The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1116 Frontline

Chapter 1116 Frontline
Ye Weiyang thought about it, should he go to the defense line and have a chance to socialize with the human race here?
Then I made up my mind to go and have a look there.

But she is not in a hurry, she knows that this is a matter of fate and opportunity, even if she goes straight to the defense line first, as a monster, how to get through the defense line and interact with human monks is a big problem. , Therefore, she was not in a hurry, and proceeded with the original plan according to her own speed, but changed the direction to the direction of the Yaozu defense line.

On the way in this direction, she was still looking for vacant caves, and then searched the caves to extract the immortal veins.Moreover, she didn't move forward in a straight direction, but moved east and west, a bit like a huge zigzag, so that on the one hand, there were more places to search, on the other hand, even if her own search was blocked by the monster race I found that I couldn't immediately determine my direction.What's more, sometimes you can get unexpected gains and find some Hongmeng fairy charm.

Another ten years passed in a hurry. In her natal talisman tower, the fifth to seventh floors each had a hundred immortal veins. The immortal energy was already so thick that even the air was viscous except for the liquid. The fairy fog is extremely dense.Ye Weiyang no longer puts her immortal veins here.She tried to place immortal veins on the first to fourth floors. In fact, she was not too worried about the first to third floors. She was worried about the fourth floor. She was afraid that the strong immortal energy would destroy the mortals here. way.But after trying it out, I found that it was not destroyed, the immortal energy was strong, but the mortal way was still the mortal way.

This time she was relieved, since then, she began to put immortal veins in these four floors, and now each of these four floors also has nine immortal veins.It's just that after these immortal veins were placed in, they were affected by these layers, making these layers even more special.The first layer is more ghostly, the second layer is even more demonic, and the third layer is even more demonic.Only the fourth floor is still an ordinary mortal realm.

In the demon world, she also found several top-quality tea trees, which were placed on the fifth floor, nourished by the celestial veins, and the quality has been greatly improved.She also captured some little creatures that she hadn't seen before, but were extremely helpful to monks.

There are aquatic creatures such as fish, as well as several kinds of birds and beasts.

All extremely delicious.

What's more, under the nourishment of this concentration of immortal energy in the natal talisman tower, it will become more and more delicious, and the auxiliary effect on monks will become stronger and stronger.

During these 20 years, Ye Weiyang was actually a little carefree.Although she has been cautious, she never thought that the demon world would be so empty, without any danger.This couldn't help but make her think that the same should be true in the fairy world. If a monster clan mixed in, it would be scary to think about it. That monster clan must be fat, just like she is now.

Therefore, when Ye Weiyang realized this, she also began to devote time to practice and comprehend. Although her cultivation base still did not have the opportunity to break through the late stage of the world, and the progress of the One Yuan Zhou Tianjue was not great, but there was a sign sexual gain.

She can condense the boundary.

Just like condensing the realm back then, now she can condense the realm into various shapes, and even condense it into a sword for fighting.

However, although this fighting method is very strong, it is not as powerful as condensing the world on the palm, especially on the fairy sword.

No matter how far the journey was, with Ye Weiyang's speed, he finally reached the Yaozu's defense line.

In fact, from a long distance, one could hear the roar of battle and feel the fluctuation of space.

The Yaozu's line of defense is very long, and the line of defense Ye Weiyang came to is called Liangdan Mountain.The Yaozu is on the mountain, there is no defensive formation or the like, the Yaozu is very straightforward, and they don't want the human race to build any defenses, and there are formations, some of which are runes.They are stationed on the mountain, and when your human race comes to attack, we will rush down, and everyone will face each other head-on.If you are strong, attack it; if you are weak, push it down.

When Ye Weiyang arrived, it was just in time for the human race to start attacking the mountain.The two sides fought into a melee.

Ye Weiyang is very far away from Liangdan Mountain now, she just watched from a distance, she guessed in her heart that there should be good fortune monks in Liangdan Mountain, and she has the experience that Wan Qingzong recognized her at the beginning, she feels that even if she is covered by a monster , should also be able to be recognized by the great monk Good Fortune as a human race.Therefore, she didn't dare to go to Liangdan Mountain rashly. Once she encountered good fortune and was recognized, she would die.

She hid from a distance, with her spiritual sense gathered in her eyes, observing the battlefield carefully, she wanted to find out the Great Creator, and then avoid him.

From sunrise to sunset, to sunrise again, until the attack of the human race retreated, there was still no sign of the Great Cultivator Good Fortune.But she absolutely dare not think that there is no good fortune here.

Because the human race did not have good fortune, in this kind of equal situation, the good fortune of the human race would not appear, and the good fortune of the monster race would naturally not appear.If a good fortune sits there, it will be impossible to find it with so many monster monks.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang did not dare to go there.But there was no rush, she just hid in a lush tree, observing the battlefield.

In the space between the two worlds before, she only encountered a small number of monster races. It was the first time she encountered such a battle of more than a million monster monks after ascending.It gave her the feeling that Yaozu is very strong and crazy.

Being strong is not terrible, she believes that the human race in the demon world should also be strong, otherwise they would not survive in the world of the demon race.But that madness was terrible.

Maybe this is the nature of the monster race, once they start killing, they have no other thoughts in their minds, they only know about killing, but Ye Weiyang knows that the human race is not like this.

Judging the situation is the deep-rooted nature of the human race, but it is also this kind of judging the situation that makes the human race often not have an advantage among the captains of the monster race.

In the next day, no war broke out, the human race did not attack, and the monster race as the defender naturally did not take the initiative to attack.Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then left here, running rampant or sneaking, she wanted to see if there was a gap in the Yaozu's defense line, and let herself sneak past.But after a day of sneaking, she gave up.

The Yaozu's line of defense was very long, and there was no gap at all, so she found another lush tree and hid in it.After thinking for a while, he entered the rune tower, which turned into tiny dust and landed on the tree trunk.

After entering the natal talisman tower, he took out the tools for making talismans and started making talismans.

If she had any hole cards that might be able to pose a slight threat to good luck, it would be the talisman, the talisman of the holy level of the fairy talisman.It's just that she doesn't have many on her body, so she decided to make a batch.And she also left Xing Suo outside, if there is any important news, let Xing Suo inform her.Or if the talisman tower is discovered, let Xingsuo run directly with the talisman tower.

(End of this chapter)

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