Ye Weiyang began to refine the weapon, and the refining was very slow. While refining, she combed the deduction and comprehension again.Sometimes I also answer the questions of the thunderbolt.After such a month, it can be seen from the eyes of Lei Zhenqi that this middle-grade Houtian Immortal Treasure has been completed four-fifths, and it is only one-fifth short of being born.Moreover, he could also tell that this fairy sword was better than the previous five middle-grade Houtian Xianbao, and the Thunder Suppressor became excited as soon as a peak middle-grade Houtian Xianbao was about to be born.The beating frequency of the heart accelerated, and the face flushed with excitement.


Ye Weiyang stopped suddenly.

"not yet……"

Lei Zhen was in a hurry, and if he stopped like this, this middle-grade Houtian Immortal Treasure, which was about to succeed, would be scrapped.How is he not in a hurry?
But when he just uttered a word, he saw that Ye Weiyang was having an epiphany, his body was filled with the aura of epiphany, he immediately closed his mouth, with a look of shock on his face.

This is an epiphany!
This talent...

By the way, I don't know if this epiphany, Ye Weiyang's epiphany in refining weapons, or by analogy, is it an epiphany in cultivation?
If it's the epiphany in refining, it would be great. After this epiphany, will Ye Weiyang become the sage of immortal weapons?
If one becomes the sage of the Immortal Artifact, then the Hall of Artifacts will overwhelm the Hall of Arrays.Hahaha……

Oh... If it's an epiphany in terms of cultivation, then... Ye Weiyang is likely to break through to the fourth stage of breaking the boundary because of this epiphany. Although it is only an increase of one level, it has entered the middle stage of breaking the boundary.

How long has she broken through?

This is the middle stage of breaking the boundary, and if you say it, you will startle the eyes of all the monks in the fairy world. More than 5000 years old in the middle of breaking the boundary. In the early stage of breaking the boundary over 5000 years old, there is no shortage of fairyland, but in the middle stage of breaking the boundary over 5000 years old, there is no fairyland.

"Since Weiyang joined the Chongxu Sect, now there is a forest of steles inherited by the Saint of Immortal Talisman, and a forest of steles inherited by the great master of the Immortal Formation, which has improved the overall strength of our sect. Now she has broken through to breaking the boundary. With Weiyang's combat power, After breaking through and breaking the boundary, it is worthwhile to encounter half-step fortune."

If this is the case, Chongxuzong has a real pillar.

The stone door was opened, Ye Weiyang looked up, and saw Wan Qingzong and Lei Haichao walking in.

Wan Qingzong looked surprised, and then turned into surprise: "How is it? Can you break through?"

The two great monks were full of joy, chatting and protecting Ye Weiyang.The monks flew over from a distance, and when they saw Wan Qingzong and Lei Zhenqi, they landed and did not dare to approach.Discuss in low voices:
"Who broke through?"

"Ye Weiyang? Tsk, it's too powerful."

It is estimated that Bao Yixing is still in the second level of Breaking Boundary, right?

"It must be Ye Weiyang. The Palace Master has been with Ye Weiyang all these years."

The two looked up, and the immortal energy visible to the naked eye was converging towards this side, and they could also feel the strong Dao rhyme.

I finally broke through the middle stage of breaking the boundary, the fourth level of breaking the boundary.

"Really breakthrough!"

"Cultivate an epiphany!"

Lei Zhenqi quietly went out of the refining room, closed the door, and sent a message to Wan Qingzong.In less than a quarter of an hour, Wan Qingzong landed in front of Lei Zhenqi. Lei Zhenqi put his finger in front of his lips, Wan Qingzong closed his mouth, and then said via voice transmission with his spiritual sense:

Let's talk about it when we meet in the future, there is no need to be deliberate.

Lei Zhenqi was pleasantly surprised, it really was an epiphany in his cultivation, it seems that Ye Weiyang is about to break through the middle stage of breaking the boundary.


"In the middle period of breaking the boundary, more than 5000 years old, there is no one before."

"Yeah! How long has it been since the breakthrough, and it has broken through again."

"Good! Good! Very good!" Then he said with emotion: I didn't expect you to break through so quickly. Even with the Primordial Charm now, I originally thought it would take you about 500 years to break through the mid-term.Now it seems that within 500 years, you should hope to break through to the late stage of breaking the boundary.

Ye Weiyang opened his eyes, glanced at the celestial treasure on the crafting platform, and sighed, the refining was in vain, the celestial treasure was useless.Then a smile appeared on his face.

Wan Qingzong sensed Ye Weiyang's aura, at this time Ye Weiyang had just broken through and could not completely restrain his aura.Sensing Ye Weiyang's breath, Wan Qingzong showed a smile on his face:


"No, I don't think it's worthwhile even if you encounter the first level of creation."

"Wei Young is having an epiphany."

Do you want to go out secretly, lurk at the Bone Sect, and look for a chance to kill Bao Yixing?
never mind!

Where's Brother Lei?

And once it enters the middle stage from the early stage, it is not so difficult to break through from the fourth level of breaking the boundary to the sixth level of breaking the boundary.With Ye Weiyang's natural talent and understanding, even if he doesn't cultivate deliberately, he will be promoted to the sixth level of cracking within a thousand years. At that time, Ye Weiyang was only over 6000 years old.

The time of epiphany is very short, just over a quarter of an hour, Ye Weiyang's epiphany is over, but Ye Weiyang exudes a breath of breakthrough.


After half a day.

Wan Qingzong was stunned, and continued to transmit the voice: "Is it the epiphany of refining tools, or the epiphany of cultivation base?"

"We will definitely be able to see it, I guess it will not exceed ten thousand years."

Ye Weiyang nodded, she knew in her heart that it was because of the collision between the two worlds once in ten thousand years, that she obtained the Primordial Charm, which made her breakthrough so quickly.The collision of the two realms once every ten thousand years is the millennium when the monks in the fairy world collectively erupt.In the past 1000 years, countless monks will die, but there will also be countless monks who will break through.

"I feel that there should be no problem... a breakthrough!"

"I really want to see the day when she breaks through the good fortune."

I have to notify the Suzerain.

"what happened?"

Of course, my breakthrough was a bit faster, that's because I learned by analogy.Then others won't comprehend by analogy?

Of course!
However, they don't have the Luoshu space. Although they have the celestial charm of Hongmeng, if they want to comprehend it from the Dan Talisman Array, they must break through from the Dan Talisman Artifact Array.Without the help of Luoshu space, only Hongmeng Xianyun, it is really not easy to make a breakthrough in the Pill Talisman Formation, and it can even be said to be difficult.

But Ye Weiyang is not sure in her heart, whether she can break through the late stage of breaking the boundary within 500 years, if she only breaks through to the sixth stage of breaking the boundary, she still has a lot of confidence.But if you want to break through to the late stage of breaking the boundary, you must make a breakthrough in the Pill Talisman Formation to be able to bypass the analogy.

There is no need to think about the fairy talisman. I am already the saint of the fairy talisman. Even if there is a realm above, it is so difficult to comprehend, or even impossible to comprehend.Both Immortal Formation and Immortal Armament are Grand Masters now, and it is very difficult to comprehend from Grand Master to Saint level.As for alchemy, I am now at the level of a master, but the Luoshu space has no assistance in alchemy, and it is also a time-consuming process to comprehend it by myself.


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