The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1147 Research

Chapter 1147 Research
"Are you still a craftsman?" Zu Tongzhi asked in surprise.

"Grandmaster of Artifact Refining!"

"Hey!" Zu Tongzhi said happily, "In this case, I will not compete with you for these gold-eating clans. However, many craftsmen have thought about your idea, and have studied it for a long time, but there is no success."

Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "I don't think we can only use the Artifact Refining Technique, it should be combined with the Talisman Making Technique."

Zu Tongzhi was stunned, and then happily said: "This is a way. I forgot that you are still a saint of fairy talismans. Maybe you can really make a way for you. Once you succeed in refining in the future, sell it to me several."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "Whatever you sell, I will give some seniors when the time comes. But you can't give away those who break the boundary and create the boundary."

"Hahaha, good!" Zu Tongzhi also appreciated Ye Weiyang's straightforwardness very much.And in his heart, Ye Weiyang has a [-]% chance of becoming a Boundary Breaker cultivator, and a [-]% chance of becoming a Good Fortune cultivator.Therefore, he did not put on airs of a senior in front of Ye Weiyang.

"Go, talk to the old man!"

"it is good!"

The two walked in the air and flew towards the direction where Zu Tongzhi lived, with envious eyes on the top of the city.That's Great Brother Good Fortune, being able to chat with Great Brother Good Fortune, and receive a few words of advice from Great Brother Good Fortune, it will be of great benefit!

"Hey!" Gong Xuchuan sneered, "There's nothing to envy."

"Aren't you envious?" Zhang Tian asked with sideways eyes.

"Envious!" Gong Xuchuan said.

This answer made the monks around stunned. Are you envious of the dick just now?
Gong Xuchuan said indifferently: "We are envious, but Wei Young doesn't care at all. Will Wei Young be pleasantly surprised by talking with a great monk of fortune? If he wants to, he can talk to a great monk of fortune for a year at any time in Chongxuzong."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and nodded one after another.

What is Ye Weiyang's identity?
A top-rank elder, the sage of the Immortal Talisman.

With this identity, not to mention communicating with the top-rank elders of his own sect, the great monks of good fortune, even if they go to other sects to communicate with a great monk of good fortune, those good fortune monks will also give Ye Weiyang face.In other words, Zu Tongzhi took the initiative to invite Ye Weiyang because Ye Weiyang's status as the Saint of the Immortal Talisman is equal to that of the great monk of fortune.This time, everyone calmed down.Noisily clamoring to drink.

Today is worth celebrating, you won!

Ye Weiyang chatted with Zu Tongzhi for a short time, and Zu Tongzhi also wanted to give Ye Weiyang advice and leave a friendship.But in the end he had to give up, because he found that what was suitable for Ye Weiyang's realm didn't need his advice at all, Ye Weiyang understood it all, but Ye Weiyang couldn't understand at all when he talked to Ye Weiyang about the way of nature in the realm of good fortune.

On the other hand, the way of heaven that will break the realm, Ye Weiyang is careless, between understanding and incomprehension, so Zu Tongzhi doesn't talk about it, because this kind of carelessness is not good for monks, On the contrary, it will affect the direction of monks' understanding of the way of heaven.Going on, not only is it useless to Ye Weiyang, but it is returning Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang also understood, thanked Zu Tongzhi, and then agreed to stay in Zhennanguan for a period of time, to guard against the gold-eating monks coming to challenge again.This is not impossible. It is estimated that within half a year, a large number of monks from the gold-eating clan will come from the clan.These monks will definitely challenge Ye Weiyang.The gold-eating tribe has no good fortune, and the gold-eating tribe has never had a good fortune in history. This should have something to do with their physical characteristics, but there is a boundary breaking.The previous Jin Chi was only in the early stage of breaking the boundary, but the gold-eating tribe has successfully broken the boundary.

The residence that Zu Tongzhi arranged for Ye Weiyang is next door to him.Ye Weiyang didn't refuse either, and calmed down in the cave.In addition to comprehending the way of heaven every day, trying to break through to the late stage of world creation is to study how to refine the gold-eating tribe into puppets.For three days, Ye Weiyang felt that it was very difficult for him to succeed at the moment, and his disadvantage was in refining the weapon.At worst, I have to become a great master of immortal weapons, that is to say, I have to refine middle-grade fairy treasures.

Ye Weiyang went out to visit Zu Tongzhi next door, Zu Tongzhi greeted Ye Weiyang in: "But the puppet has an idea?"

"How come?" Ye Weiyang laughed and said, "I can't refine it at my current level."

"So did you find the problem?"

"That's right!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "My preliminary guess is that my level of refining is not enough. I need to break through the realm of a great master. Is there a library in Zhennanguan?"

"Yes!" Zu Tongzhi said with a smile: "How could there be no such a big pass? And there are quite a few inheritances of the four assistants of the Pill Talisman Array, but the inheritance of cultivation is much less."

While talking, he took out a jade token and handed it to Ye Weiyang, saying: "Take this to the Library Pavilion, let you watch it, no need to hand in Lingshi."

Ye Weiyang took the jade tablet, bowed to Zu Tongzhi and said: "Thank you, senior."

Zu Tongzhi waved his hand and said: "You're welcome. But even if the puppet is successfully refined, it is still something outside of the body. Weiyang, you can't put all your energy and time here, cultivation base is important."

"Wei Young understands! It's just that now I'm stuck in the middle stage of world creation, and it's not easy to break through to the late stage of world creation. I'm also comprehending every day, let's accumulate slowly."

"That's the best!" Zu Tongzhi nodded with satisfaction: "However, don't worry. In fact, your cultivation speed is fast enough. You are not yet five thousand years old, right?"


"There are quite a few people at your age who break through to the world-making, but those who can break through to the middle stage of the world-making are rare. Those who break through to the middle-stage of the world-making are even rarer. If you can break through to the late stage of the world-making within a hundred years .In history, there are only a handful of people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you."

Ye Weiyang bowed her hands respectfully again and said: "Thank you for your reminder, senior, this junior understands."

"Okay, let's go. The old man is waiting for the good news."

Ye Weiyang got up, said goodbye and left, and then went straight to the Zangshu Pavilion in Zhennan Pass.

The Zangshu Pavilion in Zhennanguan is very large, covering an extremely wide area, and has five floors.Ye Weiyang showed Zu Tongzhi's jade token, and there was nothing to stop her.And the cultivator who guards the Zangshu Pavilion is also very kind to her, which is due to her beheading the monks of the gold-eating clan.

Ye Weiyang has been soaking in the Library Pavilion since then, reading and comprehending while taking the Hongmeng Chiyun.She was not willing to take the better Hongmeng Daoyun, so she had to save herself to comprehend the way of heaven and break through the late stage of good fortune.It is a bit wasteful to use it on a refiner.But even so, Ye Weiyang is often just comprehending the refining weapon.But in the next moment, he unknowingly entered the comprehension of the way of heaven.After going back and forth, Ye Weiyang understood.

All roads in the world lead to the same goal by different routes, and the origin is the same.When she comprehended the refining technique, she came into contact with the Dao, and sometimes she unknowingly combined with her current cultivation direction and entered into comprehension.At this time, it dawned on her that the reason why she practiced so fast was because of her high comprehension and sufficient resources, and also because she was the sage of the Immortal Talisman, which made her understand the way of heaven better than others. a lot of.

Thank you very much for the reward of Bubu 1502 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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