The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1121 Beheading

Chapter 1121 Beheading
The seven monster monks all looked very gloomy. This time they let the people escape, and they really informed the good fortune behind the monster tribe. If they sense the fluctuation of the boundary-breaking battle, they will go to chase and kill the four of He Donghai.But it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the great monks of fortune, and there will be no good fruit for them.

But at this time, Ye Weiyang and the others who were ambushing on the mountain peak, on the big tree, couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw that only seven monks had come.Of course, if they didn't have the talismans in their hands, they would hide obediently and would never attack.They have five broken realms, is the attack to fight the monsters, or to deliver food?

But it's different now, they have talismans, and there are eight of them!Therefore, as soon as they saw the appearance of the seven monster races, the four began to activate the fairy talisman under the cloak.It takes time to activate the fairy talisman, but those monster races are also very serious in searching, so the speed is not fast.And they didn't dare to separate, the seven demon clans still formed a battle formation in the air, while flying in a circle, around a range of [-] miles, while scanning the lower part with their spiritual sense very seriously.

As a result, the four of Ye Weiyang were already ready, and the talismans in their hands could be activated and sacrificed at any time, and the seven monster races hadn't reached this mountain yet.

In this way, the four of He Donghai became more relaxed.

The seven demon monks began to approach He Donghai and Ye Weiyang slowly, and the four of them became nervous. They didn't look up into the sky anymore. At this level, monks are very sensitive and will sense that someone is watching. he.Therefore, the four of them lowered their heads, hid in their cloaks, and listened to the sound of the outer garments being swept away.

In fact, at this time, the seven monster monks had already begun to relax a lot, and at the same time their minds began to be distracted. They felt that the four of Ye Weiyang must have escaped long ago.Human monks are not stupid. Since they have distanced themselves and can escape from them, how could they still choose to hide?
They were distracted because they thought about their mission.At the beginning, they were given the task of killing all the death squads of the human race, but in the end they let three escape, and these three ran to the rear of the monster race. After returning, how to meet the anger from the good ancestors?
Thinking of the anger of the good ancestor, the seven of them trembled in their hearts.One of the world-makers with the lowest strength finally couldn't help the panic in his heart, and said:

"The four human races must have run away, what should we do when we go back?"

"Shut up!" The leader of the world-shattering monster clan was annoyed, and when he heard the words of the world-maker cultivator, he turned his head and shouted fiercely.But these seven people's hearts inevitably became more dignified at this time, and their minds were divided again.


Ye Weiyang pricked up her ears, listening to the sound of the clothes flapping high in the sky.


Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transmitted sound, He Donghai suddenly lifted his cloak, and the four figures rushed towards the seven monster monks in the air. The two sides were too close, and the seven monster monks had just reacted, and the eight talismans had completely disappeared. Released, the power of the Immortal Talisman completely covered them.

"Boom boom boom..."

A huge mushroom cloud seemed to appear in the sky, and there were various powers shining brightly in the mushroom cloud.At this time, the four of Ye Weiyang had fallen back to the big tree on the mountain peak, and He Donghai also put away his cloak, each of them holding a fairy weapon, ready to fight.

This is to prepare for two aspects. If the monsters suffer heavy casualties, they will go all out to kill the remaining monsters.If there were not many casualties among the Yaozu, they would have fled immediately on Xingsuo.

However, the four of them knew in their hearts that in this wave of attacks, the two boundary-making demon clans must be dead, and it depends on how many boundary-breaking monsters can be killed.

The seven monsters really didn't expect that the human monks would hide, and they didn't expect that the human race would dare to ambush them and attack them.When they were distracted, so, in less than half a breath of time, the two world-creating demon clans were strangled by the eight holy talismans and turned into powder.Then the five broken boundaries that persisted for a long time also began to collapse and fall.

When the power of the eight talismans was exhausted, there were only two monster clans left in the sky, and the bodies of these two monster clans were not complete, and their auras were already very weak.These two monster races didn't even look at Ye Weiyang and the others, and fled towards the distance.


The four figures chased after them, but He Donghai and Ye Weiyang left the two human races far behind, and their figures swept past the two monster races. The body of the monster clan turned into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"Come on!"

Ye Weiyang yelled, and sacrificed Xingsuo at the same time, took the three people into the Xingsuo, and then Xingsuo shot away towards the distance.He Donghai looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

The expressions of the four people were not at all relaxed, but very dignified.He Donghai looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

"Will there be good fortune monks coming?"

"Ninety percent there will be!" Ye Weiyang looked solemn: "Such a big commotion already has the prestige of good fortune, it is impossible for the good fortune of the monster race not to come and see what happened. I hope they come later to give us time to escape .”

"How's the speed of your immortal treasure?"

"It's impossible to be faster than good fortune. Do you know the rear of the monster clan?"

"Somewhat understanding, what aspect do you want to understand?"

"Good fortune, how far are the good fortune monks of the monster race from us, and where do they live? We must avoid the direction of their residence. Don't let Xing Suo plunge into good fortune's lair."

"pass it to me!"

He Donghai looked startled, and with the help of Ye Weiyang, his spiritual consciousness protruded out of Xingsuo, condensed into one eye, looked around, and pointed out the direction of flight for Xingsuo.

"Friend Ye Daoist, if Good Fortune really wants to see it, we don't seem to have much time."

"Yes, it's less than two hours. So, what I mean is, after an hour, we left the Xing Cable, and then flew with restrained breath, looking for a place, and then hid there with a cloak. After that It’s just resignation.”

He Donghai thought for a moment, nodded and said, "That's all."

At the place where the fierce battle was just now, the figures of the two monster races appeared one after another, looked at each other, and then locked the direction of the spatial fluctuation, and the figures disappeared into the air.

An hour later.

Ye Weiyang put away the star cables, four people appeared in the air, then swooped down, clinging to the ground, and flew away quickly under the leadership of He Donghai.

After flying like this for about half an hour, the four people came to a big river, plunged into the big river, went straight to the bottom of the river, and ran a heavy drop, the four people fell heavily on the bottom of the river and fell into the river bed, and then He Donghai offered sacrifices. He took out his cloak and covered the four of them.

(End of this chapter)

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