The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1184 Critical


The two returned to their original situation.

Bao Yixing wrapped Ye Weiyang with a world, isolating the heaven and earth avenue.And he was able to attack Ye Weiyang with the help of the heaven and earth avenue.The two sides are a long-range offense and defense.

After Ye Weiyang exploded with strength, he didn't chase the opponent like a shadow, it's not impossible to do it with his strength.Instead, he is still in a state of being wrapped, but he is actually perceiving the other party's true meaning infiltrated into his body in detail, and incorporating the other party's true meaning into his own understanding of Yin-Yang Tai Chi.

She must understand something, this is Ye Weiyang's character.

"Ao Guan, in that attack just now, who has the upper hand?" Feng Piao asked in a calm voice.

Ao Guan frowned slightly, thinking: "Seeing that Bao Yixing gave up the close friendship, it should be Ye Weiyang who has a certain advantage, right?
At the very least, Ye Weiyang has the upper hand in the method of close combat. "

Not far from them, an old man of the dragon clan, that is a great monk who broke the boundary, said with a smile:

"On the bright side, Ye Weiyang has the upper hand, while Bao Yixing is not as powerful as Ye Weiyang. But in the dark, it is Ye Weiyang who suffers. Because in the process of the two of them getting close to each other just now, Bao Yixing's true intentions must have slipped poured into Ye Weiyang's body."

Feng Piao and Ao Guan glanced at each other, both of them were terrified.Then the two said almost in unison:
"If the true meaning enters the body, can you still live?"

This confuses the onlookers. In their minds, once Ye Weiyang attacks, he should find a way to break through the opponent's boundary and break out of the opponent's boundary. Only in this way can he use the avenue of heaven and earth to increase his power , and far and away.But what is Ye Weiyang doing now?
She was rushing towards Bao Yixing.And Bao Yixing's location is the center of his world, if she rushed towards Bao Yixing, wouldn't that mean rushing into the depths of Bao Yixing's world?
Is this not breaking out at all, but looking for death?
Seeing that you have great power now, but you have lost the help of the Heaven and Earth Dao, how long can you last this power?

Ye Weiyang is now like an arrow on the string, one sword after another, one sword is faster than the other, every time she stabs out, she feels that her understanding of the Dao of One Yuan has improved a little bit, she is only afraid that her sword is slow now, and hopes to be faster Some, every bit of a block increases the pressure by a bit, and every bit of pressure increases, the speed of comprehension increases by a bit.

Bai Juxing's face changed slightly, this is to comprehend the true meaning...

Bao Yixing also realized what Ye Weiyang was doing at this time, his face changed color.Before Ye Weiyang didn't understand the true meaning, he never took down Ye Weiyang. If Ye Weiyang also understood the true meaning, it doesn't matter whether he will lose, but he will definitely not be able to kill Ye Weiyang again.

The big monk sneered and said: "If you give Ye Weiyang time, you may not be able to slowly dissolve the true meaning in your body, and even in the process of dissolving, you may be able to comprehend the true meaning. But do you think Bao Yixing will give Ye Weiyang time?"

Ye Weiyang must not be allowed to comprehend.

So he retreated very smartly, keeping a distance from Ye Weiyang, mockery appeared in his eyes, I see how long you can hold on?

Ye Weiyang's eyes are focused, because she has reached a critical point now, the critical point of comprehending the Dao of One Yuan, as long as he breaks through this critical point, he will realize the one Yuan to the entry level.But in this situation, she could only do her best to increase her pressure.

Therefore, in the eyes of all the monks, her actions were very simple, she just attacked Bao Yixing with an ordinary sword style, and rushed towards Bao Yixing with her figure.In just an instant, the sky was full of sword light, and that sword light split Bao Yixing's world into gaps, winding towards Bao Yixing.But it was quickly healed by Bao Yixing's sincerity.

Understand under pressure, break through under pressure.

At this time, not only Feng Piao and Ao Guan were listening, but also many monks around, and even the human monks in the distance were also listening.The great cultivator looked at Ye Weiyang with a hint of appreciation in his eyes and said:

Wan Qingzong's expression also changed slightly, but he knew that Ye Weiyang had already understood the true meaning, the true meaning of the stars.But now he also felt that Ye Weiyang began to have a mysterious aura, this is the aura of the true meaning that is about to enter.But this breath is obviously not the true meaning of Xingchen.

All the monks couldn't help looking at Ye Weiyang, and indeed Ye Weiyang's expression was very calm, even a little indifferent.This is not at all like the performance that a person whose true intention has entered his body should have.

"This... she... can still comprehend a kind of true meaning? Is she so evil?"

Is Ye Weiyang going to die this time?
Ye Weiyang's expression remained unchanged like steel, she stabbed towards Bao Yixing continuously with one sword after another, and her figure also rushed towards Bao Yixing quickly.Bao Yixing doesn't understand why Ye Weiyang is like this, but he has the advantage, and he can use the avenue of heaven and earth, so why should he fight Ye Weiyang desperately?

The stronger the burst, the shorter the persistence time.

I still want to defend like before, and I can understand it before, but it is almost impossible to break through this critical point.

"This is……"

"Ye Weiyang's body is strong, which is enough for Ye Weiyang to last long enough under Bao Yixing's true intention."

"You mean, Ye Weiyang wants to understand the true meaning?"

"However, Ye Weiyang's body is really strong this time, while Bao Yixing's true meaning is relatively weak. So this battle still has to be fought."

And at this moment, Ye Weiyang suddenly moved.This movement is no longer defensive, but offensive, and her boundary shrinks again and sticks to the body surface, which forms that she is the boundary, and the boundary is her.The long sword in his hand didn't have any moves, it just stabbed towards Bao Yixing with one sword after another, and rushed towards Bao Yixing with his figure.

Feng Piao looked at Ye Weiyang carefully, and then said: "That Ye Weiyang's expression has always been calm, is there any other way?"

So what should I do? "

His heart turned, and he had only two options at this time.One is to evacuate immediately, decisively end the fight, and return to the sect for retreat.In this way, the whetstone of myself is gone.Ye Weiyang also don't want to comprehend the true meaning.Of course, this is only temporarily blocking Ye Weiyang's comprehension, as long as Ye Weiyang is given time, maybe time, maybe a hundred years, Ye Weiyang will finally comprehend.Because the current Ye Weiyang is only close to the door.

The second plan is to kill Ye Weiyang with all his strength before Ye Weiyang understands the true meaning, even if he is injured because of it, he must kill Ye Weiyang.

In just an instant, Bao Yixing made a decision to kill Ye Weiyang.Bao Yixing didn't retreat any more, and used nine skulls to meet Ye Weiyang, going forward without hesitation, only the thought of killing Ye Weiyang was in his mind, and everything else was out of his mind.


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