Chapter 1183

At this time, the two people were about half a meter apart, and they could clearly see each other's micro-expressions, but there was no slight change in their expressions. It was completely impossible to see the clues from each other's expressions.But this kind of extremely close combat is too thrilling.This is not a long-distance supernatural power. No matter how powerful the power is, no matter how fast the speed is, it will give the opponent time to react because of the long distance.But now such a short distance, there is no time for you to think at all, everything is instinct.

Ye Weiyang had a hard time dealing with it. It stands to reason that her body is much stronger than Bao Yixing, but because the opponent's world is wrapped in true meaning, that true meaning has a great impact on Ye Weiyang.And Ye Weiyang didn't want to reveal her true intentions, and had to consciously suppress her true intentions, so Ye Weiyang seemed to be at a disadvantage in terms of form.

But in fact it is not so.

That true meaning crashed into Ye Weiyang's body, and was dissolved by the true meaning in his body.Although Ye Weiyang couldn't release her true intentions, she could still resolve the other party's true intentions by poking secretly in her body.On the outside, he relies on his own world and strong body to block Bao Yixing, which makes Bao Yixing feel that he has the upper hand, but he still can't win against Ye Weiyang.In just three breaths, Ye Weiyang was familiar with the rhythm, and a bright smile appeared on his expressionless face:

"Is this the true meaning of your comprehension? That's it?"

Bao Yixing is also a determined person, he knows that this is Ye Weiyang using words to pressure him, his determination is as strong as iron, and he is unmoved:
"Can you stick to geometry?"

He really doesn't think that Ye Weiyang can hold on for long, this is his true meaning, and now his true meaning is pouring into Ye Weiyang's body, and the current weight is still very small, wait until the amount of his true meaning is poured into Ye Weiyang's body. Get up, it will explode in Ye Weiyang's body.At that time, Ye Weiyang could only die.

There was sarcasm in his eyes.

This is the sorrow of not comprehending the true meaning. People who have comprehended the true meaning and those who have not comprehended the true meaning are basically two levels.

In fact, although the scene seemed to be at a stalemate, the onlookers could tell that Bao Yixing had the absolute advantage.

Ye Weiyang, who doesn't even know what the true meaning is, but only knows a name, probably doesn't know that her true meaning has entered her body, and when the true meaning explodes in her body, even if she knows it, it will be too late.

Challenge the true meaning with the body.

Therefore, Bao Yixing looked extremely confident.

Bao Yixing felt that the true meaning in the hand he was fighting with Ye Weiyang was shaken away, and the world collapsed directly. Fortunately, there was a double resistance between the true meaning and the world, when the real power collided with his hand At that time, it has weakened a lot.But even so, he felt a crack in his hand bones.The severe pain made his entire arm tremble violently.

"Boom boom boom..."

In this way, Ye Weiyang regained the disadvantage, and got back and forth with Bao Yixing.But Bao Yixing was even happier, because without the protection of Jie, his own Jie entered Ye Weiyang's body faster.

Bao Yixing knew that if he fought in such close quarters, he would be the first to be killed.So his other hand suddenly burst out with all his strength, shaking Ye Weiyang's hand away, and he retreated like the wind.

The two people are still colliding rapidly, every time they collide, each other's true intentions can seep into Ye Weiyang's body, and Ye Weiyang's simple world can no longer resist the power of the other party's true intentions.Ye Weiyang simply dissipated the boundary in her hands, and collided with the opponent with the real power of her body.

And at this moment, Ye Weiyang's eyes suddenly became sharp, because Bao Yixing broke through, under Ye Weiyang's whetstone, his true meaning broke through to the entry level.And the true meaning of entry is really powerful, the true meaning poured into his body suddenly increased, although Ye Weiyang didn't think he would be in danger, but once the true meaning needs more energy to suppress, it will definitely affect his battle status.

What a mess!

The true meaning can ignore the monk's body and directly enter the monk's body. While destroying the functions of the monk's body, it will also damage the monk's soul.

Really shocked!
A person known as the Saint of Immortal Talisman has such a powerful body.Being able to resist the true meaning, even for a short period of time, this body has definitely reached the late stage of breaking the boundary.

The advantage of close combat is that the two sides have to fight extremely quickly, and the limbs of both sides collide extremely quickly.And every time there is a collision, a trace of my true meaning will seep into Ye Weiyang's body, waiting for the moment when it will slowly accumulate and explode.

Ha ha……

Although the onlookers thought so in their hearts, it did not prevent them from being shocked by Ye Weiyang's body.

Therefore, she knew that she could not continue like this, and it would be dangerous to continue.She suddenly exploded with all the strength of her body, which was [-]% of the power of creation.

Although he was also shocked that Ye Weiyang's body was so powerful, but in front of the true meaning, he was scumbag.

Ye Weiyang didn't expel the true meaning that had infiltrated into her body, but used her true meaning to wrap the true meaning that had infiltrated into her body. On the one hand, once she expelled it, Bao Yixing would find out; on the other hand, she used her true meaning to Wrapping the other party's true meaning is the best way to understand the other party's true meaning.

In fact, right now, she has fallen into a disadvantage.

Therefore, he still wraps the surrounding space with the boundary, one is to prevent Ye Weiyang from using the power of heaven, and the other is to prevent Ye Weiyang from escaping.Then he had a close encounter with Ye Weiyang.

This true meaning of dead silence can be said to be the most yin of yin and yang, and it is of great assistance to Ye Weiyang's comprehension of yin and yang.How could she just let it out like that?
She wished that the other party's true intentions would enter her body more, which would allow her to have a deeper understanding of yin and yang, and then the possibility and speed of transforming yin and yang into one yuan would increase.

What is the other party's true intention?
Dead silence true meaning!

Bao Yixing suppressed Ye Weiyang sincerely, but once Ye Weiyang broke out in strength, he completely suppressed Bao Yixing.

like now!

Pure strength can't restrain the outburst of the beginner's true intention. In fact, if Ye Weiyang also erupts with true intention, he can still restrain Bao Yixing's hand.But Ye Weiyang was not convinced.



Because of himself, Bao Yixing has broken through the true meaning, and promoted the true meaning to the entry level, that is to say, his whetstone has worked.

But what about yourself?
There is no breakthrough in cultivation, and there is no breakthrough in true meaning.

Doesn't that mean that he gave Bao a one-star support?But Bao Yixing didn't help him, so he was being used in vain.Therefore, under this unconvinced psychology, Ye Weiyang didn't use her true intentions, she had to comprehend or break through something by herself.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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