"Yes, that's the big tree."

"Then you went?"


Wanqingzong stared and perceived: "You have completed the creation of the world now?"


"The breakthrough obtained from the big tree?"

"Well, but this is not the biggest gain. The biggest gain is that I have realized the true meaning."

"Have you realized the true meaning?" Wan Qingzong just sat down and jumped up again.



"..." Wan Qingzong was silent for a moment: "You release it for me to see."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang stretched out an index finger and pierced towards Wan Qingzong who was opposite him.

Star Sword!
Wan Qingzong's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to grab that finger, condensing his big hand with sincerity, and Ling Kong grabbed the star-drawing sword in his hand.


The star-leading sword was crushed by Wanqingzong, and its power was scattered by Wanqingzong's sincerity, and it didn't emit the slightest power.Wan Qingzong looked at Ye Weiyang excitedly:
"Xiao Cheng, it turned out to be Xiao Cheng!"

Ye Weiyang still hasn't fully released her true intentions, her true intentions are now very close to Dacheng.But it still only released the power that had just been completed.After a test with Wan Qingzong, she highly suspected that Wan Qingzong's true meaning had been fulfilled.But at this time Wan Qingzong looked at Ye Weiyang excitedly.

Xiao Cheng's sincerity!

This can basically determine that Ye Weiyang has a [-]% possibility of breaking through in the future.This is another good fortune.The Wanqing Sect has another fortune.At this time, he suddenly remembered that Ye Weiyang was not an ordinary monk, she was still a fairy talisman.If Ye Weiyang breaks through good fortune in the future, his strength may be able to crush other good fortune.Not to mention other places, I am afraid that he can become the number one master in Chongxuzong.

"Weiyang, what are your plans?"

"Plan?" Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, then waved her hand and said, "Sovereign, let's not talk about me, do you know who I met in the space of the big tree?"


"Senior brothers Guan Zhongxiong and Kuang Yuanchi."

"Have you met them?" Wan Qingzong was excited again.


"How about the two of them...?"

"The two of us are very good. It may not take a hundred years to cultivate the true meaning to great success."

"Great!" Wan Qingzong stood up, paced back and forth in the cave, and after a while, his emotions calmed down: "What else did the two of them say?"

"It is said that they will come back when they realize the true meaning to perfection, and they should be able to encounter a decisive battle with the demon world."

"Okay, that's great!" Wan Qingzong had calmed down and sat down again: "Weiyang, what are your plans for the future?"

"I don't know. I'm stuck at the threshold of breaking the boundary. I want to seek an opportunity to break through, but I don't know how to find it. What advice does the suzerain have?"

"It's just a few." Wanqing Zong said with a stern finger: "The first one is to retreat. The second is to seek combat, the third is to travel, and the fourth is to learn by analogy.

Let me talk about the first retreat first. When you come out from the big tree, it is equivalent to just finishing the retreat, so the retreat should not be of much use to you, just a waste of time. "

Ye Weiyang nodded in agreement.

"Let's talk about the second one, which is fighting, frequent fighting. Now there is such a condition. You can enter the space of the two worlds, or go to the defense line of the fairy world. No matter where you are, you can meet your fighting requirements. But I It is not recommended that you do so."

"Why?" Ye Weiyang was puzzled.

"It's too dangerous! No matter how powerful you are, you are only a world-builder. And your world-builder has realized the true meaning now. As long as you don't die, breaking through the world is only a matter of time, and there is even a [-]% possibility of breaking through the world in the future. A person like you is a treasure in any sect, and you are not allowed to take such a risk."

Ye Weiyang was somewhat disapproving, but said nothing, waiting for Wan Qingzong to continue.

"The third thing is to travel. This is fine. You can travel around. Maybe you can meet a chance."

Ye Weiyang didn't want to travel, travel is a direction, but it is also a long process, so she asked: "What about the fourth analogy?"

"By analogy is to do something else. Cultivators are usually stuck in a certain realm, so they will learn some of the four major auxiliary aspects. You must know that the origin of the three thousand avenues in the world is the same. The same is true for the Dan Talisman Formation. Maybe you are learning Dan In the process of using the talisman array, it can stimulate your comprehension and allow you to break through."

"This is it!"

Ye Weiyang nodded, since she became the sage of Immortal Talisman, she felt that her comprehension of Dao had improved a lot, and there was some activity in her heart, should she learn the other three aspects?
Wan Qingzong didn't think about it, in his opinion, Ye Weiyang's ability to become a sage of immortal talisman is already the limit, how could he be talented in other aspects?
But Ye Weiyang knew that he didn't have much talent for alchemy, but he definitely had talent for making talismans and formations, because Luoshu space can be effective in these two aspects.On the contrary, it has no effect on refining tools and alchemy.It seems that I can study the formation for a while.Now that he is a grand master of the array, first raise his immortal array to the level of a grand master.

"Weiyang, do you still want to travel around?"

Ye Weiyang shook his head and said: "I'll go to the formation hall, first raise the realm to the grand master of the fairy formation."

Wan Qingzong was stunned at first, but then became happy.You, Ye Weiyang, can do whatever you want, as long as you don't run to fight.Formation is good, formation is not dangerous.

Ye Weiyang left from Wanqingzong, went straight to the Hall of Formation, and then plunged into the Book Collection Pavilion of the Hall of Formation.No one stopped the people in the hall, and they didn't ask for any contribution points from the sect. On the contrary, everyone was very happy.

Even the master of the formation hall, Yu Jiao, the great monk of fortune, was excited.

Ye Weiyang doesn't need to comprehend some kind of saint of the fairy formation, as long as he comprehends a great master of the fairy formation, the status of that formation hall in Chongxu Zong will have a leap, and the status of Chongxu Zong in the fairy world will also be improved.Moreover, he is also a master of the Immortal Formation now, if Ye Weiyang becomes a great master, he might be able to become a great master if he points to himself at that time.As a great monk of good fortune, how could he not know the importance of comprehending by analogy?

Although his cultivation base is not the lowest among the [-] good fortune monks of the Chongxu Sect, he is still at the lowest level. Now he is stuck at the peak of the early good fortune. If he can break through the middle good fortune through this, it will be simply great chance.

Therefore, Yu Jiao is very enthusiastic.Hearing that Ye Weiyang was in Zangshu Pavilion, he went straight to Zangshu Pavilion.Then he saw Ye Weiyang sitting on a chair with pan, eyes closed, and a pile of jade slips on the table in front of him.He immediately tiptoed to the opposite of Ye Weiyang, and sat down gently.He looked at the jade slips on the table, then at Ye Weiyang who was sitting with his eyes closed, and finally scanned the jade slips on the table secretly with his spiritual sense, they were all inherited from the master level.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!


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