The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1125 Breaking the Boundary

Chapter 1125 Breaking the Boundary

The distance is too close, and I am afraid that several world-makers on the other side will suddenly join forces to kill a world-maker. Therefore, at the moment when the battle broke out, the masters of both sides consciously put themselves at a relatively safe distance. This is the monk's instinct.


Ye Weiyang, who was rushing forward, suddenly raised his head, in fact, the Yaozu Constructor on the opposite side couldn't help but also raised his head, because there was a shrill scream and thunderous roar from above them.It was the fall of a world-breaking monk, which created momentum.

One can imagine the Dao of Heaven contained in the body of a Boundary Breaking Great Cultivator. Once he dies, the Dao of Heaven, Immortal Essence and Spiritual Consciousness in his body will be fed back to the world. In fact, no matter what level of monks die, they will feed back their cultivation to the world.It's just that the other levels are smaller, and when it comes to cracking, the momentum will be great.Therefore, when the death of a boundary-breaking cultivator appeared, it attracted the attention of a large number of cultivators on the battlefield.

When the human monk saw that the person who died was a human, his face could not help showing grief and indignation.And Yaozu showed ecstasy.

The Great Boundary Breaker is already considered a top monk.

Now on this line of defense, there are only two good fortune monks.One is the human race, the other is the monster race, and they are fighting in the sky at this time.Therefore, the Boundary Breaking Great Cultivator is the Dinghai Needle on the battlefield.The death of a Boundary Breaker had dealt a huge blow to the momentum of the camp.

At such a moment, the momentum of the monks of the human race inevitably dropped, while the momentum of the monster race suddenly increased.

Ye Weiyang narrowed his eyes, and with a thought, he took out a high-grade fairy sword from the storage ring, held it in his left hand, and bred the star-leading sword, while the five-color sword in his right hand had already pierced the star-leading sword.

The monster race in the sky is at the peak of the early stage of breaking the boundary. At this time, killing the human race's breaking the boundary is really exhausting, but the mood at this time is very excited. His eyes are squinting, sweeping towards the surroundings, and then suddenly feel When the hairs stood on end, he felt that he was locked by a powerful monk.

And the timing of this sword stabbing was very good, it was the moment when the Yaozu broke the boundary and beheaded the opponent of the tribe, and he was excited, and he also knew that there was no boundary breaking around him, so there was a trace of it at this moment. Relax.It was this slight relaxation that made him know that it was too late for him to escape after he felt the crisis.

Only hard resistance!

If you can't resist this, you can distance yourself from the opponent.


His body surface showed a defensive shield, and at the same time, the long knife in his hand slashed in the direction of the star-leading sword.Although he didn't even have time to see clearly who was attacking him, he instinctively knew the direction of the attack.The long knife also accurately faced the direction of the star-leading sword.


The gigantic sword light accurately intercepted the Star-Loading Sword, but the hasty interception lost a lot of its original power.Moreover, this time is when he has consumed a lot, and his power is not as good as [-]% of his peak.The practiced sword light shattered into dots, like thousands of butterflies fluttering, and Ye Weiyang's star-leading sword bombarded his body, making a jaw-dropping friction against his defensive shield. With a sour sound, a few cracks appeared in the defensive shield in an instant, and the true meaning of the star-leading sword got in through the cracks and rushed into his body.Afterwards, the true meaning exploded in his body, like a cosmic explosion, generating thousands of stars and colliding in his body.

"Bang bang bang..."

The body that broke the boundary exploded countless holes, like a water bag with dozens of holes pierced, dozens of streams of blood shot out.

However, the Boundary Breaker cultivator is powerful, even so, he has not fallen.But the fear in his heart had already frightened him, so he ran away.

Although he looks seriously injured on the outside, in fact, for a boundary breaking monk, these injuries are not serious, and he will flee away with a flash. didn't work out.

Ye Weiyang has experienced countless battles in her life, and her experience can be described as extremely rich.Immediately after stabbing out the star-drawing sword, the entanglement of yin and yang was stabbed out.And now the entanglement of Yin and Yang is not a domain, but a realm.

The two supernatural powers are seamlessly connected. Just as the star-drawing sword broke out, the entanglement of yin and yang arrived. The figure of the Yaozu broke the boundary and flickered, but found that he was entangled by the boundary and did not leave the place. In such a moment, the second entanglement The star sword has already stabbed out, this continuous and fast attack made the cracker overwhelmed, the most important thing is that just now he thought he could escape far away, but in fact he didn't even move the place, being restrained by the entanglement of yin and yang, This accident made him unprepared for the second sword.

But he didn't react because he failed to escape from the distance. The surrounding monsters could see the crisis of his boss. Immediately, dozens of monsters not far from Ye Weiyang sent out magical powers to Ye Weiyang, and there were two of them. a world.They didn't think about hurting Ye Weiyang, but they were able to interfere with Ye Weiyang and let their boss escape, which is success.

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of magical powers spread towards Ye Weiyang, and at this moment, the high-grade fairy sword that had been held in his hand stabbed at the dozens of monster monks.



The high-grade fairy sword shattered into hundreds of pieces, each piece carried the true meaning of stars, shooting towards the dozens of monster monks like a meteor shower.At the same time, Ye Weiyang's figure had already bullied the monster cultivator not far away, and the second star-leading sword had already covered the monster cultivator.

In a short period of less than two breaths, starting from the first sword at the beginning, Yaozu Breaking Boundary had just beheaded a Human Race Breaking Boundary, and his mind was relaxed, so that his reaction was slowed down by a step, and then it was Step by step, step by step, every reaction seemed to be predicted by Ye Weiyang, and a trap was set up to wait for him. When the second star-drawing sword was released on his body, half of his life had already been lost. The bar, and Ye Weiyang's figure has already bullied him in front of him.The multicolored sword flew across.


The whole body was cut into two pieces from head to toe, and then Ye Weiyang waved his sleeves and put them into the storage ring.

With the lessons learned from the monster monks, Ye Weiyang did not relax at all, her body hovered, her long sword was horizontal, and Yin and Yang were reversed, as if a huge Tai Chi diagram appeared in the sky, and all the magical powers that attacked were drawn by her , and then caused the supernatural powers released by those monster monks to collide with each other, as if a firework was suddenly released in the sky.

The human race and demon monks on the battlefield couldn't help but be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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