Chapter 1194

Zhang Jiuling went to retreat. Ye Weiyang sat in the cave and began to read Zhang Jiuling's improved exercises. The more he looked at them, the happier he was. Originally, Ye Weiyang's exercises were not top-quality exercises at the stage of good fortune, but now they are already top-quality exercises .In this way, Ye Weiyang retreated in her own cave for half a year, thoroughly grasped this exercise, and then left the cave, and flew towards the Hall of Qi again.Her eyebrows are full of joy, because she has gained a lot of enlightenment from this exercise, and feels that she has already entered the middle stage of breaking the boundary with one foot.If he can break through the fairy weapon to the realm of the great master, he is likely to break through to the middle stage of breaking the boundary by analogy.

Hearing that Ye Weiyang was back again, Lei Zhenqi ran over excitedly, sat opposite Ye Weiyang, and read with Ye Weiyang.He didn't ask Ye Weiyang any questions, but just comprehended silently, and then recorded what he didn't understand. After Ye Weiyang broke through the Grand Master, he could also ask Yu Jiao for answers from Ye Weiyang.

Thirty years passed in a hurry, and Ye Weiyang left Qidian again because Zhang Jiuling broke through the boundary.And after the catastrophe was over, I told Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang hurriedly landed on Weiyang Peak, and saw Zhang Jiuling, Fang Zigu, Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan sitting in the pavilion chatting intimately.After the four of Fang Zigu returned from the two realms, they discovered that there was an extra cave.They didn't bother, but went out to inquire, and then found out that there was an extra monk in Weiyang Peak, and this monk was also ascended from the Nine Palaces. The most important thing is that this person is called Zhang Jiuling, and he is Ye Weiyang's elder brother.

Therefore, these four people did not leave Weiyang Peak again, and protected Zhang Jiuling while practicing.When Zhang Jiuling broke through the boundary and left the customs, the five of them soon became very intimate.

"Brother, have you made a breakthrough?" Ye Weiyang landed outside the gazebo, Fang Zigu and the others hurriedly stood up: "I've seen the peak master."

Ye Weiyang waved her hands and sat on the stone bench, and the others also took their seats.Zhang Jiuling excitedly said: "Wei Young, I have made a breakthrough."

"Great, next, what's the big brother's plan?"

Zhang Jiuling looked at Fang Zigu and the four of them and said, "I've already discussed with a few senior brothers, and I will go with them to the space of the two worlds to hone my skills."

Ye Weiyang won't stop her, so a monk has to sharpen himself. As for danger, how can a cultivator not experience danger?

"Brother, I haven't refined the fairy treasure for you yet, so you can use the points to exchange for a payment first." Then he looked at Fang Zigu and the others and said, "When I break through to the great master of the fairy formation, I will also use it to pay for it." I will refine one for each of you."

The four of Fang Zigu looked overjoyed: "Thank you, Peak Master."

Ye Weiyang stayed on the mountain for another seven days, and communicated with five people during these seven days, and then the five went to the two realms, and Ye Weiyang returned to the Artifact Palace again, and began to comprehend the art of refining artefacts.

A hundred years passed in such a hurry.

In the refining room, Lei Zhenqi stared at Ye Weiyang with an extremely excited expression, only one step away, a middle-grade Houtian Xianbao could be refined.


A long sword vibrated, buzzed, shone with rays of light, and then gradually retracted.Ye Weiyang grabbed the long sword, swept his consciousness, and with a bright smile on his face, he handed the sword to Lei Zhenqi:
"have a look!"

Lei Zhenqi took the long sword, checked it carefully, and checked it repeatedly for more than a quarter of an hour, and finally looked at Ye Weiyang excitedly and said:

"Wei Young, it is really a middle-grade Houtian Immortal Treasure, you have really become a master of immortal weapons."

"Huh..." Ye Weiyang let out a long breath: "Finally, I can refine a middle-grade Houtian Xianbao for myself."

Lei Zhenqi frowned and said, "You are following the path of Yin-Yang Tai Chi. If you want to refine a middle-grade Houtian Immortal Treasure suitable for you, there seems to be no suitable one in the treasure house of the sect."

"I have the main materials. I just need some auxiliary materials."

"You have no problem, let's go, let's get the materials now, and I will watch your refining."

"Okay! This fairy sword is for you."

"it is good!"

As Ye Weiyang, who still has countless sect points, it is no problem to enter the sect's treasure house, but even so, the elders guarding the treasure house followed Ye Weiyang into the treasure house, watching Ye Weiyang pick out pieces The precious material, the face is green:

"Wei Young, you are just refining a middle-grade Houtian Xianbao, you don't need these, right?"

"Who said that I only refine one middle-grade Houtianxian treasure? I want to refine six handles, and five of them are for the disciples of the mountain. Am I qualified to come to the treasure house to buy materials?"

"Yes!" The guard elder had a toothache.

"I didn't give you less sect points, did I?"

"No!" The guard elder had a helpless expression on his face.

Ye Weiyang didn't pay attention to him anymore, after selecting all kinds of materials, he gave Zongmen points, and then returned to the refining room of the Artifact Palace with Lei Zhenqi.Start refining.

Refining the bowstring first, followed by Fang Zigu, Wang Ye and Zhang Tong.For Ye Weiyang, each refinement is a process of reorganization, her understanding of the Dao of Formation becomes more and more extensive and profound, and she learns by analogy, so that she also unconsciously improves the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Half a year has passed, and Ye Weiyang has already refined four middle-grade Houtianbao, and started to refine a knife for his elder brother Zhang Jiuling.Zhang Jiuling and Ye Weiyang practiced in the same direction, so Ye Weiyang took out a Yin-Yang stone as the main material.Lei Zhenqi, who had been watching from the side, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"This is... the Yin-Yang Stone?"


"Where did you get it?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while: "I still won't tell you, after you go, you won't be able to get out."

Lei Zhenqi didn't ask any more questions, he believed in Ye Weiyang.In his heart, he thought that that place must be heavily blocked by formations, Ye Weiyang was proficient in formations, and was able to get out, but he really couldn't.

Ye Weiyang started to refine the weapon, while Lei Zhenqi watched from the side.Ask questions from time to time, and Ye Weiyang will answer them.Nearly two months passed, and Ye Weiyang finally forged a long knife, the middle-grade Houtian Xianbao.

Ye Weiyang looked at the long knife in her hand, her brows were beaming with joy, imagining in her heart how her elder brother would be surprised when he saw the long knife, and his heart was even more joyful.She put away the long knife, then sat cross-legged, and continued refining for nearly eight months, all of them were mid-grade Houtian Xianbao, which made her current level almost reach the consummation state of a great master. She needs to sort it out, and finally give herself Create fairy treasures.

Lei Zhenqi didn't bother Ye Weiyang any more, and sat on the side, silently sorting out the past eight months. He felt that he was very close to the Grand Master of the Immortal Formation.

The refining room fell silent, and this silence has passed for three years.Finally, on a certain day, at a certain moment, Ye Weiyang opened his eyes, and silently began to take out the Yin-Yang stone and various auxiliary materials. Lei Zhenqi also opened his eyes, stood up silently, and watched from the side.He can now say that he has reached the critical point of breaking through to a great master, and he knows that this is the last mid-grade Houtian treasure refined by Ye Weiyang. He doesn't know when he will see Ye Weiyang's refining next time, so He is very rare.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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