The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1115 Human race news

Chapter 1115 Human race news
Ye Weiyang started to travel in the demon world again, and she also met monks from the demon world along the way, and found that the monks who stayed in the demon world were almost not of high cultivation level.Of course, she would not naively think that all the high-level monks in the demon world have gone to the two-world space, and there must be some high-level monks who have kept their hands, and there must be most of the fortune-telling monks who did not go to the two-world space.Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, she could avoid encountering the demon world, or try to avoid it as much as possible, and be careful in everything.

She began to harvest, and these harvests did not come from those vacant caves, but from the wild. She found a lot of precious herbs and ores, and naturally put them away without hesitation.

Fortunately, she has a rune tower.There is not only a seven-story talisman tower, but also a six-story talisman tower, and three four-story talisman towers.

Of these rune towers, the only one she manages carefully is the life rune tower.Therefore, the celestial veins are all placed in the natal rune tower.The fifth to seventh floors of rune towers are filled with herbs and spiritual fruit trees, as well as some fish creatures.And the six-story Talisman Tower is regarded as a medicine garden, full of herbs, but there are no immortal veins. The grade of herbs here is much lower than that in the Natal Talisman Tower.

But after all, there are hundreds of years, or even thousands of years of drug age.The reason why there is such a long medicine age is that Ye Weiyang hasn't made alchemy for a long time.Just the herbs in the six-story talisman tower, if sold, would be enough to feed a third-rate sect for a hundred years.If all of them can be made into pills, they can support a second-rate sect for a hundred years.

As for the three four-story talisman towers, Ye Weiyang didn't release anything, because these three talisman towers were ready to be used as weapons to attack the enemy and self-destruct.

Therefore, as long as Ye Weiyang encounters herbs and spiritual fruit trees that she does not have, she will transplant them into the natal rune tower.

After all, there are two worlds with many different specialties.There are many herbs and spiritual fruit trees that are not available in the fairy world, and Ye Weiyang quietly transplanted them into her natal talisman tower.

The demon world is really empty now, otherwise Ye Weiyang's way of collecting scrapes would have been discovered by the demon clan long ago.Even so, Ye Weiyang was extra careful.For example, when encountering a piece of spiritual fruit trees of the same species, she would only transplant three or five trees, and would never transplant the whole area, as that would be too conspicuous.

Ten years have passed by.

Ye Weiyang really didn't encounter any danger, this is because the Yaozu didn't expect to mix in a human race at all, and the Yaozu is the same as the human race, most of the powerful monks have gone to the two realms, and the top monks, It's just that there are quite a few good fortune monks who stay in the demon world.

But that was the good fortune monk, this kind of monk would never come out to wander around, they were all in the cave.The rest are almost all monks with low cultivation bases and a little bit of Taoism.Therefore, even if Ye Weiyang had to make a move, he would kill the opponent in a very short period of time without revealing the slightest trace.

And this kind of situation is really rare, as cautious as Ye Weiyang, she almost avoids this kind of situation, she just looks for those empty caves, that is, the owners of those caves have gone to the two realms, there is no master in the caves, or there are demons. They are also some low-level monster monks, or the next generation of the master of the cave, or some little monsters. This is very simple for Ye Weiyang, kill them all, and then put them into the rune tower.She specially poured out a four-story talisman tower to hold the corpses of these monster monks, and also poured out a four-story talisman tower to hold the extra harvest in these caves.

The so-called extra gains are the tatters obtained from those Yaozu caves.

From Ye Weiyang's point of view, those are all rags, but if they can be kept in the cave by the monster clan, can they be rags?

Of course, the owner of the cave probably doesn’t like these things, otherwise he would bring them with him. These things are really useless for Ye Weiyang and the owner of the cave, but for low-level monks, such as plastic road and plastic road , is really a good thing.Ye Weiyang took all of them out of the mind that the thieves would not go empty-handed, anyway, they searched so hard that not even a hair was found.

Of course, her ultimate goal, that is, the greatest harvest, is the fairy veins in the earth veins below the cave.She is now in the natal talisman tower, from the fifth to the seventh floor, each floor has 67 immortal veins.The celestial power inside is so thick that it is outrageous, and many rivers and lakes have been formed, and the spiritual fruit trees and various herbs in it have undergone qualitative changes.

In the past ten years, Ye Weiyang found that she had not lost the Hongmeng fairy rhyme.

When the two worlds collide, the place where the Hongmeng fairy charm is the most is the two-world space, so the monks above the two-world transformation path almost all enter the two-world space to capture the Hongmeng fairy charm.But this doesn't mean that both the demon world and the human world don't have Hongmeng Xianyun, even if they can't compare with the Hongmeng Xianyun in the space of the two worlds, there are still a lot of them.

It's just that the monks of the human race and the monster race all went to grab the primordial charm of the two worlds first, because if you don't grab it, you will be snatched by the other party.And the Primordial Immortal Rhyme that stays in his own realm, after the separation of the two realms, he can slowly search for it.

Will it be found by all the low-level monks in his own world?
The reason why low-level monks are called low-level monks is because they are poor in various abilities. They must be able to find some primordial charms, but they can only find about [-]%.It is not so easy to find Hongmeng fairy rhyme, it requires strong spiritual consciousness and strong perception, and those low-level monks can't do it.

However, no one thought that Ye Weiyang broke into the demon world. With her spiritual sense and perception, she was naturally much stronger than those low-level monks.In the past ten years, she has gained a lot, much more than the year when she was in the space of the two worlds, she got the Primordial Charm.The point is that she didn't find it on purpose.

In the course of these ten years, Ye Weiyang also slowly began to get in touch with the monster monks, and she concealed her cultivation level as a Taoist monk.

At this moment, a Dao Shaping monk is already considered a powerful monk. It is thought that almost all the monks above the Dao Transformation have gone to the two realms.

After getting in touch with some demon monks, she was pleasantly surprised to find that there were also human monks in the demon world.It's just that in the demon world, the human monks are at a disadvantage, just like the demon monks in the fairy world.

As for where these human races came from, Ye Weiyang didn't find out either, maybe they existed since ancient times, or the human monks who invaded the demon world were left here.

At this time, the human race and the monster race here are fighting fiercely, just like the current fairyland, the monster race is attacking the human race, and the human race is defending.Only then did Ye Weiyang understand why after she entered the demon world, she found that the demon world was so empty. It turned out that the demon clan here either entered the space between the two realms, or fought against the human race on the defensive line, or there were demon monks left behind , are also monks with very low strength.

(End of this chapter)

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