That being the case, then we Yaozu will not participate, just watch the excitement.Anyway, we Yaozu are happy whoever dies.

Great fortune monks such as Wan Qingzong and Bai Juxing naturally also saw the reaction of the monster race, and they had nothing to worry about.The Yaozu will definitely not make a move, otherwise the casualties of the Yaozu will be extremely heavy if so many fortunes fight.However, when they looked at Ye Weiyang and Bao Yixing, they couldn't help showing pity in their eyes.

These two look set to be in a life-and-death battle, no matter who wins.Most of them should break through the boundary in the near future.It's just a pity that a Tianjiao died.

At this time, Ye Weiyang was getting more and more excited, she hadn't shown her true meaning until now, but she had a deeper and broader understanding of her true meaning.Fighting at this level, and deliberately suppressing the true meaning, is tempering one's own realm.She felt that her realm was becoming more and more solid, and her understanding of the way of heaven was getting deeper and wider.The solid foundation allows her to support herself in exploring the deeper and wider way of heaven. Now she has clearly sensed the broken barrier, and what she has to do now is to continue to fight in this way, so that she can get closer to that barrier. Come closer and touch it, only by touching it can you smash it, and only by smashing the barrier can you see the world behind the barrier.

Bao Yixing is also very excited now. He has already touched that layer of barriers, but now it is more real. He has even started to hit that layer of barriers naturally. Although the speed is slow, he can feel the pressure on his body. Under the impact, the barrier is becoming thinner and thinner.

The two of them almost made up their minds not to release their trump cards for the time being. They still needed the other party to be alive and to be their whetstone, so they used this level of fighting to polish themselves.

The fight between the two has no definite direction, and Ye Weiyang retreats for a while, and Bao Yixing chases after him.After a while, Bao Yixing retreated, and Ye Weiyang chased after him, so tumbling, he was getting deeper and deeper into the realm of the monster race.There are more and more demon monks watching, gradually surpassing the number of human monks.

Moreover, the cultivators who watched Bao Yixing and Ye Weiyang fight, no matter if they were human races or monster races, the ones with the worst cultivation level were also the ones who created the world.Even if you create a world, you can't understand it, and you will be affected by this kind of killing.

Even in this situation, the monster race had no intention of attacking the human race monks.The reason is that there are seventeen races here.

They can kill all the boundary-breaking and boundary-making of the human race, but these seventeen good fortunes can also kill all the monster races breaking the boundary and creating boundaries of the onlookers. It is difficult for them to stop them. Yaozu, this makes them very difficult to stop.Therefore, they have no idea of ​​doing it at all.Of course, they also believed that the human race would not do anything, because once they did, the monster race would kill all the human races who came to watch and break the world, and the human race did not want to lose.

They were still thinking in their hearts, if Ye Weiyang and Bao Yixing kept fighting like this, and then returned to the territory of the human race, they would follow along to watch, anyway, the human race would not dare to do anything to their monster race, this excitement must be watched.

This time, the two looked more focused.

The male monk is the young patriarch of the Dragon Clan, and he is called Ao Guan.And that woman is the young patriarch of the Feng Clan, with a perfect world, named Feng Piao.The two stood side by side, and a killing intent flashed in Ao Guan's eyes at this moment:
"Sister Feng, how about we find an opportunity to keep these two human races here?"

What else can be seen?
Is there something else we haven't seen?

Feng Piao and Ao Guan frowned slightly after hearing this.

Feng Piao gave Ao Guan a supercilious look: "Are you crazy?"

"Huh..." Feng Piao let out a breath and said, "This is a battle for the arrogance of the human race. Judging by the situation, one of the two will definitely die. This is already a blessing for our monster race. Just watch the excitement."

Must have!

However, if one of these two people dies in this fight, the other will definitely break through, and it will be that kind of perfect breakthrough.In the future, I will encounter the one who survived them, and I may not have the confidence to kill the other party.

On the other side of the human race, Bai Juxing, the suzerain of the Bone Sect, had a smile on his lips and excitement in his eyes.

One male and one female.

Feng Piao was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "You are right, but we can't make a move."

"I know, it's just regret in my heart."

You must know that it was the ancestors who talked to them, and the ancestors must have seen it, but we did not.But the good fortune ancestor thought that the two of us should be able to see it.

At this time, there are two monks who are very prominent on the Yaozu side.

"It may not be a blessing!" Ao Guan shook his head and said: "If these two people don't die, there will be two more ordinary peerless talents in the human race. Two people beheaded.

"Tsk!" Ao Guan rubbed his teeth: "Yes, once we make a move, I'm afraid it will cause a scuffle here. Many monks will die. It's a pity!"

Therefore, in my opinion, the death of one of these two people is not only a loss for the human race, but a blessing for the demon race.On the contrary, it is a blessing for the human race, because the human race will have a powerful peerless genius instead of an ordinary genius.And the person who survived has a [-]% chance of breaking through the good fortune in the future. "

Ye Weiyang and Bao Yixing are completely focused on me at this time, and for this reason, they can completely rest assured and focus on the battle.The more monks watching, the more no one dared to attack any of them.

A good fortune monster monk standing not far away looked at the two humans with admiration: "You two can see this, very good. At the level of world creation, you have surpassed too many monks. Tell me about it." , what else can you see?"

Because he has already seen that Bao Yixing is comprehending the true meaning now. Although he has not even comprehended the superficial meaning now, as a good fortune monk, he can perceive that Bao Yixing is approaching the true meaning.

The true meaning can only be comprehended by good luck, and the most talented monk in history only comprehended the superficial meaning in the late stage of breaking the boundary.Realizing the true meaning of world creation, even if it is only superficial, has never happened in history.If Bao Yixing can comprehend the true meaning through this battle, even if it is only a little superficial, then everything will be worth it. This is simply a breakthrough beyond perfection, and it will increase the possibility of achieving good fortune in the future.

Of course, the moment when Bao Yixing comprehended the true meaning, it must be the moment to kill Ye Weiyang.

White giants can perceive it, can others not?


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