The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1124 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1124 Fierce Battle

With a thought in his mind, Ye Weiyang came out from Xingsuo, and as soon as he came out, he heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the monster clan's defense line in the distance.While pushing aside the leaves and looking, he asked:
"What's wrong? Is the monster clan's defense line messed up?"

"Not yet, but there are signs of chaos!"

At this time, Ye Weiyang also saw the monster clan's defense line ten thousand meters away, the human race had already killed them, and they were fighting fiercely with the monster clan.It's just that the monster clan's defense line was not in chaos. Although the human race came up, they didn't have the upper hand.

"I can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, we may not have such an opportunity." He Donghai said, "Friend Ye, we want to rush. If you don't want to, stay here or return to the fairy world."

Ye Weiyang nodded, she also felt that there was no need to wait any longer, and she might not have this good opportunity if she waited any longer, so she took out three welfare cards and gave one to each of the three people.The eyes of the three people lit up, and after receiving the talisman, they began to infuse their spiritual consciousness. At the same time, He Donghai put away the cloak.

After a few breaths, the four of them activated the talismans in their hands a little bit, then looked at each other, and He Donghai shouted:

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The four figures rushed out from the big tree and rushed towards the Yaozu's line of defense.

The distance of [-] meters is less than half an hour for the four monks. The monsters on the defense line turned their backs to them, and the four of them rushed to the defense line without seeing them at all.

Xu Wuque was the first to throw out the talisman, which was still the Wanjian talisman.Immediately, a rolling river of swords was formed, and all the monster monks who stood in front of the river of swords were strangled to pieces.The four of Ye Weiyang followed behind Jianhe and flew forward.After the first Ten Thousand Swords Talisman was consumed, Wan Kong sacrificed the second Ten Thousand Swords Talisman.Then there is the third picture of He Donghai, and the fourth picture of Ye Weiyang.

The four Ten Thousand Sword Talismans were released, but Ye Weiyang and the four of them joined the human monks without making a move.Many monks of the human race knew the three of them, He Donghai, and couldn't help shouting excitedly:

"Senior Brother He, you are not dead!"

"Fate is big, I can't die!"

The current situation has some advantages for the human race, because the four talismans sacrificed by the four people lead a passage through the back of the monster race, and the human race followed this passage to kill.

To be honest, this passage is not narrow. The Wanjian Talisman of the Immortal Talisman runs through a passage with a width of a kilometer.But compared with the entire battlefield, it was just a narrow path.The problem now is that the human race will quickly occupy this small intestine path, and then use this small intestine path as a starting point to expand to both sides.If you can't do this, you have to occupy this narrow path first, and then stick to it, waiting for the continuous arrival of human monks, and then start to expand.The direction to defeat the Yaozu this time.

Therefore, the battle became fierce all of a sudden.

The four talismans run through a passage of about 5000 meters. If this distance was placed in the past, for any world-making cultivator, it would be just one step.But the human race is fighting, and the monster race is also fighting.It's just that the human race has an advantage, that is, they occupy one end of this passage, and the monster race at the other end have been killed by the Wanjian Talisman.Therefore, the human race has advanced a certain distance.But when they advanced about 3000 meters, the monster monks from both sides crazily killed them. The human monks did not occupy the entire passage as they wished. If they could occupy the entire passage, it would cut the Yaozu defense line two halves.But now there are about 2000 meters left. In this area of ​​about 2000 meters, a strangled situation has formed and it has become a tragic meat grinding ground.

At this time, no one introduced Ye Weiyang, He Donghai and the three of them had long forgotten to introduce Ye Weiyang, and they were all immersed in selfless strangulation.

Maybe Ye Weiyang is not from this world, the empathy is not so strong, she is also fighting, but she is not so selfless, her heart is very calm.And she is a world maker. On such a battlefield, soldiers are basically against soldiers and generals, so her opponent is also a world maker.She didn't burst out with her strongest strength, but looked around while suppressing the world-making demon clan on the opposite side.

The fighting figures were too dense, and as far as the eye could see, they were all figures, obscuring vision.She spread her divine sense, and then frowned slightly.

The situation of the human race is not optimistic. The current strategy of the monks of the human race is converging here. Many monks are converging here, but more monster races are also converging here. She really does not see victory in this war. burden.Because she didn't understand the comparison of the numbers and strengths of the two sides.But at least now it is hard to see how much advantage the human race has.The only advantage is where she is. Let's see if we can cut the Yaozu's line of defense in half.

And here has become a front for the two sides to compete for, and monks from both sides will die at any time, which has been extremely tragic.

Do your best!

Ye Weiyang withdrew his consciousness, glanced at the middle stage of the world-making opposite, and stabbed out the five-colored sword in his hand, implying yin and yang, and containing the mysteries of the starry sky. crushed his body, squeezed and ground his body into fine powder.

Ye Weiyang's eyes locked on a late-stage boundary creation 500 meters away, the monster cultivator beheaded his opponent, the human race creation world at this time, just like Ye Weiyang, his eyes swept across, looking for his opponent.Of course, when he and Ye Weiyang looked for their opponents, their hands were not idle, and they killed countless monks with low cultivation bases.Then their eyes met in the air.Like two tigers that have found their target, they pounced on each other in an instant.

If it was just the two of them, it would be something that could be approached in an instant.But between the two of them, the distance of 500 meters was crowded with fighting monks, including demon race and human race.Therefore, it is impossible for the two of them to release the divine passage method, that would kill even one of them.And at this time, he couldn't fly, because there was a thick layer of monks fighting in the sky.Therefore, the two of them could only charge towards each other slowly, and in the process of advancing, casually kill the monks one by one.What Ye Weiyang killed was a monster monk, while the opponent killed a human monk.

Then there is no boundary breaking within this distance, is there a boundary-making monk?
Not really!

Let's not talk about breaking the boundary, let's just say that there are not so many world-making monks, how could they gather together, and everyone is separated by a similar distance.Why is there a distance?

Is that even a question?
(End of this chapter)

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