The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1160 Absorption

Chapter 1160 Absorption
Ye Weiyang was the first to avoid the true meaning of thunder, and then began to use the old method to reduce her own existence and restrain her true meaning. Only when it was absolutely necessary, did she release her true meaning defense, and the release range was very small.

She is very nervous now, because a monk attacked her with sincerity just now, and it is hard to guarantee that there are no other monks with true intentions in this melee circle.

If you consciously reduce your sense of existence, you can fool the master's true meaning, but you can't fool the monk's true meaning.Once there is the true meaning of the monks here, and they detonate the chaos, these monks must hate themselves deeply, so they will not watch their own lower sense of existence, maybe they are looking for opportunities to attack themselves.

Once a monk sincerely attacks him, he will be exposed, unable to keep a low profile, and will become the center of the attack.She has released her perception to the limit.

"Boom boom boom..."

The scope of the battle situation is rapidly expanding, and in just a few breaths of time, more than a hundred people have passively participated in it.Ye Weiyang kept a low profile in the cracks, sensing the true meaning around her.

She kept herself as low-key as possible, even her perception was reduced to a very weak level.Because the true meaning is to find the other party by perception.If she spreads her perception to a wide range, it will inevitably attract the attention of other true intentions, and then besiege her.By doing this, she did keep Ye Weiyang out of the spotlight, and the pressure she endured was very small, but she also lost her perception of the surrounding area a little farther away.And at this moment, there was a mass of sincerity approaching her cautiously.And that group of true meaning is the true meaning of the stars.

He approached very slowly, because in the distance between him and Ye Weiyang, a battle of true intentions was erupting. He needed afterglow, defense, and moreover, he needed to take the initiative to attack from time to time.And Ye Weiyang is not motionless, Ye Weiyang is also moving, because in such a battlefield, if you stay in one place without moving, that is courting death.It is necessary to constantly shift, avoid the centers of battles one by one, and look for relatively weak points in the battlefield.

Therefore, even if Ye Weiyang didn't notice that there was a group of stars that had already been eyeing her, it was not so easy for that group of stars to get close to him.And there is also the possibility of being killed by other true intentions on the way.

However, things often don't go according to either party's wishes.At first, Ye Weiyang's moving direction was to distance herself from that star, but now she is actively moving closer.The true meaning of that group of stars is a true meaning of the Lord, and it is a powerful monster monk, a great fortune monk of the starlight clan.He saw Ye Weiyang, and recognized that it was the true meaning of a cluster of stars, which was the true meaning of his life.And he can see that Ye Weiyang's true intentions are not yet complete, but his true intentions have already been accomplished, stronger than Ye Weiyang.

He also admires Ye Weiyang in his heart, a true meaning who has not reached the Dacheng realm dares to go against the current to this level, isn't this giving himself a chance?

As long as he devours and refines this group of true meaning, he can have great hope to achieve the consummation of true meaning.Therefore, he was very patient, for fear that Ye Weiyang would run away after discovering him.Even during this process, he experienced many dangers, and Ye Weiyang was constantly moving away from him, so he maintained enough patience.And now, his patience finally ushered in the report.

Ye Weiyang is actively approaching him.

This process is also a process of patience. The two true intentions are carefully avoiding the attacks of other true intentions, trying not to participate in it as much as possible, and wandering between the gaps in every battlefield.It's just that Ye Weiyang is just hiding, but the Starlight Clan has to take care of both hiding and getting close to Ye Weiyang.

So, it's a long process, during which sometimes both inevitably get involved in the fight, and then look for opportunities to reduce their sense of presence.Sometimes Ye Weiyang took the initiative to approach that cultivator, and sometimes she stayed away from that cultivator. Time passed slowly, but that cultivator was not in a hurry and showed enough patience.And in this kind of stalemate, Ye Weiyang's understanding of the true meaning of the stars is getting deeper and deeper, not only the understanding of the subtleties is deepened, but the whole realm is also improving.If one insists on adding another realm between Xiaocheng and Dacheng, for example, the realm of Zhongcheng, Ye Weiyang has already stepped into Zhongcheng at this time.

That is to say, Ye Weiyang has covered half of the distance from Xiaocheng to Dacheng.

Meanwhile, danger looms.That Starlight Clan cultivator's true intentions are already very close to Ye Weiyang.And he knew that the same two true intentions would have the perception of attraction, so he hid behind a killing true intention.The surging killing intent of the killing intent obscured his aura of the true intent of the stars.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and the true meaning of the obscure star suddenly lit up, and then hit Ye Weiyang's true meaning like a meteor.In just an instant, the two true meanings of stars gathered into a cluster of true meanings of stars, and in this cluster of true meanings of stars, Ye Weiyang and the cultivator immediately had a tragic fight.

The moment the monk's true intentions lit up and rushed towards her, Ye Weiyang knew that she was being targeted.It was too late to dodge.

Sure enough, the star struck over with sincerity.Both are the true meaning of the stars, the two are attracted together at once, and if one does not swallow the other, they will not be separated again.

The true meaning of this group of stars suddenly became dark.Make the surrounding true meanings unperceivable. This is the reaction of two identical true meanings attracting each other. Before the two are completely devoured, the surface will become gray, making it difficult for other true meanings to be perceived, unless there is The monk's true meaning has been staring at them.

Ye Weiyang soon felt the difficulty, the other party is also the true meaning of the stars, everyone is the same in grade, but he is in the realm of Dacheng, and Ye Weiyang is only Xiaocheng, although it has approached half the distance of Dacheng, but that is still Xiaocheng.

Ye Weiyang began to feel that her true intentions were being lost and being swallowed by the other party, but she was still struggling and fighting back.But everyone's true intentions are the same, the other party suppresses Ye Weiyang in the realm, and Ye Weiyang's resistance only slows down the speed at which she is swallowed, but still cannot stop herself from being swallowed.

Suddenly, Ye Weiyang felt that her true intentions had changed, and her true intentions began to converge towards each point, and then each point lit up.

one, two, three...

240 a.

One point at 240 lit up, as bright as a star, and then that one point at 240 emitted an astonishing suction.Ye Weiyang could even hear the monk's true meaning howl, and then the monk's true meaning was crazily absorbed by the 240 light spot, but in less than ten breaths, the other party's true meaning was absorbed by the 240 bright spot.

(End of this chapter)

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