The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1158 Advance

Chapter 1158 Advance
Needless to say, this method really works.These true meanings have no spiritual intelligence, only instinctive feelings.They instinctively attack in the direction of the greatest fluctuations, while places like Ye Weiyang, which minimize their power and only defend against weak fluctuations, receive very few attacks.But this does not mean that there is no danger. In fact, in this chaotic battlefield, there is no place that is not dangerous.

Ye Weiyang carefully exercised her true meaning and waved her true meaning sword.But even if it doesn't pay attention, in such a chaotic battlefield, the impact is wave after wave.

This is a danger, but also an opportunity.

In this life-and-death environment, Ye Weiyang's control over true meaning has improved by leaps and bounds.The speed of nuances has increased rapidly, all of which are forced.

As her control over the details got deeper and deeper, Relative also began to feel a little more relaxed.She began to move consciously as she sensed the true meaning of the stars.Now she really needs the sincerity of the stars to strengthen herself. Only by strengthening herself can she find a way out.

As for the danger, she no longer cared.

If you still care about life and death at this time, you are really courting death.

She has fought with too many truths, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, thunder and so on, but she has always been careful, pretending to be weak, and gaining insight in the battle.

Gradually, she began to comprehend other true meanings, which she did not take the initiative to comprehend, but passively comprehended while fighting those true meanings.

But she still takes the true meaning of the stars as the main body, and sticks to this point every breath of time.Gradually, she has a feeling that no matter what kind of true meaning is a branch of the true meaning of the stars, she began to try to find the common ground of these true meanings.

However, the effect is not good.

But she is not discouraged. If she can find a common ground, it will definitely be of great benefit to her comprehension of the way of heaven, and even her cultivation realm.But if you can't comprehend it, forget it.

Because she knows that this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it requires realm, opportunity and opportunity.

Although this state of following one's inclinations did not allow her to find the original essence of all kinds of true meanings, it did allow her to improve her understanding of true meanings at an extremely fast speed.

She finally started to try to fight back, instead of blindly defending.


One true intention was strangled by Ye Weiyang, and she rushed towards another true intention.

When Ye Weiyang strangled the sixth true meaning, he was finally discovered by the surrounding true meanings, one of them rushed towards Ye Weiyang, and soon there were many true meanings rushing towards him.At this time, Ye Weiyang no longer hides, releases all her abilities, and fights with all the true intentions.

Of course, this is not a group of sincere besiegers against Ye Weiyang, but a chaotic battle.Just now a certain true intention was still attacking Ye Weiyang, and in the next moment, that true intention attacked other true intentions.

This shows that these true meanings have no owner, but Ye Weiyang did not relax one bit.If you haven't encountered the true meaning of having a master now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to encounter it in the future.Only with the true intention of the Lord is the real danger.

Of course, the true meaning of Wuzhu is not necessarily dangerous enough.Ye Weiyang focused on fighting these true intentions, the battlefield expanded to a certain extent, and in turn began to shrink, because the true intentions continued to collapse.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ye Weiyang finally felt that the level of fighting has dropped, and the true meaning has become thinner.Groups of sincerity gradually dissipated in the battle.Finally at a certain point in time, the last true meaning dissipated, leaving only Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang stood empty on the long river of time, entering the process of combing and comprehending.This comprehension has only passed three months, Ye Weiyang's true meaning has grown a lot, she feels that her true meaning is on the way to Dacheng, at least one-third of it has gone.


Ye Weiyang went upstream, thinking about it while shooting upstream.Guan Zhongxiong and the two of them should have great success in their true intentions, or even higher, but they will definitely not reach perfection, otherwise they will not continue to stay here.In this way, the two of them should be far away from themselves, very upstream.

If I want to join the two senior brothers, I'm afraid I don't have that level.

Then do you want to go to the river section of Dacheng Realm?
If you go there by yourself, but your true intentions are not at all great, it will be extremely dangerous.Maybe the true meaning of this hard-fought practice is explained there.But if I don't go, I feel a little unwilling.

"Go and see!"

In the end, Ye Weiyang decided to go to Dacheng Zhenyi River to have a look, if not, he would withdraw and leave Dashu.


She accelerated suddenly, like a meteor passing through the long river of time.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ye Weiyang stopped, she sensed the true meanings around her, and those true meanings were very powerful, so strong that it made her tremble slightly.

This is the true meaning of Dacheng!
She looked around, and she knew that in the space of the big tree, she was not the only monk, and there must be other monks of the human race, or monks of the monster race.If you encounter Wuzhu Zhenyi, you still have the possibility of escaping.But if you encounter the true meaning of having a master, you will be really in danger.

But the difficulty is that she can't perceive that the ball of true meaning has no owner, and which ball of true meaning has an owner.

She quietly floated in the long river of time, looking around.There are many true meanings around, she decided to find a single true meaning.

In fact, the true meaning is all single.It's just that some places have more sincerity, and some places have less sincerity. In places with more sincerity, if you attack by yourself, it is likely to cause a melee like the previous one. In this kind of Dacheng true meaning, melee is too much. Danger.Therefore, she wanted to find a solitary true meaning, a mass of true meaning without other true meanings within a wide range.In this case, even if you are not low, it will be easier to escape.

She began to move slowly, looking slowly.She is not lacking in patience. From cultivation to now, many times between life and death, she relied on her own patience to win the final victory.

About two and a half days later, Ye Weiyang saw a ball of true meaning from a distance, and there was no other true meaning within a wide range around that ball of true meaning.Ye Weiyang's personality is also very courageous, and she immediately leaned towards the group of true intentions.

When she was still a hundred meters away from the ball of true intentions, she had already transformed into a form of true intentions, holding the sword of true intentions in her hand, and rushed towards the ball of true intentions.


That group of true intentions turned out to be a group of thunderous true intentions. When Ye Weiyang approached it for more than fifty meters, the group of thunderous true intentions sensed her and attacked her.


Ye Weiyang waved his hands with sincerity, and immediately released little stars, those little stars instantly turned into a sea of ​​stars, covering the thunder towards Thunder.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (190)!

(End of this chapter)

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