The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1175 Breakthrough

Naturally, it was also perceived, so those great monks couldn't help looking at Wanqingzong with pity.

The Chongxu Sect finally had a peerless arrogance and a sage of immortal talismans, but now he is about to fall.

Wan Qingzong looked calm, but curled his lips in his heart.

Because Bao Yixing was in the process of comprehending the true meaning, he couldn't restrain his breath, so he was naturally sensed by these good fortune monks.

But Ye Weiyang is different!
Ye Weiyang has already comprehended the true meaning, and she is only a hair away from Dacheng. In this case, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to release the true meaning, no one will be able to perceive it, even the Great Creator.Wan Qingzong didn't know that Ye Weiyang's true meaning was only one line away from the Dacheng realm, he just knew that Ye Weiyang's true meaning had reached Xiaocheng.That's enough.

Even if you comprehend the true meaning, you are only a superficial person. Compared with a person who comprehends the true meaning and reaches the Xiaocheng realm, what is the difference between that and an ant or an elephant?
The Bone Sect finally produced a peerless genius who could comprehend the true meaning in the world of creation. When he comprehended the true meaning, when he attacked Ye Weiyang with the true meaning, he was beheaded by Ye Weiyang.He really wanted to see how excited Bai Juxing would be when Bao Yixing realized the true meaning, and what kind of expression Bai Juxing would have when Ye Weiyang killed Bao Yixing.

So much fun!

Ha ha……

Now Bao Yixing is very excited, he found out that the battle with Ye Weiyang has unexpectedly yielded something that he never dreamed of before.Originally, he just wanted to use Ye Weiyang as a whetstone, to hone himself to perfection, and then break through the boundaries.But he didn't expect that this battle would give him such a great gift.Even if you let yourself touch the true meaning, even if you only have a superficial understanding of the true meaning, then it is not a perfect breakthrough, it is a breakthrough beyond perfection.

Then how strong will he be after breaking through the boundary?
Ye Weiyang, I really love you to death.

Ye Weiyang is very calm, is it because there is no harvest?
Do not!
He can feel that his true meaning is improving, but the improvement is very slow, so for Ye Weiyang who has already comprehended the true meaning and is approaching Dacheng, he is very calm.

Supernatural power and true meaning are not at the same level. If you want to use supernatural power to block true meaning, you have to use extraordinarily thick supernatural power to resist.Just like Jin Kemu, a knife can cut down a tree, but if the tree is too thick, the knife can be blunted or even broken.

As the young patriarchs of the dragon and phoenix clans, although they are extremely proud, they also have extremely high wisdom, and they will not be foolishly hard-headed because of their pride.Everything is in their own favorable direction, which is the main reason why they can defeat countless competitors in the clan and become the young patriarch.

Ye Weiyang narrowed her eyes slightly, and she naturally sensed that Bao Yixing was getting closer to the true meaning. I am afraid that it will not be long before she realizes the true meaning. Although it is superficial, it is also the true meaning. She is a little hesitant now, and she will kill with the true meaning. Bao Yixing, don't use your true intentions, try whether you can block the other party's true intentions if you don't use your true intentions?
Both my celestial power and my body have reached [-]% good fortune, and even my soul has reached the perfection of cracking.There is a foundation to fight against the true meaning, the key is that the other party's true meaning is only superficial, if it is a beginner, Ye Weiyang dare not use the true meaning to fight against it, but she is a person who has cultivated the true meaning, knowing that the true meaning is terrible.

Cultivators like them are not comparable to those low-level monsters, or those small and medium-sized sect monks in the human race.Those who can compare with them are the nine sects of the human race.Feng Piaoqiao had a sad face, but she had to back away, and so did Ao Guan, because the two of them knew in their hearts that once Bao Yixing broke out his true intentions, the distance would be a little closer.Even if they can't hurt the two of them, it will make them both embarrassed, so it's better to retreat a certain distance earlier and get out of the scope of the true meaning.

"Bao Yixing should be able to understand the true meaning soon. Once he understands the true meaning, he will definitely attack Ye Weiyang with all his strength."

But it can be seen that Bao Yixing is comprehending the true meaning, not only those good fortune, but also some monks with profound background.For example, Ao Guan and Feng Piao of Yaozu.Of course these two monks did not understand the true meaning, but the dragon and phoenix clans have profound backgrounds, and there are many people in the clan who have understood the true meaning, and both of them are young patriarchs, so they have seen the true meaning too many times.In this way, the two of them naturally sensed the aura of sincerity emanating from Bao Yixing.

He forced his mind to calm down, tried his best to grasp that trace of comprehension, and constantly expanded that trace of comprehension during the battle.

Feng Piao also nodded with an ugly face, Ao Guan could judge it, and she could judge it too.

At this time, Bao Yixing already felt that he had comprehended the true meaning. It was a mysterious and mysterious feeling. He felt that he had merged with the Dao of Heaven. He was the Dao of Heaven.

In this way, the expressions of the two people changed.The two of them think highly of themselves, they think they are the most noble bloodlines, and they don't understand the true meaning. The humble human race can touch the true meaning in the creation world, which is simply... too incredible.Both of them looked very ugly, sensing Bao Yixing's sincerity, even if they didn't want to admit it in their hearts, they still had to face the reality.Ao Guan gritted his teeth and said:

These two people grew up in a clan with a profound heritage since they were young, and their vision and insight are extraordinary.Moreover, their own cultivation level is also high. This kind of high level is not just a simple level, but also their combat effectiveness. At the level of the monster clan's world creation, they are almost invincible.

The reason why Ye Weiyang didn't want to use her true intentions was because once she did, the battle would be over.But she knows that the other party is still useful to her, especially after the other party has the true meaning, this whetstone will be even more useful, it can sharpen herself more, and promote her understanding of the true meaning.

But Ye Weiyang didn't want to give up even if it was such a small improvement of her true intention, so she never released her true intention, because once she released her true intention, the battle would be over.Fighting Bao Yixing like this, he can still push up his true intentions, although it is very small, but a little bit of improvement is a little bit.

However, just having a foundation is not enough, you also need supernatural powers to release your basic power.But also release it as much as possible.

He glanced at Ye Weiyang.

It's time to kill her!

After killing Ye Weiyang, he will be able to break through the boundary with a posture that surpasses perfection, and soar into the sky.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!


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