The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1122 Bandit

Chapter 1122 Bandit
The flow of the river brought the sediment, and soon the cloak was covered by the sediment, completely disappearing the traces of them entering the big river before.

One day, two days, three days...

The four of them lurked in the riverbed, and on the fifth day, the four of them quietly transmitted their spiritual consciousness:
"It's been five days, should it be all right?"

"This is really unclear. Who can figure out the psychology of the Great Cultivator? We are not Good Fortune, so we can't guess."

"Then what do we do?"

"I don't know the psychology of Good Fortune, but I can be sure that Good Fortune must have enough patience. Let alone five days, even five years, Good Fortune will not lose patience."

"Then we can't stay here for five years?"

"Actually, there is no difference between five days and five years, why don't we go out and have a look?"

"Don't use divine sense."

"it is good!"

He Donghai's cultivation was the highest, so of course he was the one to investigate, and he turned over inside the cloak, face up, then quietly poked his head out of the cloak, and then raised his face from the sand at the bottom of the river bed. Her eyes were exposed, she didn't use her spiritual sense, then opened her eyes and looked towards the river.

You can only see the river and the sky above the river.The eyeballs gurgled and rolled, and then the divine sense transmitted the voice:
"not found!"

"Then let's go?"

"Where do we go from here? This has to be settled first, otherwise it's better to hide here."

"Friend Ye, what have you been doing behind the demon clan for so long?"

"Me? Secretly looking for those caves that don't have owners."

"A cave without a master?"

"Ang! Think about it, when the two realms of the fairy world collide, there must be a large number of monster monks who have gone to the space of the two realms, and there are still a large number of monks who have defended your attack. Are there a lot of empty mansions behind them?"

The eyes of the three of He Donghai lit up: "Does that mean there are many treasures in their cave?"

"Nothing at all!" Ye Weiyang sighed: "It is estimated that the good things are carried by those monster races, and the things left in the cave are garbage, we definitely don't need them, but for the cultivators who have made the road , it is considered precious."

"Then you are still looking for those caves without owners, isn't this a waste of time?"

"No, there are no good things in the cave, but there are in the cave."

"Under the cave? What's there?"

"Immortal veins!" Ye Weiyang's voice was full of joy: "I secretly took away the immortal veins under the cave."

"My grass!"

The three of He Donghai were shocked!
How precious are the celestial veins, is there anyone to tell?
It can be said that in their world now, ninety-nine percent of the celestial veins have owners, and they have been occupied by human or monster monks, or they have built caves or tribes on them.Now it is not too difficult to find another immortal vein without an owner, but it is almost impossible.


Ye Weiyang is here to steal the celestial veins?
"That... Fellow Daoist Ye, how many celestial veins have you stolen in total? Tell me!"

How much did Ye Weiyang smoke?
There are already more than three hundred, but Ye Weiyang is not stupid, he said with a smile: "A dozen or so."


The three of He Donghai were shocked again.

More than a dozen fairy veins!

This can completely establish more than a dozen tribal holy places.Immediately my heart warmed up.

"Shall we steal the immortal veins too?"

"It must be, now is the time when the back of the Yaozu is empty." The two world creators also became excited.

Ye Weiyang hurriedly poured cold water: "You should also be careful. I don't know how your side arranges. On our side of the fairy world, whether we go to the two worlds or resist the attack of the monster clan in the fairy world, we all take turns. Yes. This means that there are still many monks of various realms in the rear. If the monster race is the same, then there must also be boundary-breaking monks in the rear."

"Then let's be careful."


"Then we go out now?"

"it is good!"

He Donghai put away his cloak, and the four of them slowly swam up from the bottom of the river, looked around cautiously, did not meet the monster monks for a while, and immediately broke through the water and flew towards the distance.

Is Yaozu looking for the four of them?
Of course I was looking for it, but this is the back of the monster clan, but four people broke in, and they were not low-level monks, they were all above the world. If these four human races do things in the rear of the monster clan, they will The Yaozu lost a lot.

But after searching for five days, there was no trace of the four human races, and the monster race knew that these four people should have found a place to hide.This caused a headache for the monster race. The monks above the world had a lot of patience. It would not be a problem for these four people to hide somewhere for a few years.

How can I find this?
Even if you mobilize all the monks behind the Yaozu to look for it, it will be difficult to find it.

One hides, and hundreds of people look for it, and it is very difficult to find it.

What's more, the back of the Yaozu is so big!
Then you have to look for it!

The Yaozu made the world and issued a demon order, asking the Yaozu to find the four human races.They don't need to take action, but they need to be found and reported.As long as the positions of the four human races are determined, killing these four human races is a matter of his slap.

The four of Ye Weiyang are very cautious, one breaks the boundary, and three create the boundary, if they are really cautious, it will be really scary.It's really hard to find these four people.Especially Ye Weiyang, who is used to running away, the experience of sneaking and hiding shocked the three of He Donghai.

Then they still have star cables, they search a piece, and after extracting the immortal veins, they will take the star cables to stay away from here, even if it is finally found here that the immortal veins have been extracted, they will never be found again.

In this way, the four people wandered around the back of the Yaozu for three years. In Ye Weiyang's natal talisman tower, there are 25 immortal veins on the fifth to seventh floors, and [-] immortal veins on the first to fourth floors. .Then He Donghai proposed to stop stealing the immortal pulse.Because their storage rings can no longer fit.At this time, four people were hiding in a cave.

He Donghai looked at Ye Weiyang and said: "Friend Ye, we want to go back."

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly and said: "Can you go back? You can't get through that monster clan's line of defense at all."

"Then we have to go back. We can lurk there first and wait for the opportunity."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "Then you guys go back first, I'll go around the demon clan's side to get some news about the attack on the demon world from the fairy world, and try to draw a complete map of the demon world."

Ye Weiyang did not lie, these big Weiyangs have been drawing maps, the map of the demon world, the places they pass, the memories of Xingsuo will be sent to Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang will record and draw them in Yujie.

(End of this chapter)

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