On the opposite side, Ye Weiyang's eyes flashed sharply, and the aura on her body disappeared even more without regret.

The two sides are now comparing who can kill the other. It is no longer like before, leaving room for themselves, but now there is no room for it.

"Crazy! These two people are crazy. Especially Bao Yixing, who obviously has the initiative to get rid of this situation, but he is even more proactive in meeting Ye Weiyang. Even if he wants to get rid of it at this time, he may not have a chance."

Countless monks were stunned and held their breath.They didn't expect at all that the scene where the power amplifiers were orderly just now turned into a battle between life and death, and life and death were in an instant.

At this time, even the big demon monk who broke the boundary cannot see who will die in the end.Ye Weiyang's eruption was really too violent.But Bao Yixing gave up his advantage and confronted Ye Weiyang.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sword light and the skull kept colliding, and it was obvious that the skull had a slight upper hand.Bai Jugu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and squinted at Wan Qingzong:

"Sect Master Wan, the Saint of Immortal Talisman of your sect is about to die."

Wan Qingzong chuckled and said: "You said that she is the sage of fairy talismans, have you seen her using talismans? So you don't have to worry about Ye Weiyang, you should worry about Bao Yixing.

As for Ye Weiyang of Chongxuzong, since she has not used the fairy talisman until now, it shows that she has the confidence to kill Bao Yixing.The reason why he didn't kill Bao Yixing was because he used Bao Yixing as a sharpening stone. "

If it is someone else, I am afraid that it will cause timidity. Once timid, there will be two results.One is the involuntary choice to back off.But once he retreats and loses his advantage, he might really die under Ye Weiyang's sword.The other is that because of timidity, one's own strength cannot be fully displayed, and there is only one result, which is to be beheaded by Ye Weiyang.However, Bao Yixing's determination is as strong as iron, and he is completely unaffected by Ye Weiyang. His whole body, his whole heart, is also a kind of madness, a kind of madness that does not kill Ye Weiyang and does not turn back.

If the fight continues, he has a chance to kill Ye Weiyang, but he also admits that Ye Weiyang also has a chance to kill him.It's not that the risk isn't worth taking, it's just that the timing is wrong.He can completely wait until he perfectly breaks through breaking the precept, and then find a chance to kill Ye Weiyang.At that time, Ye Weiyang was still creating the world, and she was breaking the world, so it was much easier to kill her.

It’s okay for a monk who can only comprehend the true meaning to be able to comprehend the true meaning, but you have comprehended the true meaning to almost the level of Dacheng, are you going to fly?
What's more serious is that you comprehend not only one true meaning, but two true meanings.

Not bad!

Bai Juxing sneered and said, "I admit that Bao Yixing can't resist Ye Weiyang's fairy talisman, but do you think Ye Weiyang has time to release the talisman now?"

what does this mean?
This means that you, Ye Weiyang, are invincible in the world, and you are No.1 under the world.

Such a monk is too scary, those sects that are hostile to the Chongxu Sect will do everything possible to kill Ye Weiyang before Ye Weiyang breaks through the boundary, even if Ye Weiyang hides in the sect and comes out after breaking through the boundary, There will also be great monks coming out to attack Ye Weiyang and kill Ye Weiyang.What's more, there are monster monks watching, it is impossible for Ye Weiyang to grow up.

Bao Yixing feels very bad now, he feels that the opponent's sword is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a kind of madness in that sword, which is Ye Weiyang's current emotional catharsis.

This catharsis gave him a very strong feeling that it had reached the extreme, that he had sacrificed his life, that is to say, at this time, Ye Weiyang was madly trying to kill him regardless of life or death.

There was a louder roar than before, and Bao Yixing, who had the upper hand, suddenly stagnated.His face changed, he knew that Ye Weiyang had broken through.

There is nothing if, Ye Weiyang's current state is already a perfect creation of the world, and he has also comprehended two true meanings, so he will definitely break through the world.As long as such a monk breaks through the boundary breaking, he can challenge the peak monks in the middle stage of breaking the boundary. Once he breaks through to the middle stage of breaking the boundary, he is probably the No. 1 in the realm of breaking the boundary.

In fact, Ye Weiyang had a chance to kill Bao Yixing.As long as at that moment, she burst out with her true intentions that she was almost mastered, and released the Star Pulling Sword, she would definitely be able to kill Bao Yixing.

The current situation is that there are a large number of monks watching around. Among these monks, there are people and monsters.There are boundaries, there are boundaries, and there are good fortune.Among these monks, there must be monks from the Bone Sect, and possibly the suzerain of the Bone Sect.At this time, if I broke out with my true intentions and released the Star Pulling Sword, I would be able to kill Bao Yixing, but I would definitely be seen by the Sect Master of the Bone Sect and those monks who were hostile to the Xu Sect, especially the monks of the Monster Race.

With a decision in mind, Bao Yixing was very decisive.The figure retreated, and in Ye Weiyang's field of vision, the opposite space rippled, and the originally lively space seemed to suddenly become dead and silent, as if suddenly turned into another world.But Bao Yixing retreated into that world and disappeared.

"Look and see!"

At this moment, Ye Weiyang's One-Yuan Dao has entered the entry level, from this moment on, she can continuously transform Yin-Yang Tai Chi into One-Yuan, from majoring in Yin-Yang Tai-Chi to majoring in One-Yuan.

But she didn't!
As an excellent monk, you know when and what you should do and what you should not do.To understand the measure.

Even if he dies, he will drag Bao Yixing to die.


The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, and the world is constantly colliding.

Do not!
I'm afraid that even the monks in the early stage of breaking the boundary are not your opponents.So what if you break through to breaking the boundary?

Bao Yixing sighed in his heart, he knew that he had lost the chance to kill Ye Weiyang.Before Ye Weiyang understood the true meaning, he still had a chance to kill Ye Weiyang.But after Ye Weiyang broke through the truth, this opportunity slipped away.It's not that there is no chance to kill Ye Weiyang, but he feels that this chance is very slim.And their goals have been achieved.It can break through the boundary perfectly.There is no need to continue fighting Ye Weiyang here.

Killing Bao Yixing made him feel refreshed.But there are endless troubles, Ye Weiyang is not a fool, she knows how to hide clumsiness.So she resolutely gave up the chance to kill Bao Yixing and let Bao Yixing escape.And also pretended to be weak.

Wan Qingzong stood next to Ye Weiyang one step at a time, looking around warningly.At the same time, some monks from Chongxu Sect also came to Ye Weiyang's surroundings one after another, encircling Ye Weiyang in the center.At this moment, Wan Qingzong had the energy to ask with concern:
"Weiyang, how are you?"

Recommend a friend a book, history, really interesting.

Title: "Da Tang: From Becoming Teacher Wei Zheng"

Author: Yuexi

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