The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1210 Rune Cannon

Chapter 1210 Rune Cannon

Ye Weiyang was also helpless, she felt that she was a bit reckless when she asked Wan Qingzong and the others to go to the demon world.But now that the responsibility has been shouldered, you can't shirk it to others, right?
And to whom?
Looking at Ning Zhongjun and Chen Mo's dignified expressions, Ye Weiyang said: "You should follow your procedures now, you know what to do?"

"This is definitely no problem, but you..."

"I'll go to the defense line first! I'll go now. You also move immediately, we only have 30 years."

"We're fine."

"Then I'm fine. I'll go first. I'm in a hurry."

The entire Chongxu Sect started to function, and orders were issued one after another.And Ye Weiyang flew towards the defense line on the Xingsuo.The line of defense was [-] miles away from Chongxuzong, but for Xingsuo, it took only a quarter of an hour to reach the line of defense.There are a large number of human monks stationed on the defense line.And there are also a large number of monster monks outside the line of defense.There have been countless wars before, but the Yaozu didn't do their best, at least the good fortune monks of the Yaozu didn't come.And now it's a truce.Because the monster race is gathering.Before the assembly, the Yaozu will no longer take the initiative to attack.And the human race will naturally not attack the monster race.

Ye Weiyang landed on the defense line, which was guarded by a boundary-breaking monk named Liang Xiu from the Chongxu Sect.Seeing Ye Weiyang, his expression was very calm, because he didn't know that the great monks of Chongxu Sect were gone.

"Wei Young, have the suzerain and the others left the customs?"

"No!" Ye Weiyang shook his head and said: "The suzerain and the others are at a very important juncture, so even if the monster clan starts to attack, as long as it is not the most dangerous time, the suzerain and the others will not come, and I will be responsible for the clan war."

Liang Xiu's face couldn't help showing worry, Ye Weiyang didn't wait for him to speak, and said: "Let me look at the formation first."

Knowing Ye Weiyang's current master of the Immortal Formation, Liang Xiu decisively shut up.Ye Weiyang exuded divine consciousness, about a quarter of an hour later.She rejected the idea of ​​enhancing the power of the formation.Indeed, as Ning Zhongjun said, he couldn't afford to improve, and he didn't have enough time.She walked around the defense line, thinking while walking, and suddenly a flash of inspiration appeared in her heart.She remembered that when she was young and weak, in the Mortal Realm, she had seen the Rune Cannon.But why is there no rune cannon in Immortal World?
"Brother Liang."


"Why are there no rune cannons on the defense line?"

"Run Pattern Cannon? What is that?" The two cultivators were stunned.

Seeing the expressions of the two cultivators, Ye Weiyang knew that it wasn't that the Chongxu Sect didn't have rune cannons, but that the entire fairy world didn't have rune cannons.

Why is this so?

She thought for a moment and figured it out.Immortal World's personal power is too great, there is no need for rune cannons.I don't want to be in the mortal world, my personal strength is very weak, so the rune cannon can show its power.But in the fairy world, no one studies this thing under the strong personal power.

But now that the Chongxu Sect has no good luck, the rune cannon is needed at this time.And when she thought about it again, she understood better.If you want to make a rune cannon that can threaten good fortune monks, it must be a rune of the holy level.Before Ye Weiyang in the entire fairyland, there were only two talisman saints. You asked the two talisman saints to make rune cannons for you, as coolies?

Are you crazy?
But now she has to be the coolie.Fortunately, there is no need to study from scratch, she knows the rune cannon very well, as long as the material of the rune cannon is replaced, the top-level material must be used, otherwise the rune cannon, which can pose a threat to the good fortune monk, has not been released yet, the rune cannon itself collapsed.However, there is no problem with that.Ye Weiyang didn't plan to build in batches, even if the materials were expensive, they could still afford them.Chongxuzong has that background.

Then there is the rune pattern, the principle of the rune pattern gun should be the same, just replace the original rune pattern with a rune pattern of the holy level.

"Try it!"

Ye Weiyang returned to the Chongxu Sect, and heard that Ye Weiyang came back, and also heard that she had gone to the Hall of Qi.But he is very busy now, so he can only deal with the matter at hand first.It's just that there is uneasiness in my heart.Ye Weiyang can come up with a solution in less than a day after coming and going?

Now that I have gone to the Hall of Artifacts, even if I think about it, it is still a fairy treasure.Immortal treasures are powerful and can increase a monk's power by [-]% to [-]%.But this power is directly linked to the monk's realm.If you just break the boundary and hold the fairy treasure, can you beat the boundary creation?
In this uneasy mood, he was busy for a whole day, and at dusk, he finally explained all the things, took some time, and went straight to the Qidian.After arriving at the Qi Temple, hearing that Ye Weiyang was in the refining room, he flew towards the back mountain of Qifeng, where there are [-] refining rooms in Qifeng.Then he froze.

Because he had not yet reached the back mountain, he heard the sound of refining weapons, the sound was very loud, as if hundreds of refining masters were refining weapons together.But in fact, there are really [-] refining masters refining weapons.There is one refiner in each refining room.Moreover, the doors of the refining rooms were all open, he saw Ye Weiyang coming out of one refining room and entering the next refining room.

As soon as Ning Zhongjun moved, he entered the refining room, and saw Ye Weiyang standing beside him, watching a craftsman refining weapons.

What are you practicing?
is a pipe.

It was as thick as an adult's thigh and about five meters long.

This is the Rune Cannon designed by Ye Weiyang. She thought that the Rune Cannon was facing the Great Cultivator, and the Great Cultivator was not a motionless wood carving, but moved extremely fast.If it is made into a mortal world, that kind of cumbersome rune cannon.There was no time to aim at the great monk Good Fortune.So she was shrunk down and let the monk carry the bombardment.

Of course, the requirements for monks are also very high, and the rune cannon that can threaten the great monk Good Fortune must have a strong reaction.The Daoist monk will definitely not be able to do it. It is estimated that his body will collapse due to the reaction force, and even if he does not collapse, he will be seriously injured.It is estimated that the one who will be able to use the rune cannon in the future will have to be the one with the worst cultivation.

"Weiyang, what is this?"

"Rune Cannon!"

"The rune cannon?"

Ning Zhongjun's heart suddenly moved. At this moment, he remembered that Ye Weiyang is a sage of immortal talisman.Since Ye Weiyang said that this is a rune cannon, it must have something to do with the rune, something made by a sage of the fairy rune, it should be able to pose a threat to the Great Creator, right?

His heart suddenly looked forward to it.He couldn't help carefully looking at the rune cannon that the refiner was refining, and suddenly his face changed. He could see that the rune cannon was made of precious materials, and all the refining rooms were refining...

"Wei Young, these materials..."

(End of this chapter)

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