Chapter 1146

Ye Weiyang's figure flew up and grabbed the bow.


Arrows shot from the opposite side, and fifty fairy swords formed a shield to block the arrows.Arrows fell all over Ye Weiyang's feet.Ye Weiyang stretched out his hand to grab the four arrows, caught them between his fingers, bent the bow and nocked the arrows, and locked them with his consciousness.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang shot the arrow, and immediately grabbed the arrow from the ground, the continuous room, with the speed at which her strength was displayed, the entire arm could not be seen clearly, it was a blurred afterimage.

Some arrows were hit by the opposite arrows, some arrows were avoided by the gold eaters, some arrows missed the vital points, but there were always arrows that hit the gold eaters' eyebrows.After all, the cultivation of these gold-eating monks is much worse than that of Ye Weiyang.The speed of Ye Weiyang's arrows was several times faster than theirs.

Watching the gold-eating monks fall one by one, the number of deaths has exceeded one hundred.Jin Chi couldn't stand it anymore.He knew that if this continued, the final result could only be the complete annihilation of his own people.But Ye Weiyang did not foul.When the sword body shattered, it was caused by other people's magical powers, and archery is also one of the magical powers.Can't fault it.Immediately shouted loudly:

"Boom, boom, boom..." The remaining 200 gold-eating monks fled towards the monster camp.Ye Weiyang didn't chase, even if he chased and killed, he couldn't kill a few, maybe once he got closer to the monster clan camp, if the monster clan's fortune came to him, the ancestral capital would be far behind.She threw the bow towards the top of the city and shouted:


The monk laughed loudly: "You're welcome, if fellow Taoist Weiyang needs it again, feel free to ask."

Ye Weiyang cupped his hands towards the cultivator, then turned around and looked at the Yaozu who was [-] meters away, and locked his eyes on the gold-eating tribe who broke the boundary.At this time, the Boundary Breaking Gold Clan also locked their eyes of hatred on Ye Weiyang.If it wasn't for the presence of great monks on both sides, this would be another challenge for them, and he wished he could step forward and kill Ye Weiyang right now.Seeing Ye Weiyang not leaving at this moment, but still glaring at him, isn't this a demonstration?

"What are you looking at?" Jin scolded.

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, and hooked his hands towards him: "We two have a duel?"

Zutong on the top of the wall is in a hurry: "Weiyang..."

"Okay!" Jin Chi on the opposite side was afraid of Ye Weiyang's repentance, so he said yes, and rushed towards Ye Weiyang.

Zu Tong's face on the top of the wall turned black, but this was Ye Weiyang's choice, he couldn't forcefully stop it.The monks on the top of the city became nervous.At this time, Jin Chi had already rushed in front of Ye Weiyang, holding a long knife in his hand, and slashed towards Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang held a five-color sword in her hand, and dodged by stepping on yin and yang steps.In an instant, Jin Chi danced the long knife in his hand like a gust of wind, and Ye Weiyang dodged mysteriously in this wind-like movement of the knife.The long sword in his hand was held upside down behind his back, which made Jin Chi unable to figure out how Ye Weiyang would use the sword.


Ye Weiyang drew his sword and went straight to his eyebrows, Jin Chi went back to resist, and the swords collided.Jin Chi's heart was steady.He feels that Ye Weiyang's power is greater than that of the middle stage of the world, but not as good as him.He completely crushes the opponent in terms of strength.Let go of the worries in my heart, and it is more suitable to start a violent attack.

Ye Weiyang still dodges, and occasionally uses her sword, but every time she uses her sword, she is blocked back, and it seems that Ye Weiyang's strength is not enough, and she can't compare with Jin Chi, her dodging figure has some tiny flaws, and she was almost caught by Jin Chi several times. Chi's counterattack hurt, which worried all the monks on the top of the city.

Ye Weiyang is very serious, her seriousness is not about strength, she doesn't use much strength at all, and controls her strength to a point that is not as good as Jin Chi, every time the long sword and the long knife collide, he is watching Jin Chi scold.After more than a dozen collisions, she could already see that Jin Chi's mood was a little relaxed, especially when he was defending against his long sword.Instead, more energy was spent on offense.

It's now!

Ye Weiyang stabbed out with a sword, straight to Jin Chi's eyebrows.

Jin Chi raised the long sword confidently, trying to knock Ye Weiyang's long sword away.But when the long knife and the long sword intersected this time, his expression changed.

Can't move!
Not to mention knocking Feiye Weiyang's long sword, it didn't change the trajectory of the long sword at all.His hairs stood on end, and he shouted in his heart that something was wrong.But it was too late.

too close!
This time, Ye Weiyang broke out with all his strength, how could he shake it at all?

With the sound of fierce friction between the long sword and metal, Ye Weiyang's colorful sword pierced Jin Chi's eyebrows, and the sword energy exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Jin Chi is dead!

It was collected by Ye Weiyang into the storage ring.


On the city wall, the human monks were silent for a while, and then completely boiled.The cheers were like a tsunami.Everyone knows that the gold eaters are finished.Boundary Breaking was killed, and Boundary Creation was also killed.Ye Weiyang killed more than 100 people when they joined forces.Since then, the gold eaters dare not challenge again.Even if the gold-eating tribe comes again, as long as Ye Weiyang is still in Zhennanguan, the gold-eating tribe will not dare to challenge.

The morale of the human race was completely boiling.

Ye Weiyang's figure flew across the ground, and collected the more than 100 gold-eating monks killed just now into the storage ring.And Zu Tongzhi's figure was already hanging in the sky above Ye Weiyang, his eyes locked on the good fortune monk of the demon clan opposite, he was afraid that the good fortune on the opposite side would suddenly attack Ye Weiyang.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Ye Weiyang who was busy collecting the corpse below, and couldn't help curling his lips.Really a money fanatic.

But...the corpses of these gold-eaters are really precious, they are all the top materials for refining.Especially the corpse of the crack monk.

Tsk!This girl is rich!
Ye Weiyang on the ground quickly cleaned the battlefield, and then flew towards the city.Zu Tongzhi glanced at the opposite side, waved his sleeves, and landed on the top of the city. Looking at Ye Weiyang, he couldn't help but sigh:
"Weiyang, your main body should be at the peak of the late stage of breaking the boundary, or even complete?"

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded, and didn't hide anything, anyway, no one knew that he didn't complete the boundary breaking, but that the creation body had transformed by [-]%.

"Tsk! It seems that you must have broken through the boundary. By the way, can you trade some of your gold-eater corpses to me?"

"I can't give you the ones that break the boundary and create the boundary. I will give you a few of the rest. You can choose by yourself."

With a bang, Ye Weiyang threw the more than 100 gold-eating monks who joined together on the top of the wall.Zu Tongzhi had a toothache:
"Wei Young, I want the cracked one."

"No!" Ye Weiyang shook his head and said, "It's the first time I've seen this kind of race, I want to go back and study, whether it's possible to refine these corpses into puppets."

(End of this chapter)

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