The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1105 Half Step Fortune

Chapter 1105 Half Step Fortune
After Ye Weiyang broke through the realm of creation, she immediately entered into the heavenly way completely, and had a breakthrough understanding of the one-element technique.She discovered that one yuan is the origin of Yin-Yang Zhoutian.Therefore, her current Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjie has undergone some changes.

There is no change in the phantom of the world, that is to say, nothing changes in the barrier of the mask, and her usual thoughts will be presented in the world.Change is within the realm.Within the world seed, there is an extremely small particle, a thousand times smaller than dust, that is the one-dimensional way of heaven that she comprehends, and she also calls it the original way of heaven.

Compared with the entire world species, this primitive heaven is much smaller than the world species, tens of thousands of times smaller.But Ye Weiyang was able to perceive the surging power from there, which was much more surging than the realm species she was cultivating now.

She has a feeling that this particle is like a seed, a seed born within the world species.And this seed will regard the world species as a nutrient, and one day, the world species will disappear, and this original seed will become the new world species of its own world.

She didn't know what the result would be, but she was very much looking forward to it.

But I also know it's not easy.

Because she is just beginning to comprehend this kind of primitive way of heaven now, and if she wants to comprehend the small success, I am afraid that the unit is ten thousand years.

But it doesn't matter, just realize it slowly.And I can first practice with the yin and yang cycle.

In fact, this time she came out of retreat from the secret realm, but she didn't have a bottom line in her heart.She wants to come out to fight and settle down. Also in this process, she wants to realize whether the yin and yang cycle and the original heaven are in conflict?
If I continue to break through with the yin-yang cycle, will it affect the original way of heaven?

For example, if I have broken through to the middle stage of world creation now, will it affect the death of the seed of the original heavenly way, and will it not grow again?
If it matters, she will have to make a choice.

If she chooses Yin Yang Zhou Tian, ​​she will continue to break through at her own cultivation speed before.But if you choose the original way of heaven, then it is terrible that you will not be able to break through the middle stage of world creation if you have not comprehended the original way of heaven to a small degree.In this way, his breakthrough speed will be very slow, extremely slow.

But it wasn't all the things that troubled her, and there were also things that made her happy, that is, he found that his soul could be promoted again.When she didn't break through the world before, Yuanshen was stuck at the completion of the world, and it was difficult to go any further.But although there is no breakthrough now, he clearly feels that the upper limit of his primordial spirit has opened up space.Can continue to improve.

After investigating everything, Ye Weiyang walked out of the cave, wandered around the Zongmen, then changed his appearance, mixed with a group of casual cultivators, and entered the space of the two realms through the Chongxu Pagoda again.


What makes people angry is that in less than a month, she was found by the monk who broke the boundary.Unexpectedly, five years have passed, and this boundary-breaking demon clan is still looking for her.This time Ye Weiyang went up to meet her.In an instant, the two of them were fighting and rolling.For a while, it was impossible to tell the winner.

Unfortunately, no human monks were attracted, but a demon monk was attracted first.

Half-step luck!

The big cultivator who had already comprehended a trace of good fortune slapped Ye Weiyang with a volley of palms.


This was the thought that popped up in Ye Weiyang's mind instantly, that palm was still far away from her, and she felt that she was threatened by death.

I can't stop this palm!
At this time, don't think about face. It's not that I haven't escaped in my life, but I often escape.

She always hit if she could, and fled if she couldn't.Nothing is more important than being alive, as long as you are alive, there are infinite possibilities.

So, she immediately turned around, showed her limit speed, and rushed directly in the direction of Chongxu Pagoda.

Then she felt a surge of consciousness that was so surging that she felt like an ant locked on her.

She has never fought against good luck, and the highest level of the enemy she has fought against is only breaking the boundary.But at this moment, she knew the power of good fortune and was irresistible.

She only thinks about one thing now, if she can escape from this palm, if she is hit by this palm, she will die.

But she had a feeling that her speed couldn't be faster than that palm!
How to do?
At the level of a monk who comprehends a hint of good fortune, there are no moves, just a seemingly ordinary palm, punch, or sword, but this extremely ordinary move contains an understanding of the Dao, enveloping the Dao power.

In fact, Ye Weiyang, who has comprehended the Star Sword, has already stepped out of the previous shackles.The Seven Star Sword, Liuhe Curtain, etc. that she practiced before were all moves, and she used the moves she had comprehended to build supernatural powers.But her star-leading sword is no longer there, it has been infused with her own understanding of the Dao, and with a stab of the sword, the embryonic form of the Dao has already been formed.

Therefore, she is more aware of the devastating and terrifying nature of this attack.

Therefore, even the Yin-Yang Stepping Star Step she is using now cannot compare with the speed of the opponent's palm.

It's going to be bad!
But she was still running, and she had to.

If you don't escape, you will really die.

Her back began to feel scorching heat. It was the true meaning of Dao, the true meaning of fire, and the true meaning of fire brought by Yaozu's palm.

Ye Weiyang's heart began to freeze, she was extremely sure that she would not be able to escape, no matter how fast she was, she could not be as fast as the other party's true intention.It is only a matter of time before the original true meaning falls on oneself.

She now understands that when encountering good fortune, you should not run away at all, unless you are also on the same level as the opponent.The best and only way to deal with the good fortune is to be tough.

Looking for hope of escape in the tough.

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, a touch of gray energy flowed in the original avenue in his body, the five-color sword in his hand began to vibrate, and the star-leading sword stabbed out backwards.

Ye Weiyang was also forced to have no choice but to be tough.If you die in hardcore, you die.If you can get a chance to escape in the tough, then you will live.But if you are not tough, you will undoubtedly die.

After the star-drawing sword was pierced out, Ye Weiyang stepped on the yin and yang star step, took out the fastest speed, and fled away like a shooting star in the direction of Chongxu Pagoda.


The star-drawing sword collided with the palm behind, and the palm shattered, but the thumb was intact, chasing towards Ye Weiyang like a shooting star.


That thumb pressed on the Liuhe curtain released by Ye Weiyang, the Liuhe curtain burst like a soap bubble, and then bombarded Ye Weiyang's body, Ye Weiyang was thrown flying like a ball.

Thank you very much for the reward of Xiao Zhang who is not easy to mess with (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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