The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1163 I wish everyone good health in the new year

Chapter 1163 I wish everyone good health in the new year
He couldn't help but slightly frowned, why did Ye Weiyang look at the inheritance of the grand master instead of the inheritance of the grand master?
Chongxu Sect is one of the Nine Great Sects with extremely profound background.Although Chongxuzong has always been famous in the fairy world for his personal ability to fight.But this did not delay Chongxuzong from drawing various inheritances to his family.Not to mention anything else, just talking about the inheritance of the fairy formation, not to mention the grand master level, even the inheritance of the saint of the fairy formation has so few.It's just that no one realizes that high.

Not to mention the sage of the fairy formation, it is extremely difficult for even the great masters to comprehend.Otherwise, Great Creation Cultivator has a long lifespan, and I don't know how much time I have spent in the Immortal Formation. Isn't it just a Grandmaster?

What he wondered was, Ye Weiyang is now the grandmaster of the Immortal Formation, why is he still looking at the inheritance of the grandmaster?
Is it to reorganize it?
Actually not.

Ye Weiyang's Master of the Immortal Formation has nothing to do with the Zangshu Pavilion of the Chongxu Sect's Formation Palace. He was able to become the Master of the Immortal Formation at the beginning because he comprehended it on the Wanzhen Mountain of the Cangqiong Sect.I haven't seen the inheritance of the Chongxu Sect's array hall.Now that Wanzhen Mountain is closed, Ye Weiyang has no chance to go to Wanzhen Mountain, so he just wants to see the inheritance by himself.

Fortunately, she has the Luoshu space. Whenever she reads an inheritance, the Luoshu space will concretize this inheritance into a formation, and not only that, but also improve a formation next to it, And the improved formation is the formation of the grand master level.

Ye Weiyang will first ask Luoshu Space to rebuild the grandmaster-level formation over and over again, then learn to set up the formation, then break the formation, and finally try to change the formation through her own comprehension, by analogy, and transform the obtained inheritance into her own. , Become your own true ability.As for the formation that Luoshu space has improved to the level of a grand master, she will not touch it when she wakes up, and learn all the formations of the grand master level in Zangshu Pavilion first.

She learns very quickly, after all, she is already a grandmaster, and she also organized and comprehended it systematically at the beginning.Created the Forest of Steles in the Immortal Formation.Therefore, the grandmaster-level formation is really no problem for her, it is equivalent to sorting it out again.And the time in the Luoshu space is static.Therefore, the time she really spent was the time she came out of the Luoshu space to restore the power of her consciousness after her primordial spirit was exhausted.

And this recovery time, Ye Weiyang didn't waste it.Whenever her spiritual consciousness was exhausted, she would come out of the library pavilion and lie on the roof of the library pavilion. While recovering her spiritual consciousness, she would visualize the starry sky and open the star aperture.

Ye Weiyang opened her eyes, she is very weak now, because the power of the primordial spirit is almost exhausted, her face is pale, and there is still sweat on her forehead.This made Yu Jiao very worried:
"Weiyang, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, too much consumption!" Ye Weiyang stood up, I want to go out to recover.

Excessive consumption?
Yu Jiao was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Ye Weiyang must have exhausted his primordial spirit.But when he saw Ye Weiyang just sitting there, why did he consume too much?

Then he realized that Ye Weiyang should have constructed and dismantled the formation in his mind, which resulted in the excessive consumption of Yuanshen.But why not recover on the spot and go out?
He followed out with his mind full of greetings, and then he saw Ye Weiyang flying an air current and landed on the roof of the Zangshu Pavilion, he couldn't help grinning, which monk would dare to run to the roof of the Zangshu Pavilion?

But Ye Weiyang went up, even he, the master of the formation hall, didn't dare to say anything, so he also flew up, sat next to Ye Weiyang, and saw Ye Weiyang lying on his back on the roof, looking at the sky.

He wanted to talk to Ye Weiyang, but found that Ye Weiyang was exuding an aura of comprehension, so he closed his mouth again.My heart is full of emotions.

The completion of the world in the early five thousand years old is inseparable from Ye Weiyang's efforts.Even when recovering, they are still comprehending.But what is she comprehending?
He looked up, it was daytime, and the stars were not obvious.But at this moment, his heart skipped a beat.If this is given to a low-level monk, it won't make much sense.But he is a good fortune monk, so at the moment he paid attention, he immediately felt the power of the stars descending and converging towards Ye Weiyang beside him.A look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The power of the stars!

Could it be that she is comprehending the true meaning of the stars?

How can this be?

He is only creating worlds, not good fortune.The true meaning needs good fortune to comprehend...

Do not!
It's not absolute. In history, there are still boundary-breaking monks who can comprehend the true meaning. Although such monks are rare, they all became giants later on.Could it be that Wei Young also comprehended the true meaning in advance?

Even if he comprehended it in advance, it should be breaking the boundary, but Ye Weiyang is only creating the boundary now!
and also……

Looking at it like this, if Ye Weiyang is really comprehending the true meaning, then it is the true meaning of the stars.Xingchen's true meaning is Chongxuzong...

Do not!
It is one of the most powerful true meanings in the entire fairy world. In Chongxu Sect, there are only the suzerain Wan Qingzong and two good fortune brothers Guan Zhongxiong, and Kuang Yuanchi cultivates the true meaning of stars.

He was a little uncertain, scratching his head.But it's not good to disturb Ye Weiyang's comprehension, so she just sat there and waited.This wait is almost a day, so the time Ye Weiyang spends is on recovery, but it is not considered a waste, after all, she can still open the star aperture during the recovery process.It's just that at her level, it is extremely difficult to open the star aperture, and it takes a long time.As far as she was in this day, she didn't feel any effect at all.

Seeing Ye Weiyang sitting up energetically, Yu Jiao who had been waiting for a day hastily asked:
"Wei Young, are you comprehending the true meaning of the stars?"

Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, in fact she was not comprehending the true meaning of the stars, but opening the star aperture.But this can't be said, it's her secret.But when Yu Jiao asked this sentence at this time, she was taken aback, remembering what happened when she was fighting that Starlight Clan monk in the big tree space.

This cannot be concealed, and I have already told the suzerain, so I nodded and said: "Yes!"


Yu Jiao was completely stunned, no matter what he thought, something was wrong!
"It's not... you started to comprehend the true meaning just after creating the world? Well, you can't be in a hurry. That's not something you can comprehend in your current realm..."

At this time, Yu Jiao thinks that he has realized it. Ye Weiyang wanted to understand it, but he didn't understand it...

As he spoke, he stopped himself again, frowning tightly.

its not right!
I clearly felt the true meaning of Xingchen just now, which shows that Wei Young has already understood the true meaning of Xingchen.He suddenly stared at Ye Weiyang:
"You...understand it?"

"Well, I just realized it, and I don't understand much."

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (160)!

(End of this chapter)

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