The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1187 Breakthrough

Chapter 1187 Breakthrough
They are also guessing, it is not Bao Yixing or Ye Weiyang who will break through the boundary first.In their view, Bao Yixing's breakthrough is inevitable.All the monks know that Bao Yixing has long been able to break through the boundary, what he seeks is a perfect breakthrough.Therefore, Bao Yixing has no reason not to be successful.What they guessed was whether Ye Weiyang could break through the boundary in the end.

A hundred days later.

News came from the Bone Sect that Bao Yixing had broken through.Moreover, he continued to make breakthroughs, becoming a Boundary-breaking [-]nd level cultivator, which was a perfect breakthrough.

In this way, everyone's eyes focused on Chongxuzong and Weiyang Peak, but they didn't pay attention all the time. They should go to the two realms, go to the two realms, and practice, because they all knew that the reason why Bao Yixing was able to Breaking through the boundary in about a hundred days is because Bao Yixing's background is deep enough.It has long been possible to break through and break through. It was suppressed by others for thousands of years.Therefore, people's breakthrough speed is fast.

However, it's hard to say if it's another person.It is very normal to retreat for several years, decades, or even hundreds of years.Therefore, it is impossible for them to pay attention to Ye Weiyang all the time, they just inquire about Ye Weiyang's breakthrough in their spare time.

After Bao Yixing's breakthrough, he also heard the news of Ye Weiyang's breakthrough in retreat.He just shook his head with a smile and didn't take it seriously at all.In his opinion, it is inevitable for Ye Weiyang to become a boundary-breaking cultivator, but now she is overwhelmed by retreating and breaking through.But that's good too, if she fails this time, it will increase the difficulty of Ye Weiyang's breakthrough and delay her breakthrough time.It is estimated that when Ye Weiyang breaks through to break the boundary, he will at least be in the middle of breaking the boundary.At that time, look for an opportunity to kill Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang encountered a difficulty now, and she also understood where her difficulty was through comprehension.It is because the direction he is going is too grand.

Originally following the path of Yin-Yang Tai Chi was grand enough, but now I have to take one yuan.Now they are constantly comprehending the Dao of Breaking the Boundary, letting them understand that the one yuan they want to walk is the origin of the Dao.

What is the origin?

It is the source of all avenues, and all avenues are differentiated from this source.In this way, this source is the Dao that includes everything, but Ye Weiyang wants to find this source, so she needs to gather the Dao and condense the source.How many avenues does this need to accommodate?
The surging avenues are like the sea, Ye Weiyang is under great pressure to absorb these avenues, seek the same origin from these avenues, and comprehend the true meaning of the avenue.

This is really difficult, even if Ye Weiyang now has Hongmeng Xianyun, which can improve her comprehension ability and relatively reduce the difficulty of comprehension, but it will definitely consume more time.

So, after a year passed, Ye Weiyang still didn't come out of the cave.Wan Qingzong and the others were really worried.From what they thought, it would be very difficult for Ye Weiyang to break through this time. After all, her background is insufficient, so she should have failed in about half a year.But now a year has passed, and Ye Weiyang still hasn't come out, so there won't be an accident inside, right?
Ye Weiyang really has no shortage of foundation. Her cultivation time is not as long as Bao Yixing, but her foundation is much deeper than Bao Yixing. It is only because of the direction of her cultivation that she has been unable to break through.

Outside the cave.

Fang Zigu, Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan sat there cross-legged.


The four of them opened their eyes, and just now they felt that the Tao rhyme that had been covering them had changed.They looked around, they were still in front of the cave, and there was no change in the surroundings.


The four looked at each other, then stood up abruptly.The four of them are now Boundary Breakers, knowing the difference between Boundary Breaker and Boundary Creation.Boundary breaking can be released out of the world without a sound, and this world is not like the world of making a world, which can be clearly seen, but the world of breaking the world is to break the boundary between the world and the outside world, so that people cannot discover the world, and they will go deep into the world. trapped in the boundary.

Did Ye Weiyang break through?
At the moment of breakthrough, her realm spread out, spread out from the cave, and covered the surroundings. Fang Zigu and the others were no longer in place, but fell into Ye Weiyang's realm.With Ye Weiyang's state, it is reasonable to say that Fang Zigu's state cannot be perceived by the three of them.Although they are also breaking the boundary now, but what kind of boundary breaking are they, and what kind of boundary breaking is Ye Weiyang?
The difference is too much!

But it was also because Ye Weiyang had just broken through, before the breakthrough, he attracted a lot of Dao Yun, gathered in the cave, and took advantage of the opportunity to wrap Fang Zigu and the others.But when Ye Weiyang's world was covered, he took advantage of the situation to cover those dao rhymes as well.This time, the four of Fang Zigu had a perception, and they really couldn't perceive it in a different environment or a different time.

"Senior Brother Fang, Peak Master, she can't break through the boundary, can she?"

"I think it is."

"So, we are now in the peak master's realm?"

"Don't we know if we walk outside?"

The three of them thought about it, so they flew towards the bottom of the peak, and soon they landed at the bottom of the peak, but they didn't know in their hearts whether they had walked out of the realm released by Ye Weiyang, or that Ye Weiyang didn't at all. Breakthrough, no release out of bounds.

Very confused!
While being confused, Wan Qingzong's figure landed beside them.Although Wan Qingzong didn't think that Ye Weiyang could break through the boundary right now, he still took a look at Weiyang Peak whenever he had time, and then he found that Fang Zigu and the others were no longer outside the cave, but ran to the foot of the mountain, and flew Come and ask:
"Your sect ran down?"

"Greetings to the suzerain!" The four of Fang Zigu hurriedly saluted Wan Qingzong: "We suspect that the peak master has broken through the boundary. We felt a little different just now..."

As soon as Wan Qingzong's eyes lit up, his spiritual consciousness spread out. With his state of good fortune, if Ye Weiyang really spread out of the realm, and he was a monk who had just broken through and was breaking through, he could still perceive it.

His spiritual consciousness spread upward along the foot of the mountain, but just when he came to the halfway up the mountain, he sensed Ye Weiyang's realm, and Ye Weiyang's realm was spreading down the mountain.His mouth opened, and when he was about to laugh out loud, he closed it suddenly, but the excitement on his face was visible to the naked eye.

He sensed the boundary, but he was afraid that his loud laughter would disturb Ye Weiyang, so he closed his mouth in time.Carefully penetrated his divine sense into Ye Weiyang's realm.At this time, Ye Weiyang's realm was still breaking through, and he didn't consciously dominate the realm, so his consciousness easily spread into Ye Weiyang's realm, and then his expression changed.

So realistic!
Do not!
It is exactly the same.Exactly the same as the outside world.That is to say, at this moment in Ye Weiyang's realm, you can't tell which is the realm at all, and you think it is Weiyang Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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