"Oh, they are all precious materials in the Zongmen's treasure house. The materials with the highest toughness and hardness have basically been evacuated."

"Oh..." Ning Zhongjun almost fainted, you can't do this, even if you are in charge of the sect now, you can't mess around like this...


He came to his senses again, if he couldn't stop the Yaozu, the Chongxu Sect might be breached. Are those precious materials kept for the Yaozu?
It's better to use it, maybe this rune cannon can really resist the good fortune of the monster race.

"Weiyang, how powerful is your rune cannon?"

"I don't know, I'll try it out when I make one. You can do your work first, and I'll let you know when I make one. By the way, is there a place in the sect to test the power of good fortune?"

"This does exist. The Daleiyin Temple has refined a magic weapon called the Trial Wall. You can buy it as long as it is a flower spirit stone. It can detect the power of all levels from weak to strong. Not to mention our nine sects, Even some second-rate sects buy one."

"That's good, when the time comes to try it, you will know the power of the Rune Cannon."

More than a month later, the entire fairyland was in motion, and the orders issued by the nine major sects had reached the lowest level. The monks in the entire fairyland began to gather and gather towards the nine lines of defense.But on this day, the roaring Chongxu Zongqi Hall quieted down, the [-] rune cannons were refined, and now it was Ye Weiyang who was left to draw the runes.Of course, this is also the most critical step. The power of the rune cannon depends on the rune carved by Ye Weiyang.

In fact, these days, Ye Weiyang has not been idle, she has been repeatedly deriving and improving the runes on the rune cannon, and after each improvement, she will let the Luoshu space correct it, so repeated nine times, so far It is the strongest and most perfect rune formation that she can design, and it has been improved and upgraded after the Luoshu space.

How it is, just make it and try it out.

Ye Weiyang began to carve the rune pattern on a rune cannon. I don't know how many times he painted it virtually in the Luoshu space, so Ye Weiyang's speed was extremely fast. In nearly a day, he actually made a rune cannon. .She sent a message to Ning Zhongjun, and soon Ning Zhongjun flew over, looking at the rune cannon placed in front of Ye Weiyang, she felt that she liked it for no reason.The runes on this rune cannon are too perfect, so perfect that people feel a sense of Taoism and nature.His heart couldn't help but move.This perfect rune cannon should be very powerful, right?

Seeing Ning Zhongjun, Ye Weiyang put away the rune cannon and said: "Let's go, let's try."

"it is good!"

For more than a month, the boundary-breaking and boundary-making monks in the space of the two worlds rushed back one after another, even if they hadn't returned, there were not many.Therefore, there are currently 89 boundary-breaking monks and 460 boundary-making monks in Chongxuzong, basically all of them are back.And they all know that Ye Weiyang is refining something called rune cannon.So, when they heard that Ye Weiyang was going to test the cannon, these people all came.

This is a place in the back mountain, when Ye Weiyang came to this place, it suddenly dawned on him.When she first set up the star sea formation, she saw a wall-like thing placed here, and she didn't ask at that time.Now I know that this is the trial wall.At this time, all the disciples in front of the trial wall have been driven away, only Ye Weiyang and the elders.Ye Weiyang thought for a while, and then mobilized the Xinghai formation to cut out this valley separately, isolating it from others.In this way, no matter what happens in this valley, people outside cannot see or hear it, and even the divine sense cannot detect it.

Ye Weiyang stood in the valley, facing the trial wall, and took out the rune cannon.Then six top-grade spirit stones were installed on the rune cannon, and they were placed on the shoulders. The muzzle was aimed at the trial wall, and the rune cannon was activated by divine consciousness.


The space vibrated, and the six high-grade spirit stones on the rune cannon turned into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye and drifted down.And these six top-grade spirit stones only played the role of attracting, the heaven, earth, and Dao rhyme frantically gathered in the rune cannon at this moment, and the front muzzle of the rune cannon suddenly became bright.


A dazzling beam of light shot out from the muzzle of the rune cannon, thick as an adult's thigh, and bombarded the trial wall.The color on the trial wall changed wildly, and finally turned into golden yellow.

Nearly a hundred boundary-breaking monks and more than 400 boundary-making monks of the Chongxu Sect were stunned, and the trial wall turned golden yellow, which showed that the power of the rune cannon had reached that of the Great Creation Cultivator.These eyes couldn't help falling on the back of Ye Weiyang who was carrying the rune cannon.

Is this the power of the Saint of Immortal Talisman?
No wonder it is called holy!

How can a saint have a simple one?

No matter which sect, even if there is no Great Creator, as long as there is a saint in charge, it is a super sect!

Holy One, the treasure of Zhenzong!
In the past, there were some world-making monks who were dissatisfied with Ye Weiyang at that time, who became a top-rank elder with a proper cultivation base and monopolized a mountain peak.Later, Ye Weiyang broke through all the way to create and break boundaries, which made this dissatisfaction disappear a lot, but there are still people who are dissatisfied.Because Ye Weiyang is not a good fortune, she is not eligible to enjoy the rights of a top-rank elder.What was even more exaggerated later was that the suzerain and the others went into seclusion and handed over the position of acting suzerain to Ye Weiyang.

Isn't this a joke?
Fortunately, Ning Zhongjun, who knew the inside story, was in charge of the affairs of the sect, which suppressed those full of voices.

but now!

All these full voices disappeared.

They understood why the suzerain resisted all opinions and allowed Ye Weiyang to enjoy the rights of a top-ranking elder and monopolize it.

Think about it, now it is the embryo that has refined [-] rune cannons.Waiting for Ye Weiyang to make eight hundred rune cannons.Don't say that Ye Weiyang has broken the boundary now, it is a harmony, who dares to refuse?
At this time, they clearly realized the importance of a saint to a sect.

"Weiyang..." Seeing that Ye Weiyang hadn't moved, Ning Zhongjun stepped forward quickly: "What's wrong?"

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly, just now she was calculating the reaction force of the rune cannon.She is now the body of the fourth layer of good fortune, and can continue to bombard with this rune cannon.But not for other monks.At this moment, everyone gathered around, seeing Ye Weiyang frowning, they couldn't help but feel worried.

Does this rune cannon still have flaws?

"Everyone!" Ye Weiyang finished the calculation, and said: "This rune cannon has a strong reaction force."

Everyone was stunned, and Ning Zhongjun hurriedly said, "How many times can you release it?"

"Me? It's okay to keep releasing it."


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