Chapter 1188
This is not something that everyone can do, it requires the direction of the Dao of cultivation.

For example, for a person who practices ice and snow, his world can also spread out silently, but the scene in his world is ice and snow. If this person is in the ice field, it is very difficult to find this person's world.But if you are not in the ice field, it is too easy to know that you have entered the opponent's realm.Because the surrounding environment is not ice and snow, and the direction of that person's cultivation can only release this ice and snow world.

Another example is the direction of the avenue of fire, the direction of the avenue of water, and so on.

If one wants to release a world like Ye Weiyang, the minimum must be the direction of the five elements.The direction of the avenue of the five elements needs to integrate the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and you can imagine how difficult it is, and you can imagine how much the Dao of Heaven needs to be comprehended.This kind of avenue direction is very advanced, even a kind of avenue direction up to the source.There are very few monks who practice this direction, at least at the level of breaking the boundary, there are very few monks who practice this direction.Because it takes a lot of time and effort.

If your aptitude, talent and comprehension are not very good, and you have started to practice the five elements from the very beginning, it is very likely that you will die before you break through the world.Usually, they are monks who have broken through the good fortune. In order to seek the origin of the avenue, they begin to comprehend other avenues of heaven and earth, and open up their own avenues.

Just like his Wanqing sect, he began to search for the Five Elements Dao after breaking through the good fortune, and now he has achieved outstanding results.But it is precisely because he has a deep understanding of the Five Elements Avenue that now he perceives that Ye Weiyang's world does not seem to be completely the Five Elements Avenue, but seems to be more profound and extensive than the Five Elements Avenue.

Is it Yin Yang Tai Chi?
This could not help but shock Wan Qingzong.

Just after breaking through the boundary, it shows the boundary of the five elements, yin and yang, and Tai Chi. What does this mean?
This shows that Ye Weiyang began to practice Yin-Yang Tai Chi when he created the world.

Do not!
I'm afraid that Ye Weiyang followed the path of five elements, yin and yang, and Tai Chi at the beginning of her cultivation, but how is this possible?

Ye Weiyang is only over 5000 years old now, and he is already a peerless arrogance if he can break through the boundary, and the direction of his cultivation is still Yin Yang Tai Chi, how did he get to the step of breaking the boundary?

How high is his aptitude, talent and comprehension?
No wonder she was able to comprehend the true meaning in the world, no wonder her fighting power is so strong.Even if he hides his true intentions, Bao Yixing has nothing to do with her.

Wan Qingzong withdrew his consciousness decisively and laughed silently.Fang Zigu and the three of them were frightened.Fang Zigu was worried about Ye Weiyang, so he boldly said:
"Sect Master, Peak Master, she..."

"Don't worry, your peak master has already broken through the boundary, and it's still a powerful one. Back off now!"


"Follow me back!"

Ye Weiyang's cave occupies a mountain alone, and the surrounding area is empty, there are no other monks' caves.Wan Qingzong took Fang Zigu and the four of them back for a long distance, Fang Zigu couldn't help but asked again:
"Sovereign, has our Peak Master made a breakthrough?"

"Breakthrough, and it's a powerful breakthrough." Wan Qingzong's tone couldn't contain his excitement.Since then, the Chongxu Sect has added another powerful breakthrough, and it is very likely that there will be another powerful creation in the future.

"Then...why hasn't Peak Master left the customs yet?"

Wan Qingzong said with a smile: "That's because your peak master is making continuous breakthroughs."

"Consecutive breakthroughs?"

Fang Zigu looked overjoyed, they had heard that Bao Yixing of the Bone Sect had broken through continuously, and when he left the level, he was already at the second stage of breaking the boundary.And now his own peak master is also making continuous breakthroughs. In this way, when the peak master leaves the customs, he is also at the second level of breaking the boundary, and he has not been dropped by Bao Yixing.

"Great!" The four of Fang Zigu jumped excitedly.

"Sect Master!" Fang Zigu approached Wan Qingzong again: "Our Peak Master will not be in danger now, right?"

"No, at most, she can't break through continuously. It depends on her background."

"Then... do you think our suzerain can successfully break through consecutively?"

"do not know!"

Wan Qingzong shook his head, and his expression became serious.

After seven days.

Ye Weiyang in the cave opened her eyes, the moment she finished breaking through, the clouds of robbery began to gather in the sky outside the cave, and Ye Weiyang felt that she was locked by the catastrophe.Then he got up, walked out of the cave, and flew towards the place where the sect crossed the catastrophe.

"The peak master has come out!" Fang Zigu and the four were excited.

Wan Qingzong has already flew up, keeping a distance from Ye Weiyang, and flew towards the place where he crossed the catastrophe.At this time, the Jieyun in the sky also moved with Ye Weiyang.Heavenly Tribulation naturally alarmed the monks in the Chongxu Sect, not only the monks of the Chongxu Sect, but also the monks outside the sect who went to and from the two worlds through the Chongxu Pagoda. Go, they naturally recognized Ye Weiyang.

"That's Ye Weiyang!"

"Ye Weiyang is about to break through the boundary."

"As expected of Bao Yixing, he is the pride of heaven."

"Compared to Bao Yixing, after all, it is still a little bit worse. Bao Yixing has broken through for more than half a year, and Ye Weiyang only broke through. Moreover, Bao Yixing broke through to the second level of cracking continuously. Ye Weiyang only broke through the first level of boundary breaking. "

"That's true, after all, Ye Weiyang's training time is too short, and she is one step behind Bao Yixing. For cultivators of my generation, one step ahead, one step ahead!"

"You can't say that. Ye Weiyang cultivated to break the boundary at the age of more than 5000 years. Her life is a life of continuous surpassing. Who can be sure that Ye Weiyang will not be able to surpass Bao Yixing in the future?"

"Besides, who can be sure that the current Ye Weiyang is not a continuous breakthrough, but also a second level of boundary breaking?"

"You are just joking, saying that Ye Weiyang will surpass Bao Yixing in the future, I have no objection. It is possible. But continuous breakthroughs are nonsense. Is continuous breakthroughs so easy?

If it was easy, would Bao Yixing suppress himself for more than 1000 years without breaking through?

How many years did Ye Weiyang create the world?
She breaks through continuously, are you out of your mind? "

"Well, even if Ye Weiyang didn't break through continuously. When she didn't comprehend the true meaning, she was able to draw with Bao Yixing who comprehended the true meaning. Later, when she comprehended the true meaning, Bao Yixing ran away. So I said, Even if Ye Weiyang is at the first level of breaking boundaries and Bao Yixing is at the second level of breaking boundaries, Bao Yixing is not Ye Weiyang's opponent."

"Stop making noise and look quickly."

At this time, everyone had already landed outside the place where Chongxu Zong crossed the tribulation, looked into the place, and saw Ye Weiyang standing in the center of the place, looking up at the robbery cloud in the sky.The robbery clouds in the sky were gathering, Ye Weiyang frowned slightly.She knows that her own catastrophe is more powerful than others' catastrophe, that's how she came all the way.She was thinking, her current body already has [-]% good fortune, and she is just going through a world-breaking catastrophe, so she should be fine, right?

(End of this chapter)

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