The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1135 Xiuyun Mountain

Chapter 1135 Xiuyun Mountain
The other party took the storage ring and pressed it on the center of his eyebrows, his spiritual consciousness penetrated in, and a look of shock appeared on his face:

"so much!"

Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "It's not easy to come here."


The other party quickly took out some herbs he wanted and piled them on the ground, then handed the storage ring to Ye Weiyang, stood up and said:
"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment!"

Ye Weiyang nodded, and the other party walked out.After about two quarters of an hour, they walked in with a few guys. Those guys carried a few big boxes, put them on the ground, and then backed out.The shopkeeper pointed to the box and said:

Ye Weiyang opened the box, looked it over carefully, then nodded, and put it into the storage ring.The transaction is now complete.The shopkeeper rubbed his hands and said:
"Fellow Daoist, I can buy the herbs from you with fairy crystals, okay?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head, and the shopkeeper's face revealed a look of disappointment, but she still tried her best to say:
"Fellow Daoist, if you want to sell, remember to come to me."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang deserved it, cupped her hands towards the shopkeeper, and walked outside.The shopkeeper personally sent Ye Weiyang to the door, and watched Ye Weiyang walk into the shop next door.Sighing regretfully, he turned and returned to the gate.

Ye Weiyang started to sweep the goods, she is not afraid of being remembered.

She knew that the shops here were set up by various tribes of the human race and the monster race, and the monks in the tribe took turns to be in charge here.The long-term business earned by the tribe is unlikely to be black.

Ye Weiyang is not afraid even if she wants to be black and white.Of course, her way of scanning might also be targeted by monks who came here to buy resources, and she didn't care either.

How to put it, her body is also [-]% good fortune.On Suo Dao Island, which was suppressed to the state of Wuqi Chaoyuan, with his power, it was difficult to meet anyone who could threaten her.If someone wants to rob her, she doesn't mind killing the other party and taking away the other party's resources.

What if we leave Lockdao Island in the future?
What about being followed?
Then she doesn't care even more, now she is no match for the Cracking Cultivator, even if the opponent is perfect in breaking the boundary, he can fight with half-step fortune, of course, he is definitely not an opponent against the superior fortune.

But, will good fortune come to Lockdao Island?
The possibility is very small, even if you need any resources, you will send your own disciples to buy them.Where did the good monk come from so diligent?

And even if there were monks who came here before, it is almost impossible now.Because now is the time when the two worlds are colliding, and when the human race and the monster race are at war, it is impossible for the Great Creator to come here.

In fact, there are almost no monks who come to Lockdao Island now to break the boundary, even if they are very few to create the boundary.They are all low-level monks.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang sweeps goods without any scruples.But it was her lack of scruples that made others scruples.Although some people thought about her, they didn't dare to take action.He just stared at him secretly.

Ye Weiyang then slowly sweeps the goods, this is really a slow job.Transactions were not easy in the first place, and Suo Dao City was very large with many shops.There are countless.

Every time you use your spiritual consciousness to put away the purchased resources, you will consume a lot of spiritual power. Even for Ye Weiyang's cultivation level, after three consecutive days, your spiritual consciousness will be exhausted.Ye Weiyang had no choice but to lock herself in the inn to supplement her spiritual consciousness.

It is impossible to replenish the divine consciousness through cultivation here.As a monk, you take pills and use them to recover, but Ye Weiyang doesn't need them, there are still reserves in Ye Weiyang's Luoshu space.Directly transferred from the Luoshu space, he quickly restored his spiritual consciousness to its peak.But he didn't go out immediately. Instead, he took a good rest in the inn and let himself sleep.

Ye Weiyang didn't know how long she hadn't slept.At her level, she can stay awake for hundreds of thousands of years, but it's easy to sleep if she wants to. Just one thought, and she will fall asleep by herself.But here, everyone is very safe, so Ye Weiyang sleeps with peace of mind.

Refreshed and started shopping again the next day.

Life is very monotonous, every day is to sweep the goods, sweep the goods, and then sweep the goods.This has lasted for a month, and all the shops have not yet been visited, and the first batch of herbs has not been traded yet.But she was a little tired.

Not bad!

Bringing these things back to the fairy world will make her rich, but it's also boring.

Ye Weiyang simply paused scanning, and decided to take a day off for herself to walk around in Lockedao City.Not all resources are sold in Suodao City, there are also many restaurants and teahouses, and there are many snacks.Ye Weiyang decided to try some snacks.Moreover, there are rivers and mountain peaks in Suodao City, Ye Weiyang also wants to watch them and relax himself.

She ate a lot of snacks this day, and the greasyness of the day disappeared without a trace. All kinds of snacks and delicacies made her feel good. At dusk, she wandered to Xiuyun Mountain.

This is a scenic spot in Suodao City. Xiuyun Mountain is very high, halfway up the mountain is shrouded in clouds.Ye Weiyang climbed up step by step, and finally reached the mountain peak at midnight.Looking around, there was no one on the mountain.Think about it, everyone is here to buy resources, who is as idle as yourself?
I found a rock, lay on it, and looked up at the bright starry sky.


She felt that watching the starry sky this time was different from watching the starry sky herself before.She is too sensitive to the starry sky, because visualizing the starry sky is her daily practice. As long as she has time, she will visualize the starry sky and practice inner illumination.She has a very strange feeling now.Usually, when she practiced internal illumination scriptures, it was not only very difficult, but the process was also slow.But now she doesn't need to work hard to visualize, the star rhyme will go straight into her body.

She was shocked!
Could this be the secret of Lockdao Island?
She sensed it carefully and found that the strong star charm did not penetrate into her body, but penetrated into the earth, but her consciousness could only extend half a foot, and she didn't know where it was absorbed by the earth, so she couldn't detect it.She just borrowed the light of the earth, and when Xing Yun entered the earth, she was taken along with her.

She interrupted the internal illumination, and Xing Yun stopped drilling into her body.Visualizing the internal illumination sutra again, Xingyun penetrated into her body densely again.She observed with her eyesight, but she couldn't see Xing Yun at all.Even if you can only probe half a foot with your spiritual consciousness, you can't detect Xingyun at all. You can only perceive Xingyun when you practice inner illumination.

(End of this chapter)

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