The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1152 Big Tree Space

Chapter 1152 Big Tree Space
When Ye Weiyang walked 5000 meters away from the big tree, he felt that the bottleneck in the late stage of world creation was a little loose.

She glanced at the big tree, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "It's amazing!"

Let my state of mind remain calm again, immersed in comprehension.It's just that she is still in a state of half comprehension, because under that big tree, there are many monster monks, and the number of them is over a hundred.

And those people also saw Ye Weiyang at this time, and also felt Ye Weiyang's state.Some of the monks among these monster races had a flash in their eyes.They remembered that in the legends in history, there were also legends that some monks could comprehend it outside the big tree without entering the big tree. As long as these monks survived, they would all be the big men who finally stood at the top of the world of cultivating immortals.

The cultivator from the Boundary Breaking Monster Clan was a little apprehensive, and after thinking about it, although he was very fierce towards Ye Weiyang before, he didn't actually offend him, so he felt a little relieved.

Ye Weiyang finally came under the big tree. At this time, the bottleneck in the late stage of world creation has been relaxed for most of the time. Ye Weiyang looked up at the big tree, thought for a while, and then asked the surrounding monsters:
"Fellow daoists, will Senior Dashu let you go to Dashu?"

Then a monster monk replied: "It's a good idea, anyway, don't do anything that is unfavorable to Senior Dashu, Senior Dashu is very easy to get along with."

"Thank you!"

After Ye Weiyang thanked the monster monk, he took a step into the air and flew up along the tree trunk, flying up to a height of a thousand feet, and then the scattered branches and leaves began to appear, Ye Weiyang flew into the branches and leaves, and then sensed the surroundings, Then it continued to fly upwards, flew above the white clouds, continued to fly upwards, finally stopped, and then fell down again.I finally found this big tree, which has the strongest ability to assist me.He sat cross-legged on the tree trunk.She is not in a hurry to enter the world of tree rings. If she can get a breakthrough outside, her comprehension will be stronger, and her degree of conformity with the law of heaven will be greater. At that time, when she enters the world of tree rings, she will understand more .

Under the big tree, those monster clan looked up at the big tree, the distance was too high, and the big tree had luxuriant leaves, they couldn't see Ye Weiyang with their eyesight, and of course they didn't use their spiritual sense, so they all tabooed this to avoid disturbing Ye Weiyang's comprehension.Some monster clan sighed leisurely:
"I'm so envious!"

All the monsters nodded one after another, and some monsters also sat cross-legged, trying to see if they could understand something, and some monks of the monsters also flew up, looking for tree trunks and sitting cross-legged, trying to understand.The tree fell silent again.

One day, two days, three days...

One month, two months, three months...

In Ye Weiyang's Taoist heart, the realm expanded again, and she broke through.Finally broke through to the seventh level of world creation, and entered the late stage of world creation.The immortal energy of heaven and earth frantically began to gather towards her. The immortal energy in this big tree was already extremely strong, even stronger than the secret realm of Chongxu Sect, allowing Ye Weiyang to break through smoothly.

The demon clans up and down the big tree all raised their heads and looked in Ye Weiyang's direction.

"This is a breakthrough!"

"What a high comprehension!"

"The future is another boss!"

An idea emerged in the hearts of every monster clan, this monk wanted to make friends.However, it seems that he has never seen this monk before. I don't know which race he is from?

These Yaozu monks began to communicate.

"Do you know these fellow Taoists?"

"do not know."

"Do you know any fellow Daoists?"

All the monsters shook their heads one after another, which aroused curiosity in the hearts of all the monster monks, who were quietly waiting for Ye Weiyang to break through.Even the monster monks on the tree also came down from above.Wait quietly below.

After seven days.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation has reached the seventh level of world-building perfection, but she can't break through anymore. The breakthrough of a world-making monk needs to infuse Dao rhyme in the world, and every time he advances to a small level, he must have a deeper level of comprehension.Infuse the deeper level of Dao Yun into the realm.Now Ye Weiyang feels that it will take a long time to comprehend to the next level, even on a big tree.

Ye Weiyang immediately took out the leaf, and as soon as the leaf was taken out, a branch in front of her turned into a hand, stretching towards Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang passed the leaf in his hand, the hand caught the leaf, retracted the branch, and disappeared together with the leaf.

Ye Weiyang was thinking why Dashu didn't even say a word?

Then he saw a green light rising from under his buttocks, wrapping her around, and then Ye Weiyang disappeared into the big tree.At this time, those monster monks standing under the tree didn't know that Ye Weiyang had disappeared because they didn't use their spiritual sense to watch.

At this time, Ye Weiyang found herself standing in a space, and the ground under her feet was rings of growth rings.A voice sounded in her ear:

"Young man, you can understand here. Whenever you want to go out, you can just say it out of your mouth. But after you go out, you have no chance to come in again, unless you still have a leaf I gave away."

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Weiyang bowed to salute, then got up and walked towards the inside.She knows to go further inside.The greater the chance of comprehension.

As she walked, she realized it, and she couldn't help being surprised.

This time she really felt the baptism of time, she seemed to have stepped into the long river of time, she felt as if she was walking upstream of the long river of time, the more she walked in, the closer she was to the source of the long river of time, And the closer to the source, the more able to see the origin of the world's changes.

But the further you go, the greater the resistance. At the beginning, I just felt resistance, and I needed to break through the resistance and move forward.After walking for half a day, it is not only resistance, but also a thrust.As if really going upstream, the rolling river of time is hitting Ye Weiyang's body.

Ye Weiyang tried to use her celestial power to break the thrust, but found it had no effect.Then she used the power of her main body to forcibly move forward, but found that the effect was not great, and as she moved forward, the effect of her main body's power became smaller and smaller, and finally she was unable to move an inch.

Ye Weiyang secretly said in his heart: "It seems that we can only use our true intentions, let's try!"

The only true meaning that Ye Weiyang comprehended was the Star Sword, and other things like Yin and Yang hadn't comprehended the true meaning yet.

Ye Weiyang's body surface exuded a layer of light, like starlight.

This is the true meaning of the Star Sword.


Ye Weiyang felt her body cleared up, and the resistance in front of her was like nothingness.

She walked forward quickly, and after walking like this for nearly a day, she felt resistance again.This is because her understanding of the true meaning is not enough.

Ye Weiyang was neither happy nor sad, she knew in her heart that she was extremely lucky to be able to reach this level, and it would be impossible for any world-creator cultivator to reach this point.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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