grow into a real world.

But this is impossible!It will take a year at the shortest time for a happy orifice, how long is he?

At this time, Ye Weiyang no longer needs to infuse the power of the primordial spirit like the world species, the world species has been fully activated, and then began to absorb the power of the immortal.This process requires Ye Weiyang to continuously absorb the celestial energy, and then run the Great Zhoutian, transport it in the body, and transform it into celestial energy.

This has requirements for monks.

For example, the qualifications and talents of the monks, such as the cultivation methods of the monks, etc., because if the speed of converting the immortal energy into the immortal force is not fast enough, it will affect the realm and the speed of future improvement.

However, whether it is Ye Weiyang's natural talent or the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue that he cultivated, they are all top-grade exercises. At this moment, the swarming immortal energy is crazily transported in the body, transformed into pure immortal energy, and then Infused into the heart orifice, poured into the world species, and began to nourish and grow the world species.

The space inside the world species began to change, first it was yin and yang, and there was a change of yin and yang, day and night alternated, and then the star apertures in the primordial spirit shot out one after another star power, projected in the world species, and the world species The space inside gave birth to stars one after another, and then the five elements transformed, giving birth to mountains, rivers, vegetation, creatures, and even people.

But all of these are Ye Weiyang's thoughts, not real, but phantoms.It can arise and die with Ye Weiyang's thoughts, but this phantom is very real.

And at this moment, Ye Weiyang broke through the boundary.

But the celestial power is still pouring in crazily, and Ye Weiyang's world seed begins to release a layer of light. This light is like a mask, covering the world seed inside, and then with the infusion of celestial power, the light mask It began to expand, and with the expansion of the mask, various phantoms in the world species also appeared in the mask.

In this way, the world species is like the origin of a world, and the world inside the mask is like a real world.

Everyone's world-making promotion is different.

This depends on how big each person's Dao heart is, otherwise, why do everyone want good exercises and cultivate a high-level primordial spirit, isn't it just to develop a bigger Dao heart?

What is the relationship between the size of the Dao heart and the realm?
The relationship is very close.

The realm of world creation is divided into ten levels. The primordial spirit occupies the center of the Dao heart. After cultivating the out-of-boundary species and activating it, a barrier is formed, that is, the mask, and the barrier will expand outward. Every tenth of the expansion is the first level of world creation. .If a monk has a small Taoist heart, he will naturally reach the tenth level of world creation relatively easily.But it is difficult for this kind of monk to break through the boundary.And it is also a world-building, but it is not the opponent of the kind of world-making monk with a broad mind. This kind of monk is called a weak world-making.

However, for a monk with a broad heart, the space covered by the barrier will be much larger every time he is promoted, which is naturally much more difficult.Therefore, the improvement speed of this kind of forced manufacturing world will be very slow.But it has the potential to break through the boundaries.

Of course, in this process of promotion, monks need to constantly comprehend the way of heaven, infuse the way of heaven in the enchantment, and try to make the world inside their enchantment the same as the world outside the enchantment. The closer they are, the stronger the strength and the speed of improvement. Also faster.The matter of comprehending the way of heaven is mainly done by the soul.

Ye Weiyang's current situation is that there are no shackles that limit the improvement of the realm of the manufacturing world.Because her main body and immortal power are both perfect in breaking the world, far surpassing the perfect in creating the world, and the primordial spirit is also perfect in creating the world, that is to say, as long as Ye Weiyang is willing, she can always retreat and raise her cultivation level to the level of creating the world. Consummation.

But is that really the case?

Obviously not!

Because once a monk breaks through the world, there will be a qualitative leap in his compatibility with the way of heaven.At this time, there will be a difference between the way of heaven that the monks comprehended before and the way of heaven that they comprehended after breaking through the world, and the monks will have a new understanding after breaking through the world.For example, Ye Weiyang, who had been very difficult to comprehend the one-dimensional exercise before, that is, the exercise with a touch of gray energy, suddenly understood it.Before, she only had some superficial comprehension of the one-yuan technique, but now she seemed to see the gate of the new world of the one-yuan technique, and she was immersed in the comprehension in just an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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