The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1159 The Shock of True Intent

Chapter 1159 The Shock of True Intent


The ball of true meaning lit up like a little sun.It's just that what it shoots out is not light, but thunder, like a spider's web, quickly spreading around.Collided with Ye Weiyang's star sincerity.

The two groups fought fiercely with sincerity.Ye Weiyang found out that she was not at a disadvantage in the process of fighting with the opponent, so she felt certain in her heart, with two certainties.

First of all, the other party must not have the true meaning of the Lord, and secondly, his true meaning should be higher than Lei Ting's true meaning, so even if his own true meaning is not at the level of Dacheng, the other party's true meaning is already at Dacheng, but his own true meaning can still fight the other party. downwind.

Then all go down!
Half a quarter of an hour later, Ye Weiyang discovered that the opponent's thunder was different from the thunder in the outside world. The thunder in the outside world, even if it was a catastrophe, would dissipate after being bombarded.But this thunder of true meaning seems to be unable to dissipate at all, every thunder has always existed, one after another thunder is woven into a net, endless and tenacious, covering Ye Weiyang's true meaning inside.Slowly shrinking towards Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang can imagine that once the net is completely shrunk, it will cut her own true intentions, and her true intentions may be cut and dissipated.

What a difference!

Ye Weiyang swung his long sword, gathered thousands of stars, and stabbed at a node of the thunder net.

Star Sword!

That node collapsed, a hole was torn open in the thunder net, Ye Weiyang pierced through it, and then used the Star Sword again, stabbing towards Lei Ting's true intention.With the battle with Lei Ting's true meaning, Ye Weiyang's subtle control of the true meaning has improved, gradually gaining the upper hand.But at this moment, Ye Weiyang's face changed drastically, and she suddenly turned her head to look, and saw that at some point, a group of true intentions was not far away from her and Lei Ting's true intentions, it should be attracted by the struggle between their two true intentions .

Ye Weiyang was extremely vigilant, to be able to approach so silently, and the one approaching was himself, this should be the true meaning of the Lord, in other words, this should be the true meaning of a monk, I don't know if it is the monster race or the human race, but It must be a great success.And he can be sure that the other party has bad intentions towards him, otherwise he would not approach him secretly, and even if he approached, he would target Lei Ting's true intentions, not his own true intentions.

Ye Weiyang pretended not to know that the other party was approaching, but she was thinking quickly in her heart, how to keep herself in a relatively safe place.

What is a relatively safe place?
She could see that the group of monks sincerely wanted to find a chance to join forces with Lei Ting's true intentions to attack Ye Weiyang.And the relatively safe place is that Ye Weiyang wants to form an opportunity for her and Lei Ting's true intentions to attack the group of monks' true intentions, at least let Lei Ting's true intentions block for her, instead of forming a relationship with the monk's true intentions against herself. pincer attack.

She began to approach Lei Ting's true meaning.Originally, in the battle with Lei Ting's true meaning, she always kept a safe distance, but now she started to take risks and approached Lei Ting's true meaning.As expected, the true meaning of the group of monks quietly moved behind her, and began to approach her quietly.Because the cultivator's true intentions were on the same line as Ye Weiyang's, the thunder that came head-on was blocked by Ye Weiyang, and he was not attacked by the thunder after Ye Weiyang's true intentions.

This makes him very relaxed and able to sneak, but the disadvantage is that he cannot see the situation in front of Ye Weiyang.

What kind of situation is Ye Weiyang in front of her now?

It looked like a Taiji diagram, the sword of true meaning in her hand, the sword was yin and yang, and the thunder from the opposite side shot over, all of which were circled by her yin and yang Taiji, and there were more and more thunders circled in the Yinyang Taiji diagram , and soon formed a thunderball.Ye Weiyang is approaching Lei Ting's true intention with such a thunder ball.The closer you get, the stronger the true meaning of the thunder, the true meaning of the thunder in Yin Yang Tai Chi is almost compressed to the extreme by Ye Weiyang, but the monk's true meaning is still approaching, since this is the case, Ye Weiyang is insisting, wanting the monk's true meaning to distance himself Get closer.

"It's now!"

Ye Weiyang felt that the group of true intentions in the back fluctuated again, which indicated that the group of true intentions would end their stealth and attack Ye Weiyang.


Ye Weiyang took a step to the left, but with just this step, she dodged the space.


The cultivator's true intention was just about to attack Ye Weiyang, but he saw a thick thunder bombarding him.It was Lei Ting who bombarded Ye Weiyang with sincerity when he opened the passage.And almost at the same time, Ye Weiyang turned around, and the monk really panicked.Because he saw a Taiji diagram in front of Ye Weiyang, and there was a huge light cluster in the Taiji diagram.


The ball of light exploded out, forming a huge thunder pillar, which was a hundred times thicker than the thunder pillar that Thunder really blasted at him now.


Completely insufficient preparations, the group of monks' true intentions were hit by two thunder pillars, and were completely covered by thunder light. They couldn't see his true intentions at all, even Ye Weiyang couldn't perceive them at this time, and all he could perceive were Thunder sincerely.

It took about three breaths for the thunder pillar to dissipate, but the true meaning of the group of monks could no longer be found.


The group of true intentions of thunder attacked Ye Weiyang again, but Ye Weiyang already felt that the group of true intentions of thunder was a bit tasteless to her.She wants to find a stronger true meaning.


Ye Weiyang left, but the true meaning of the thunderbolt was following closely, which made Ye Weiyang's face change. She found that although she was stronger than the true meaning of the thunderbolt now, she was not faster than the other party in terms of speed. followed closely behind.The most important thing is that Ye Weiyang was not prepared enough for this point, so he didn't distance himself from Lei Ting's true intentions. The Thunder's true intentions changed from chasing to attacking Ye Weiyang.

How fast is the true meaning!
Therefore, Ye Weiyang ran away all at once, and she still ran for other true intentions, because she wanted to find a powerful true intention.As a result, Lei Ting's attack with true intentions spread to other true intentions.


The scene suddenly became chaotic, and in less than a breath, it caused a large-scale riot. At least a dozen true intentions were trapped in, and Ye Weiyang didn't know if there were any other monks' true intentions among these true intentions. .The most terrifying thing is that the true meaning involved is increasing at an extremely fast speed.

The true meaning here is all in the state of great achievement, and in an instant Ye Weiyang is like a flat boat in the ocean, swaying under the attack of true meaning.


Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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