The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1129 2% Fortune

Chapter 1129
The two had a deal, and Xu Duan exchanged more than 200 million plants of various herbs with Ye Weiyang alone.This surprised Ye Weiyang:
"Senior, what are you doing in exchange for so much?"

Xu Duan smiled and said, "Two aspects, one aspect, I am also the ancestor of a tribe, and I exchanged these herbs with you for the tribe, and the other way, your herbs are 500 years old, very precious. It’s just this opportunity to exchange with you. In the future, I will use these herbs to trade other resources, and I will only make a profit. I just don’t have too many resources that you need, otherwise I will exchange as much as you can. Yes Already, if you are willing to accept the fairy crystal, I will buy some more."

Ye Weiyang shook her head, fairy crystals are treasures for low-level monks, but for their level, resources are treasures, much more valuable than fairy crystals.

Xu Duan thought for a while and said, "Your talisman is filled with herbs?"

"Almost!" Ye Weiyang said: "And not only, it has already been picked twice."

Xu Duan's face brightened: "Well, I'll give you a chance first."

After saying that, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Ye Weiyang, saying: "Here is a map of a holy place, but this holy place, under normal circumstances, only has effects on the two realms of the late stage of breaking the boundary and good fortune. This holy place is very big , and there are very few monks in the late stage of breaking the boundary, so it is open to the public, and anyone can go.

I think you are just a world maker, but you should have understood the true meaning of the sword that killed the monster race and broke the world, right? "

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded: "It's just a superficial understanding."

"That's not easy anymore. Most of the late stages of breaking the boundary have not comprehended a trace of true meaning." Xu Duan nodded approvingly and continued:

"However, if you understand the true meaning, you may not be able to release it, because the backlash of the true meaning will destroy the body of a monk who is not good luck. If you can release it, your body should have some changes?"

"Well, [-]% has been transformed!"

"Tsk, what a genius!" Xu Duan appreciated even more: "The holy place I'm talking about is able to transform the body into the body of the law of creation. You have transformed a level now, you should be in the middle stage of world creation, right?"

"Well, the mid-term peak of World Creation."

"Well, if you go to the Holy Land, you can only improve by [-]%, that is to say, your body will have [-]% of the good fortune. It will be very difficult to go up. And even if you can improve it, I don't recommend it. You keep improving."

"Why?" Ye Weiyang was overjoyed when she heard about a holy place that could improve the law of creation, but she couldn't understand it now.

"On the one hand, the speed of further improvement will be very, very slow. On the other hand, because your primordial spirit is not enough, when the primordial spirit is far weaker than the body, you will not be able to unite your mind and body. On the contrary, it will affect your actions."

Ye Weiyang understood, that is to say, when you think about what to do, but your body is too strong, your soul will not be able to do it.Originally you wanted to raise your arm, but you raised it when you thought about it. If the difference between the soul and your body is too big, you have to raise your arm for a few breaths or ten breaths, and I am afraid that the arm has not been raised yet.He cupped his hands towards Xu Duan and said:
"Thank you senior!"

"You're welcome!" Xu Duan waved his hand: "Well, you go there first, I estimate that it will take you several years, even more than ten years before you can come back. And I also need a lot of time here to inform the entire human race and various tribes .Your transaction volume is too large, I asked them to come over with the resources you need to trade, and when you come back, just trade with them."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang cheered up, and Xu Duan came forward, this time he really produced a lot of herbs.Waiting for myself to pick all the herbs that are being planted in the six-story rune tower.All traded.

Ye Weiyang consulted with Xu Duan about some cultivation matters, and then left, and flew towards the Holy Land of Laws according to the map.

Ye Weiyang didn't use the star cable this time, but flew by herself, it was a rare visit to this world, if she missed this time, it would take ten thousand years.So she wanted to take a good look at this place, gain some knowledge, and gain some insights.However, through this incident, she also knew in her heart that the fairy world had never invaded the demon world.

In other words, even if he entered the demon world, he only attacked a shallow distance from the entrance of the two worlds. In the end, he might be beaten back by the demon clan, or he retreated when the two worlds separated. .Otherwise, if you know that there is still a place of law here, let alone others, those good fortunes will definitely come in.It is really difficult for the Yaozu to stop a single Good Fortune cultivator.

In this way, the opportunity Xu Duan gave him is really a great favor!
She also knew that it was not because she exchanged resources with them, but mainly because she thanked herself for killing those two monster races that broke the boundary, and helped the human race in this world capture the defense line of the monster race.This is also a great favor for this human race.

A few months later, she came to the land of laws, which was very large and violent, and the laws were hidden, invisible and intangible.But now it can be clearly seen, moving around like thunder, like a huge nebula.It gives people a thrilling feeling, and even fear in their hearts.

That is to say, Ye Weiyang has now transformed into a body of [-]% of the laws of good fortune, and there are laws in his body, so he instinctively doesn't have much fear. If he changes to another world, he dare not approach at all.As long as it is hit by a law, it will turn into ashes.She didn't see other people, but Ye Weiyang knew that there must be other people here, just because the place is too big to see each other.

Ye Weiyang entered the Holy Land of Laws, did not dare to go deep directly, but started to practice at the edge, and slowly moved towards the depths while practicing.

six years.

For a full six years, Ye Weiyang came out from the Holy Land of Laws.Twenty percent of her body has been transformed into the law of creation.Stronger than ever before.And there is a feeling that you will fit into the heaven at any time.The law of the body made her more compatible with the way of heaven. It can be said that from then on, the speed at which she comprehended the way of heaven was no longer compared with the creation of the world, even compared with the monks who broke the world, she did not know it was hundreds of times faster than them .

There is not much left of the void pills on her body. In the past six years, she has transformed not only her body, but also the immortal power in her body by taking the void pill from time to time, and [-]% of her immortal power has been transformed into good fortune. .It's just that her image at this time, I'm afraid even Wan Qingzong may not be able to recognize her, there are some small laws constantly accumulating on her body surface, almost covering her entire body.Like a law man came out.

She didn't leave here right away, but stayed not far from the Holy Land of Laws. She needed to spend some time refining the tiny laws that were accumulating in her body, otherwise she wouldn't be able to go out to meet people in this state.

(End of this chapter)

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