The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1136 Reopening the Star Aperture

Chapter 1136 Reopening the Star Aperture
No wonder there are no monks in this world who can discover the mystery of this place. This internal photo scripture is a good thing!
forget about it!
Regardless of its mysteries, this is an opportunity for me.

Naturally, Ye Weiyang doesn't need to come to Yunxiu Mountain every day, she still goes to sweep the goods slowly during the day, and at night, she lies on the roof, meditating on inner scriptures.

She lived in a sky-shaped room, which was originally on the top floor, so at night, from the window, it was easy to turn over to the roof.

With the matter of practicing internal illumination, Ye Weiyang is no longer tired of sweeping goods.Every day during the day, I would scan the goods, and sometimes when I got tired, I would stop and walk around, and at night, I would practice internal illumination.Her purpose in coming to Lockdao had changed.Before, I came to scan the goods, but now I am practicing the inner light scriptures, and the goods are ranked second.

Those who stared at her became more and more surprised.They found that Ye Weiyang was constantly sweeping goods, how many resources does she have?
This is so attractive!

Such a large walking treasure house has given countless people the courage to take risks!

this night.

Ye Weiyang was lying on the ridge of the roof, practicing inner illumination scriptures, and then sighed softly. When she was practicing internal illumination scriptures, she almost merged with the surroundings. Someone sneaked towards her, how could she Can't feel it?
Her colorful sword was beside her, and when she came to Suodao Island, she was naturally prepared. Not only did she take out the colorful sword from the Sea of ​​Consciousness ahead of time, and turned it into the size of an ordinary long sword, but also added a scabbard to it.His right hand was on the hilt of the sword.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Four figures rose from the ground, higher than the ridge of the roof, and then swooped towards Ye Weiyang under the moonlight, the weapons in their hands gleamed coldly under the moonlight.

"Clang clang..."

Ye Weiyang drew his sword out of its sheath, the light of the sword formed a sword curtain under the moonlight, it was because the speed of the sword was too fast.Before the four monks could react, they were pierced between the eyebrows and their bodies fell down.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Another five monks rushed up, but they still didn't even see Ye Weiyang's sword clearly, and fell down as corpses.

In this lockway island, everyone relies on the power of the body, and Ye Weiyang has [-]% of the power of creation, and the strength and speed are not comparable to these people.

What's more, the monks who came up just now are just Taoists.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Ye Weiyang frowned, under the moonlight, she saw a black shadow rushing towards her, the number definitely exceeded three hundred.

"They all treat me like a piece of fat!"

Ye Weiyang shook her head faintly, stood on the ridge of the roof, pointed the tip of the sword obliquely at the ridge of the roof.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

More than a dozen monks had already rushed forward, and more than a dozen weapons shone out of the light curtain.


Ye Weiyang stabbed Guang Han!

Not bad!

It was when her cultivation base was still low that Guanghan cultivated.Under the moonlight, the sword light released a cold light, as fast as the moonlight, or in other words, the sword light had already merged with the moonlight.

"Puff puff……"

More than a dozen corpses fell down, and they didn't have time to howl.But more monks rushed over.Ye Weiyang has seen this kind of scene a lot, with a calm expression, long swords stabbing out intensively, monks rushing up one by one, and then falling...

In less than a quarter of an hour, there were only twenty or so people left, and they fled away with a bang.

Ye Weiyang didn't chase, there were more than 200 corpses lying on the ground, and each corpse had a storage ring, which was wealth.Anyone who can come to Suodao Island is here to buy, can they not be rich?
If Ye Weiyang just chased him out like this, wouldn't the storage rings all over the floor belong to other people?
She knew that there were many monks watching from a distance, so she jumped off the roof and began to slowly remove storage rings from the fingers of the monks, stuffing them into her sleeves first. .

No one dared to come over, the strength that Ye Weiyang showed just now was too amazing.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than 200 people were beheaded.

Before figuring out Ye Weiyang's strength, no one will attack Ye Weiyang in a short time.

Ye Weiyang put away all the storage rings, ignored the corpses of those people, walked through the window, returned to her room, and closed the door with a snap.

Soon, people from Suo Dao City came to take away the corpses. As long as the people in Suo Dao City were not harmed, these foreign monks had nothing to do with them.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in the room, and began to check the storage rings one by one. Others were afraid of losing their consciousness, but she was not worried.Check them one by one and collect them by category.One-third of it was what Ye Weiyang needed, and she put it away, and the remaining two-thirds were what Ye Weiyang didn't need, and she was going to trade it out.

five years.

Ye Weiyang has been in Suodao Island for five years.

In the past five years, in the first three years, more than a dozen waves of people came to attack her, and after she killed them all, no one came to assassinate her in the next two years.And in the next two years, Ye Weiyang didn't go shopping anymore.Because all her herbs, as well as the resources she didn't need by killing those monks, were all traded out, and there was nothing more to trade.

So, for the next two years, she spent every day wandering around in Suo Dao City to refresh her mind.At night, I lie on the ridge of the roof, visualize the starry sky, and practice inner illumination.

Seeing that she doesn't buy resources, but lives here and doesn't leave, no one is surprised.There are many people like Ye Weiyang who run to Lockdao Island and want to explore the secrets of Lockdao Island.They naturally think that Ye Weiyang is also such a person.

But they all sneered in their hearts, wanting to find the secret of Suodao Island, go dreaming.

In the past five years, Ye Weiyang finally opened the 240th acupoint. After she opened the 240th acupoint, she felt that her primordial spirit seemed to have reached a critical point. As long as she could open another There should be a kind of metamorphosis in the primordial spirit.

This made her calm state of mind fluctuate slightly.

Could it be that there are grades above the top-grade primordial spirit?

Ye Weiyang exhaled a foul breath, lay on his back on the ridge of the roof, began to visualize the starry sky, and practiced internal illumination.

Opening a star aperture is not easy, especially this time, Ye Weiyang finds it extremely difficult.That is to say, the star charm here is very strong, and as soon as Ye Weiyang contemplates the internal illumination scriptures, the star charm will directly rush into her body, otherwise, Ye Weiyang feels that she wants to activate her primordial spirit to the current 240, It is impossible without a thousand years.

Another 42 days passed like this, Ye Weiyang's sea of ​​consciousness shook, and Yuanshen opened the 240th star aperture.

At this moment, the primordial spirit was completely enveloped in the radiant star charm, and began to transform.

(End of this chapter)

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