The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1134 Lock Road City

Chapter 1134 Lock Road City

She has already found out that the biggest trading place on Lockdao Island is Lockedao City.

Suo Dao City is very large, it is said that it can accommodate a population of over [-] million, and there are many shops in it. It is the center of resource trading between the human race and the monster race.Therefore, Ye Weiyang left the pier the next day, hired a carriage, and headed towards Suo Dao City.

At the very beginning, Ye Weiyang was very vigilant, for fear of being robbed.But after driving for three days, it was found to be calm.Thinking about it again, everyone came here to buy or sell resources. Although there should be robbery, it is estimated that there are not many.

In this way, he was slightly relieved, but he still remained vigilant.

It's been a long time since I rode in a carriage like a mortal, Ye Weiyang became interested, and later simply sat on the shaft of the carriage with the groom, watching the scenery on the road.

There was an endless stream of carriages on the road, and on this wide official road leading to Lockdao City, one carriage followed another.There are fields on both sides of the official road, and people can be seen working in the fields.

From the mouth of the coachman, I learned that Lockdao Island is dominated by a country.This is similar to Mortal Island in Immortal World.There is also a powerful army, but the laws of this country clearly stipulate it.Foreigners can fight whatever they want, as long as they don't harm anyone or anything on Lockdao Island.If it hurts, you will pay with your life if you kill someone, and you will pay ten times the compensation if you destroy something.

In fact, just like Ye Weiyang, although his cultivation here has been suppressed to the five qi dynasty, but the power of the body has [-]% of fortune, and none of the natives on Suodao Island is Ye Weiyang's opponent.But what about thousands of people?
Ye Weiyang is no match either!

The carriage does not keep going, the carriage drivers are all mortals, and they need to rest.So, whenever night falls, camping takes place.Spiritual consciousness cannot be extended, and the storage ring cannot be opened.However, when the carriage was hired, the coachman had reminded him, so every carriage was well prepared.

In the fields on both sides of the official road, piles of fires were lit, and the coachman was busy cooking.Of course, these jobs are all done by the coachman, but the food prepared is all spent by people like Ye Weiyang.

In fact, it is not impossible to extend spiritual consciousness, but the degree of extension is very small, only about half a foot.And it's very laborious. Every time you release your spiritual consciousness, it's like walking through mud. For monks, it consumes a lot of energy.Therefore, unless it is time to trade resources, if everyone can use their spiritual consciousness, then they don't need their spiritual consciousness.

The people who camped were all monks from outside.Some monks are very indifferent, or very wary.She lives alone, while some Xiushui like to make friends and get together in twos and threes.Of course, the human race is with the human race, and the monster race is with the monster race.

Ye Weiyang is not an indifferent person, but also a female cultivator, so a male cultivator came over to strike up a conversation.Ye Weiyang didn't refuse either, and soon a few monks gathered around her, chatting about the world.

They are all experienced people, no one asks each other's background, and what they talk about is just their own experiences, and there is also the current war between the human race and the monster race.

Ye Weiyang said very little, and she is not a monk in this world, so she knows very little about this world, so most of the time, she just listens to it, interjects a few words occasionally, and talks about her experience in this world .

The atmosphere is very harmonious!
This would not have been possible had it been outside the Lockway Islands.Everyone is so close, if someone has malicious intentions and suddenly explodes, it is a very dangerous thing.

But it doesn't exist here, everyone is suppressed in the Five Qi Chaoyuan, even if you suddenly explode, how powerful can you have?
This gave the powerful monks like Ye Weiyang a rare chance to relax, so everyone talked very happily.Even when they set off the next day, these people were still gathered in a carriage.

Among them, Ye Weiyang is the only one who came to Suodao Island for the first time, and the others have come here many times.By making small talk with them.Only then did Ye Weiyang know that in the entire Suo Dao Island, only Suo Dao City is the place for trading, and Suo Dao City was specially built for outsiders like them to trade.All the cultivation resources are concentrated in Suo Dao City.Except for Suo Dao City, going to other places is something for mortals to trade. Even if there are resources for cultivation, they are all below the realm of Wuqi Chaoyuan.

After walking like this for another seven days, Ye Weiyang finally arrived at Suo Dao City.

From a distance, the majestic city wall can be seen, and the city wall stretches with no end in sight.

There were troops at the city gate and on the city wall, and after entering Lockedao City, they found cavalry patrolling the streets from time to time.The street was bustling with people, the coachman skillfully pulled Ye Weiyang to the door of an inn, and Ye Weiyang asked for a room to stay in.

After washing and resting for a day, Ye Weiyang came out of the inn the next day.She wasn't ready to hang out, she was here to shop.And she didn't come here for a certain resource.Instead, I saw all the resources on the list I made and bought them all.So, she planned to walk along this street and go into every shop.

After walking through inns, restaurants and teahouses, we stepped into the first shop.A guy came up to him:

"Guest officer, sell or buy?"

Ye Weiyang looked around and said, "Is there a private room? I want to meet your shopkeeper."

That guy's eyes lit up. Anyone who can say such a thing must be a big customer.He immediately opened his mouth and said:

"Guest officer, please follow me."

Ye Weiyang nodded slightly, then followed the guy into a box, the guy served tea, asked Ye Weiyang to wait, and then backed out.Soon, a middle-aged man came in with a smile on his face. After greeting Ye Weiyang, he sat opposite Ye Weiyang and said:
"Fellow Daoist, are you selling or buying?"

"Let's trade, barter!" Ye Weiyang took out a jade slip and handed it to the humane person: "Here is the list I made, if your store has it, I will buy it. As many as there are, I want as many."

The shopkeeper looked overjoyed, took the jade slip, and in order to save his consciousness, directly pressed the jade slip between his eyebrows and began to read.

After a few breaths, the shopkeeper took down the jade slips and said, "Friend Daoist, I have six kinds of items on your list. There are quite a few of each, do you really want them all?"


"The price is [-]% more expensive than outside."


Ye Weiyang has already inquired, the things here are [-]% more expensive.They didn't kill her.Then he took off the storage ring from his finger, handed it to the other party and said:

"See for yourself, I have 500-year-old herbal medicines here. Whatever you need, just make a price transaction."

(End of this chapter)

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