The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1186 Retreat

"It's okay, I'm just a little weak." Ye Weiyang replied, but his spiritual consciousness transmitted to Wan Qingzong: "Sect Master, I pretended."

Wan Qingzong also immediately sent a voice transmission with his spiritual sense: "Pretend well, keep pretending!"


The human race began to leave the territory of the Yaozu, but the monks of the Yaozu did not do anything.But he also followed behind the human race, knowing that the human race had completely left the territory of the monster race.Then Wan Qingzong and other monks protected Ye Weiyang and went straight to his own sect.And at this time, Ye Weiyang also pretended to have recovered a bit, but sat cross-legged on the flying boat sacrificed by Wan Qingzong, closed her eyes and fell into deduction and comprehension.

She gained too much from this battle. Originally, the purpose of her traveling this time was to relax herself. In a relaxed state of mind, she sorted out the knowledge of the Immortal Formation. After returning, she retreated and completely broke through the realm of the Great Master of the Immortal Formation.Then use this kind of breakthrough to comprehend by analogy and assist yourself to break through the boundary.I originally thought that this time would take about a hundred years, but I didn't expect that this battle would directly bring me to the critical point of breaking through.

She is now consolidating her Unified Dao, and at the same time stretching out her perception tentacles to the depths of the Unified Dao, hoping to comprehend more.

The experience of this battle is very important to Ye Weiyang. This is the only time since Ye Weiyang ascended to the fairy world, the only battle lasted for nearly half a year, and the uninterrupted battle for half a year gave her a new understanding of the Dao , has reached a whole new level.

She had already pushed open the door leading to the broken world, and she only had to raise her foot to step in.It's just that she didn't step forward, but stood at the door, looking back and sorting out the past. The more she sorted out the past, the bigger the door became.


After Ye Weiyang returned to the sect, he immediately returned to his own Weiyang Peak, the four of them in Gongxuan were there, but Ye Weiyang didn't pay attention to them, just nodded, and entered his own cave, retreating.This stunned the four of Gong Xuan, they all broke through, and they wanted to show off to Ye Weiyang.


Ye Weiyang didn't know all this, Ye Weiyang went back to the cave and was directly locked up.It's the kind that doesn't leave the level without breaking through. Originally, I wanted to sort out the knowledge of the fairy formation first, but the battle with Bao Yixing directly pushed her to the critical point of breaking through the boundary.

Ye Weiyang in the cave directly consumed the Hongmeng Purple Rhyme, and her comprehension instantly increased five hundred times.At this moment, the rhyme of heaven, earth, and dao gathered towards her cave, and her understanding of breaking the boundary instantly widened, and then she raised one foot and stepped into the door of breaking the boundary.

This is why some monks can kill the boundary breaking monks in the creation of the world, because the skills they practice are top-grade, and the skills they choose are middle-grade.However, if he chooses top-grade exercises, with his own aptitude and comprehension, he may not even have a chance to break through the boundaries.

Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong, Wang Ye and Gong Xuan did not leave, they sat cross-legged outside Ye Weiyang's cave gate, protecting Ye Weiyang's dharma.But as time passed day by day, they found that the Dao rhyme gathered on the side of the cave became extremely strong, and the four of them involuntarily entered into a sudden enlightenment.

To be honest, even for this goal, their confidence is insufficient.

Although they knew that breaking the boundary was already their limit, if they hadn't come to the Chongxu Sect, if they hadn't caught up with the collision of the two realms and obtained a lot of Primordial Charm, they would never have broken through in this life.They also know that breaking the boundary is already their limit. In the days to come, what they have to do every day is to strive to improve their cultivation and reach the perfection of breaking the boundary.

As she realized the Great Dao of Breaking the Boundary, the pressure on her body began to gradually decrease.Time passed slowly in this confrontation and comprehension.

Just like Ye Weiyang, although the four of them don't know what kind of kung fu Ye Weiyang is practicing, but with Ye Weiyang's fighting power, the kung fu he cultivated must be top-grade.It's because they don't know that Ye Weiyang's cultivation technique is the best.Otherwise, I don't know how surprised I will be, and even more worried about whether Ye Weiyang can break through the boundary.

And they also know that although their own boundary breaking cannot be said to be the weakest breaking boundary, it is not high, and although it will not be at the bottom of the boundary breaking monks, it cannot reach the middle level.Because the exercises they choose are average.

Now she really perceives this kind of boundary-breaking avenue, which is oppressing her body, making her feel overwhelmed, but even more enlightened about the boundary-breaking avenue.The places where I stood outside the door and were puzzled before are now being unraveled one by one.

One day, two days, three days...

This is really not easy for them, their aptitude is very strong, otherwise they would not be able to ascend, but because of the original practice, it took too long.Originally thought that it would be impossible to break through the boundary in this life.However, Ye Weiyang did not expect that Ye Weiyang would become the elder of Chongxu Sect, one of the nine great sects, lead them into Chongxu Sect, and provide them with cultivation resources, let alone the chance that the two realms would collide, and be able to obtain the Hongmeng Xianyun .In this case, all four of them have now broken the line.

One month, two months, three months...

Ye Weiyang didn't panic, she knew it was because she didn't understand enough about the Dao of Breaking the Boundary.But he couldn't stand outside the door and comprehend.Standing outside the door, looking at the world inside the door, after all, is a guess outside the door. Only by stepping into this door can one truly comprehend the avenue of breaking the boundary.

And all the comprehension outside the door is to step into the foot of the door, so that half of my body has entered the world of breaking the boundary, and I can truly perceive the way of breaking the boundary.Instead of standing outside the door, relying on your own guesses and deduction.

The pressure of Dao came, Ye Weiyang kicked in the door and kicked out, but couldn't buy the second foot.Just stagnated there.

At this time, almost the entire Chongxu Sect was paying attention to Weiyang Peak.Especially the high-ranking members of the Wanqing Sect, they have expectations and worries in their hearts.Originally, we weren't worried about Ye Weiyang's breakthrough.With Ye Weiyang's aptitude and talent, in their view, breakthrough is inevitable, it's just a matter of time, perhaps after thousands of years, or thousands of years.But breakthroughs and boundaries are inevitable.

But, who knew Ye Weiyang's breakthrough came so early.This worries them.If Ye Weiyang fails this breakthrough and wants to obtain a second breakthrough, it will take longer and the success rate will decrease.Such a seedling, so delayed, or abolished, is really a loss to Chongxuzong.

And because now is the period when the two realms collide, there are not only Chongxuzong disciples in Chongxuzong, but also monks from all sides of the fairy world. These monks are also paying attention to Weiyang Peak and Ye Weiyang.At the same time, they also knew that the reason why Ye Weiyang retreated and made a breakthrough when she came back was because she fought fiercely with Bao Yixing of the Bone Sect for half a year.Moreover, Bao Yixing is currently in the Bone Sect's retreat to break through the boundaries.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!


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