The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1128 Trading

Chapter 1128 Transaction (2)

There is no need to pick it now, because it has been picked many times, and it is stored in the storage ring.Just now in the room in the zodiac tower.

Not bad.

Ye Weiyang built a wooden house on each floor of the zodiac tower, and this wooden house is the place to store storage rings and storage bags.From the beginning of her practice to the present, in the history of more than 5000 years, she has obtained countless storage rings and storage bags, and they are all placed in the zodiac tower, containing various materials.

She began to take out herbs that were not available in this world from the storage rings one by one.Five plants and a small bag of seeds for each kind of herb, which she was going to give to Xu Duan, since he gave her materials generously, she couldn't be stingy.In this way, there are a total of 130 six kinds of herbs that are not available in this world.She packs two storage bags.

Then she took out a blank jade slip and began to make a list in it. This list not only contained materials that were not available in the fairy world, but also materials that were available in both worlds, but they were very precious to the fairy world, and some were in small quantities. , some are extremely rare.If it appears once in a hundred years, it is lucky, and it will be auctioned for a sky-high price.But Ye Weiyang feels that the fairy world is rare, and this world may not be rare.Or compared to the fairy world, there are more.If possible, Ye Weiyang would like to exchange some.

She made a list of all kinds of materials that she wanted to exchange.

Then I started to organize my own herbs.

She has two runes to grow herbs.One is a seven-story natal talisman tower, and the other is a six-story talisman tower.The herbs in these two rune towers have been picked twice.Ye Weiyang's storage ring is almost empty.Just take this opportunity to clear the inventory.Exchange some materials you need.

However, she did not touch the herbs in the natal rune tower.The natal talisman pagoda had immortal veins very early on, so the herbs in the natal talisman tower were of excellent quality.In the six-story Talisman Tower, there are immortal veins only after entering the demon world, and the quality of the herbal medicine is much worse.But this is compared to the herbs in the zodiac tower.If it is not compared with the herbal medicine in the natal rune tower, it is definitely a high-quality herbal medicine.

Ye Weiyang took out the storage rings of the first batch of picked herbs stored in the six-story talisman tower, and put them in a four-story talisman tower. Ye Weiyang still has three four-story talisman towers.She is ready to make a big deal with this world.But if you take out so many storage rings suddenly, it is impossible without a space fairy.Let others guess like this, it's better to take out a four-story rune tower openly.

The four-story talisman tower is precious, but in the eyes of the good fortune monk, that's it.If it really made the Great Cultivator jealous, Ye Weiyang would exchange this talisman tower with the other party at worst.

The remaining three four-story talisman towers are all earth attributes.This was deliberately left by Ye Weiyang, thinking that it would not be needed in the future, so she stayed on the sect's own mountain, and used it as a blessed place for the disciples of the mountain to grow herbs.

I counted the first batch of herbs picked by the six-story rune tower, and there were about 3000 million plants.Then put all these into a four-story talisman tower, Ye Weiyang came out, tidied up, and went to find Xu Duan.

Xu Duan lived in a very simple wooden house on the defense line, and there were no guards. A big monk like him didn't need guards at all.Just as Ye Weiyang walked to the door, the door of the wooden house opened, and Ye Weiyang walked straight in.Seeing Xu Duan sitting cross-legged on the floor, he said with a smile:

"Thank you senior!"

After Ye Weiyang sat down, Xu Duan smiled and said, "Is there any material that our two worlds lack?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang took out two storage bags, handed them to Xu Duan, and said, "Senior, I am an elixir teacher, so I have a lot of herbs on me, and I don't have any other materials. This is the 130 six I sorted out. Plants, herbs that you don’t have in this world. I will give them to seniors.”


Xu Duan became interested, took two storage bags, probed in with his spiritual sense, and found that each herb was given to five plants, and there was a small bag of seeds.At this time, Ye Weiyang handed over another jade slip and said:
"Senior, this jade slip records the medicinal properties of these 130 six kinds of herbs."

Xu Duan took the jade slip and looked at it, his expression gradually showing joy.These 130 six kinds of herbs are definitely a powerful supplement to this world. With these 130 six kinds of herbs, many elixirs can be improved, and even the grade of elixirs can be improved.Put away the storage bag and the jade slip, sincerely said:
"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

"Give me the list of materials that are not available in your world."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang handed a jade slip to Xu Duan, Xu Duan quickly read it, nodded and said: "I will arrange it, but the time will be a little longer, one month, I will give you every kind Some."

"Thank you senior!" Ye Weiyang took out another jade slip, handed it to Xu Duan and said, "Here is a list, which I want to trade."

Xu Duan took the jade slip and looked at it.

There are really many, all-encompassing, and all kinds of materials.And they are not ordinary materials.

"How much do you want to trade?"

"The more the better!"

Xu Duan was stunned: "Do you have enough herbs?"

"It's hard to say if it's enough, but I have accumulated a lot of herbs."

Xu Duan's eyes flashed, and he was sure that Ye Weiyang must have a space fairy, otherwise there would be no place to store so many storage rings.

"What year are your herbs? What types are there?"

"There are many types, and I also made a list. The years are all over 500 years old." Ye Weiyang took out another jade slip and handed it over: "This is the list."

Xu Duan took the jade slip, and with a sweep of his consciousness, a look of surprise appeared on his face.There are too many types of herbs here.He instantly confirmed that Ye Weiyang had a medicine garden-like spatial artifact that could seed herbs.

"Can you show me some of your herbs first?"


Ye Weiyang sacrificed the four-story talisman tower in front of him, then took out a storage ring from the talisman tower, and handed it to Xu Duan.Xu Duan was very pleased with Ye Weiyang's move to open up the space fairy, it was trust in him.After receiving the storage ring, his consciousness swept away, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Sure enough, they are all over 500 years old.Immediately said: "I have a lot of materials you need here, the two of us will trade first."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang was also overjoyed.

Then he saw a ray of light streaming from the center of Xu Duan's eyebrows, and then a big palace appeared in front of the two of them, Ye Weiyang was startled.

This is a palace, and it must be much bigger than his rune tower.No wonder people don't care about their rune towers, after all, they are great monks of fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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