The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1151 Big Tree

Chapter 1151 Big Tree
Ye Weiyang looked around, and saw that there were many monster monks looking at the big tree, all of them looked like they were watching the excitement, or showed pity.

Ye Weiyang sighed, she knew that she couldn't keep a low profile.But I still wanted to try it out, so I said sincerely:

"These Dao brothers, we are all monsters, we are a family, right?"

"Now we have a common enemy, the Terran, right?"

"I answered the question you asked sincerely, right?"

"In this case, you want to check my storage ring. Is this provoking a fight within the Yaozu?"

"Now is the time when the two worlds are colliding. Our Yaozu Patriarch has repeatedly issued strict orders not to allow internal strife. Are you fighting against the Patriarch?"

"The fight between you and me is small, but it has a big impact. It will show our fellow demon clan that we don't have to listen to the words of our ancestors. At that time, the demon clan was fighting with each other everywhere. What else can we use to resist the human race?"

"The monster clan is in conflict and is torn apart. The monster clan must be in turmoil. At that time, great changes will come. The human race will kill and come over. All this is because of the disaster you and I have brought to the monster clan today."

"The monster race has been passed down for thousands of years, and it will be destroyed in your hands..."

"Stop! Stop!"

The Yaozu on the opposite side felt his head buzzing. What kind of race is this on the other side?
It's so good!

If you continue to pull it off, you will be a sinner of the Yaozu!

"Why don't people like you go to the front line, you can kill all the monks of the human race with your mouth."

The Yaozu standing on both sides of Ye Weiyang were sweating coldly.Just wanting to search the body, let this banshee tell the demon clan to be in turmoil, this banshee is really shameless.

The Yaozu cultivator on the opposite side gave Ye Weiyang a hard look: "Okay, I believe in you. But don't lie to me. If you dare to lie to me, I will crush you to death, this little world."

"How dare you lie to you, a world-breaking monk!" Ye Weiyang laughed quickly.

The boundary-breaking cultivator said proudly: "It's good to know!"

"Then I passed?"

The eyeballs of the Boundary Breaking Monster Race rolled around: "We will accompany you there."

"No need?"

The demon cultivator grinned and said, "Use!"


Ye Weiyang nodded, then walked towards the big tree, and the three monster clans followed Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang didn't walk fast, that monster clan impatiently said:
"Hurry up!"

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said: "It's the first time I saw a big tree, I want to take a look at it slowly, I came here with a pilgrimage mentality. I have to look carefully, not in a hurry."

The monster cultivator glanced at Ye Weiyang and stopped talking.Ye Weiyang's words made him believe Ye Weiyang's words a bit.The same is true for those monster monks who came to pilgrimage.But he is still worried, he wants to follow Ye Weiyang.

Who would have thought that Ye Weiyang would walk more and more slowly, the demon cultivator felt impatient, just about to reprimand him, but his expression was startled, he found that Ye Weiyang had a tendency to comprehend.

Can this also be understood?
In fact, Ye Weiyang really understood everything, and she was surprised in her heart. Now that she is [-] meters away from the big tree, she can feel circles of dao rhymes spreading towards her. This dao rhyme has a long history The breath of the breath, let oneself have a two-point improvement in the fit of the heaven, this is the real reason for Ye Weiyang to understand.

The monster monk finally couldn't help asking: "Have you understood?"

Ye Weiyang is now in a state of half comprehension and half sobriety, upon hearing this, she nodded and said, "I have some understanding."

"How could you comprehend it?" The boundary-breaking demon clan was very puzzled: "I have been here for more than 20 years, and I still haven't comprehended it. How did you comprehend it?"

Ye Weiyang was also surprised, how obvious is this, these dao rhymes directly increased the monk's compatibility with the way of heaven by two, naturally he could comprehend a little more, and the other party's cultivation base was higher than his own, so he didn't comprehend?

Then Ye Weiyang realized that it should be because the understanding of this monster race is not as good as her own.My comprehension was originally high, and later I improved a lot in the enlightenment lotus, so I was able to enter the state of semi-comprehension.And because this monster monk's comprehension is not as good as his own, even if the big tree has improved his comprehension by two points, he still can't reach the state of comprehension.He shook his head and said:
"I do not know."

"Then what have you learned?"

Ye Weiyang's heart moved, and he said: "I feel a kind of breath of time, as if there is a long river of time flowing in front of my eyes."

The monster clan was taken aback: "The mystery of time?"

"That's not true!" Ye Weiyang shook her head and said, "The long river of time is all-encompassing and contains all kinds of mysteries."

After thinking for a while, I said, "I'm just a feeling, not a long river. And this feeling is not a long river, so it's not a mystery of time. It's a kind of precipitation of time, which should be the countless thousands of years in a big tree. The spread of Dao Yun made me feel like I was baptized by the years."

Is that right?

of course not!

Ye Weiyang was just talking nonsense.

The three demon monks couldn't help sinking their hearts to feel the baptism of the years, but they felt a loneliness.

Seeing the appearance of the three demon monks, Ye Weiyang laughed in his heart, but he resisted and continued to move forward.The three monsters immersed themselves for a while, and realized that it was useless at all. Then they raised their heads and saw that Ye Weiyang had walked more than 1000 meters away, so they swept away.After catching up with Ye Weiyang, the leader of the boundary-breaking demon clan said angrily:

"You lied to me?"

Ye Weiyang said in astonishment, "How did I lie to you?"

"I didn't realize it at all, not only did I not, but neither did the two of them."

The two monster monks also shook their heads repeatedly, staring at Ye Weiyang angrily.

Ye Weiyang said seriously: "Fellow Daoist, comprehension of this thing varies from person to person, it doesn't mean that if I can comprehend it, you will definitely be able to comprehend it."

"You mean your understanding is higher than mine?"

Ye Weiyang said sincerely: "It should be."

"Okay, tell me, what did you realize?"

Ye Weiyang said: "Heaven and earth, yin and yang, movement and stillness!"

The boundary-breaking monster looked at Ye Weiyang suspiciously, Ye Weiyang shook his head and said: "This thing depends on chance. I didn't expect to come to the pilgrimage this time, and there will be such a harvest. Fellow Daoist, I will understand."

After saying that, Ye Weiyang walked forward slowly again, she walked very slowly, the more she walked towards the big tree, the more things she felt, but she was not in a hurry, she wanted to gain more from this gradual process perception.

The three monster clans looked at Ye Weiyang carefully, and found that Ye Weiyang was really in a state of comprehension, and couldn't help scratching their heads, is it really that their comprehension is not enough?
The three monster clans couldn't help but glanced at each other, and didn't interrupt Ye Weiyang's comprehension.Whether it's human race or monster race, as long as there is no deep hatred or conflict of interests, other monks will not be interrupted.This is a rule, and interrupting other people's perception is a life-and-death enmity. Once you don't kill your opponent, you will be hated by your opponent for a lifetime, and you don't know when you will get revenge.

So, at this time, the three demon clans actually believed that Ye Weiyang was here for a pilgrimage.There are no big tree leaves on her body, she shook her head and stopped following Ye Weiyang.

Thank you very much lammasfan for rewarding 200 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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