The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1127 Trading

Chapter 1127 Trading
Seven fragments were shot into the body of the monk who broke the boundary. If only these fragments of the sword body did not cause much damage to the monster, he could force these fragments out of the body and use the powerful physique and strength of the boundary-breaking The self-healing ability will recover within a few days.

However, the true meaning contained in the sword fragments exploded in his body, and immediately began to impact his body.

"This is the true meaning..."

At this time, Ye Weiyang's figure shot towards him, passing him who had already been stiffened by the shock of the true intention, and the five-colored sword pierced out the Seven-Star Sword in an instant.

Seven sword lights disappeared, and then the huge body shot out blood, turned into eight pieces, and rolled and fell from the air.

Cut another broken boundary!
In less than ten breaths of time, three Boundary Breakers died unexpectedly.

One human race, two demon races!

Originally, the morale of the human race fell at the moment when the human race broke the boundary and died, but Ye Weiyang instantly killed the monster who broke the boundary, stopped the morale of the human race from falling, and made the morale of the human race rise instead of falling, but what made the monks on both sides unexpected Yes, Ye Weiyang actually beheaded and killed a monster clan to break the boundary in a very short period of time, which greatly increased the morale of the monster clan. In contrast, the morale of the monster clan dropped greatly.

The Terrans finally began to gain the upper hand.

The entire monster clan's defense line showed signs of collapse, and it collapsed after not holding on for an hour.

Ye Weiyang didn't chase after him any more, but stood on the defense line, looking at the human monks advancing like a sea tide, and then at the defeated monster monks.

She is very tired now, beheading two boundary breaking monks in a row is also very exhausting for her.Swallowed a pill, stood there quietly, and began to recover.

A figure fell down, it was He Donghai.

"Thank you!"

He Donghai's expression was sincere, he watched Ye Weiyang slay the two Boundary Breakers with his own eyes, and he deeply knew what Ye Weiyang's beheading of the two Boundary Breakers from the Monster Race meant for this clan war.Without Ye Weiyang beheading these two monster races, the human race would not have won this victory. It can be said that Ye Weiyang alone dominated the victory of the human race.

Ye Weiyang looked at the distant figure of the monk and said: "What effect can it achieve? Can it attack the entrance where the monster race and the fairy world collide?"

"Maybe in the future, but definitely not in this battle." He Donghai shook his head and said, "The monster clan will quickly organize a second line of defense, but..."

He Donghai smiled: "But it is enough for the human race to advance about [-] miles. After this battle, the human race will temporarily cultivate and digest the [-] miles."

Ye Weiyang nodded, it is impossible for the human race to advance all the way, the battle line is too deep, and when the monster race is fully organized, the deep human race will be wiped out.And Ye Weiyang knew in his heart that the human race in this world did not think about entering the fairyland, they just wanted to use the battle between the fairyland and the monster race to expand their territory and occupy more resources.Allow yourself to develop so that you can truly compete with the monsters in this world, and even take the initiative in this world a little bit.

After all, this is their homeland, maybe they have the idea of ​​going to the fairy world, but they don't have that idea to let them abandon their homeland and migrate to the fairy world.And I also know that this idea is not realistic.

Now they are natural allies with the human race in the fairyland, but once they enter the fairyland, it is a relationship of competition.Just like the human race in the fairy world, they never thought of migrating to this world. They fought against the monster race in this world. On the one hand, they wanted to protect themselves and resist the attack of the monster race. The world just entered here to snatch resources.

There is no intention of occupying this place!
Because this world will eventually be separated from the fairy world again.And one point is ten thousand years.

As long as the human race in this world can involve the monster race more, it will help the human race in the fairy world.Therefore, Ye Weiyang was not disappointed, but rather looked forward to it.Looking forward to what resources this world has, I can exchange some, or I can travel around the human race in this world to increase my understanding of the way of heaven.

Three months later.

Ye Weiyang met the leader of the human race, the Great Creator, in front of the monster race's second line of defense.

The Great Creator Xu Duan was called Xu Duan, and he didn't have any pretensions towards Ye Weiyang, but was very affectionate.This is not because of this good fortune's personality, but because Ye Weiyang's strength has been recognized by this great good fortune monk.In his opinion, Ye Weiyang is able to break through the boundary by creating a boundary, and he is already [-]% sure that he will break through the boundary in the future.With [-]% certainty, he will break through the good fortune in the future.

The [-]% certainty is already very, very high, and Ye Weiyang is from the fairy world, and there is no conflict of interest with this world.Therefore, the conversation between the two parties was very pleasant.

Ye Weiyang introduced the situation in the fairy world. When he learned that the human race had the upper hand in the fairy world, envy flashed in Xu Duan's eyes.The efforts of the human race in their world from generation to generation are to become the masters of this world, rather than letting the monster race take the initiative to occupy this world.

Therefore, when Ye Weiyang proposed to exchange some special products of this world, Xu Duan readily agreed.He took out a jade slip and handed it to Ye Weiyang, saying:
"Here are all kinds of materials on our side. You can see what you don't have. I will give you some of each, but I will definitely not give you much. If you want more like that, you have to use yours. The special products from the side can be exchanged."

"Thank you senior!"

"Take it back and take a look at it slowly, and then come to me after sorting it out."

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Weiyang got up to say goodbye, returned to the residence he had arranged for him, and then set up a formation, then began to read the jade slip, and at the same time took out a blank jade slip, while reading it, entered his own world in the blank slip. s material.There are various materials for alchemy, equipment refining, array making, and talisman making, all inclusive.

However, Ye Weiyang found that most of the materials are the same in both worlds.Only a very small part of the material is not available in the fairy world.Of course, there are also very few materials that are available in the fairy world, but not in this world.

There are actually not many other materials on Ye Weiyang, such as the materials for refining equipment and arrays. Although when she was traveling around the world, some people robbed her, and she robbed her a lot, but she has also used and processed them over the years. Quite a lot.What she has the most is herbs.There are almost no herbs that the fairy world has, which she does not have.She didn't think about keeping it either. Since she was communicating with this human race, she had to communicate openly.

Ye Weiyang first made a list of all the materials she needed in a blank jade slip.Then he entered the zodiac tower and began to sort out some herbs.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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