The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1104 3th Layer

Chapter 1104 Triple
"This is really a breakthrough!"

The face of Yu Sheng in the distance showed a look of shock, from Ye Weiyang's retreat to now, in less than half a year, he has broken through the boundary.The reason why he was so sure was because he sensed the mysterious aura of world creation emerging from Ye Weiyang's body.

But he was a little worried, worried that Ye Weiyang would become a weak creation.

To break through so quickly, what is it if it is not a weak creation?
But as the days passed, he found that Ye Weiyang's aura was still the first level of the world, so it couldn't be a weak world.The breakthrough of the weak creation world is very fast.Of course, it is impossible to break through to the second layer of world-building in a few days if you change to a weak world-building world.Because of the weak creation of the world, because of the Dao heart and the primordial spirit, the speed of absorbing the immortal power is relatively slow.

However, Ye Weiyang is different.

The speed at which Ye Weiyang absorbed the immortal energy was like a river flowing backwards.With this speed, not to mention that it has been a month since Ye Weiyang broke through, even five days is enough for a weak world to break through to the second level of world.But Ye Weiyang is still the first level of the world.From this point, it can be seen that Ye Weiyang is a strong world, and not just ordinary strong.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but began to recall when he first created the world, it was a bit long, and he needed to recall carefully.Back then, it took him three years to break through from the first level of world-making to the second level of world-making, about three years to break through to the second level of world-making, and about three years to break through to the third level of world-making.However, it took me 300 years to break through from the third level of world-making to the fourth level of world-making. Later, I broke through from the sixth level of world-making to the seventh level of world-making, that is, from the mid-stage breakthrough to the late stage of world-making. It took 3000 years.

This is because before he broke through the world, the primordial spirit had already reached the peak of the initial stage of the world, so he was able to break through every three years.But it is stuck in the 300 years from the breakthrough in the early stage of world creation to the middle stage of world creation.Cultivating immortals is naturally more difficult to comprehend the further you go, so breaking through the barriers in the middle stage of world creation to the late stage of world creation has been stuck for 3000 years.

However, even in the early days of his creation, it took three years for each small level of breakthrough.He is also a genius, breaking through a small level in three years, he definitely caused a sensation in the Chongxu sect back then.How can a person who can finally achieve good fortune be ordinary?
However, he is now shocked by Ye Weiyang.Because he saw the amount of immortal energy that Ye Weiyang absorbed, every breath was much higher than when he was in this realm, almost ten times.If this speed is followed, wouldn't Ye Weiyang be able to break through the second level of the world in about five months?

Of course, this has to be Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit reaching the second level of world creation, but he doesn't think Ye Weiyang can't reach it.

In fact, after five months, Ye Weiyang did not break through to the second level of the world, but this shocked Yu Sheng even more.

what does this mean?
This means that Ye Weiyang's dao heart is bigger than him, otherwise with this amount of immortal energy absorbed, he should break through.

"What a monster!"

Yu Sheng was shocked for several days, and slowly calmed down, this time he became more interested, he wants to see how much better Ye Weiyang is than himself?
Of course, there is still a deviation in this method of measurement, but the deviation will not be very large.

A year and a half passed in a flash.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's aura jump, she broke through to the second level of the world.

Yu Sheng let out a sigh of relief, with shock, envy, and even a little bit of jealousy in his eyes.

Judging from the amount of immortal energy absorbed, Ye Weiyang's strength should be three times that of Yu Sheng's, that is to say, if the two of them are in the same realm, Ye Weiyang can fight Yu Sheng for three times.If two people fight each other, Ye Weiyang will basically crush Yu Sheng.

"I don't know what level she can continuously break through to?"

In the past five years, Ye Weiyang's cultivation has reached the triple perfection of world creation.And in this realm, Ye Weiyang stopped.One of her skills has reached the entry stage.But also stuck here.

The reason why Ye Weiyang stopped was not that she couldn't continue to break through, but that she discovered a problem. Now that she had started with the one-yuan technique, she had a feeling that she should improve the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue, and use the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue to improve it. As the foundation and nourishment, he comprehended the one-element exercise, and this one-element exercise should be more powerful than the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue.And this kind of improvement, it is best to improve when the realm is low, otherwise the higher the realm, the more the theme you comprehend will be formed. At that time, even if you comprehend the one-yuan technique, it will be difficult to practice the one-yuan technique.

At the very least, you have to comprehend the one-element technique to the realm of Xiaocheng before you break through the middle stage of world creation.At that time, maybe breaking through the mid-stage of world creation by oneself would not be a problem.

So be it!

Ye Weiyang stood up, ready to leave, to go to the space between the two worlds, to experience what kind of strength she had achieved through fighting, and to consolidate her realm through fighting.

And the moment Ye Weiyang restrained her breath, Yu Sheng knew that Ye Weiyang was going to end her cultivation.Then he left quietly.Sitting in the room at this moment, his eyes are full of smiles.

The Chongxu Sect has produced another pillar!

It seems that like me, it is also stuck in the middle stage of world creation.But with her qualifications...

It took me nearly ten years to break through to the initial stage of world creation, and it took her nearly five years.In this way, in about 100 to 200 years, she has a great possibility of breaking through the middle stage of world creation.

Ye Weiyang didn't know about this, she just knew that Yu Sheng had become more affectionate to her, and he also took the initiative to ask her about her cultivation problems.Ye Weiyang naturally wouldn't be polite, so she stayed here and asked questions for three months before leaving contentedly.

Ye Weiyang didn't immediately re-enter the space between the two worlds, but returned to her mountain peak.After sweeping her consciousness, Fang Zigu and others still did not come back. Now that she knows the danger of the two worlds, she can't help worrying about them.I sighed slightly in my heart, I hope the four of them can return safely.

This is the life of a monk, to fight for.

Maybe it fell in this constant struggle.

After returning to his cave, he washed up and rested for another night before he began to check his cultivation.

The triple perfection of world creation.

Moreover, her current realm is no longer the original Yin-Yang Zhoutian realm.

Not bad!

At the beginning, she practiced in the world according to the direction of Yin-Yang Zhoutian that she had always practiced.Therefore, her world has yin and yang, day and night, and stars.The environment in the world is like the fairy world outside.It's just that the fairy world outside is real, while her world is virtual.

(End of this chapter)

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