The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1215 Unstable Army

Chapter 1215 Unstable Army
Standing on the defensive city wall, Ning Zhongjun and Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transmitted voice: "Weiyang, the suzerain said it will take 100 years, and now it's almost 60 years, and there are still 40 years left, can we stop it?"

Ye Weiyang said via voice transmission: "Brother Ning, I don't know much about this race war, did you participate in it ten thousand years ago?"


"Would Good Fortune join forces to launch an attack as soon as the monster race came up?"

"That's not true. I have participated in many clan battles after the two worlds collided. They all have certain procedures. First, the monster clan sends out a challenge, and everyone is singled out. And it starts from the lowest level of cultivation."

"Start from the lowest level of cultivation?" Ye Weiyang frowned, if he started the challenge from the Body Tempering Realm, if he continued to fight one after another, until he reached the level of good luck, it would be several years, even ten years, right?
"From Body Tempering Realm?"

"What are you thinking?" Ning Zhongjun rolled his eyes: "Take a look at the monk with the lowest cultivation level on our defense line?"

Ye Weiyang took a glance: "Sculpture the road?"

"That's right! The monks who come to the defense line have the lowest level of cultivation, and if they do it once, they will die if they come over, and it will have no effect."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but frowned, if it was plastic road, it would be difficult to delay this time.

"What kind of competition? How many games are compared in each realm?"

"There is no specific number of games. As long as the two sides do not propose to improve the realm, the comparison will continue. However, according to the experience of previous years, each realm can be as little as three months, and as many as several years. Weiyang, you must know that the lower the cultivation level, the lower the cultivator , the sooner the battle ends. For example, the plastic road, maybe less than an hour, the two monks on both sides can separate life and death. By the way, I forgot to tell you that the challenge is a life-and-death battle. Only when one party dies can it end. Proceed next game.

The Dao Shaping cultivator ended quickly, while the Dao Transformation cultivator would be slower. If it was a good fortune cultivator, the duel between the two would last for a few years.But the biggest headache for us now is that there are no Good Fortune monks. "

"Then let's procrastinate for one day." Ye Weiyang pondered: "Then if we don't fight on our side when it's time for the fate duel, will the demon clan start to attack?"

"Yes, but the good fortune of the monster race will not attack immediately. It is the monks who have just made good fortune to attack, and the two sides wear down the strength of the other side. This process usually lasts for five to ten years, and then the good fortune monks will make a move."

"How do you do it?"

"Join hands!" Ning Zhongjun's expression became serious: "Jointly smash a gap in the defense line, and then rush in. But before we had great monks on our side, when the monster clan joined forces, our great monks would also Get out of the defensive formation and join hands with the Yaozu Creation to fight against the Yaozu Creation, so as not to let the Yaozu Creation have the opportunity to smash our defense line. In the past clan battles, only once was a gap opened, and in the remaining several clan battles, We didn't give Yaozu a chance. However, this time we didn't have good luck monks to stop Yaozu.

This is our biggest problem. "

Ye Weiyang raised his eyebrows: "Then if the monster clan good luck blasts open the gap, will the monster clan good luck attack in first, or stay outside and command the monster clan to attack?"

"Of course it's good fortune to rush in, completely open the gap, and let the monster race behind rush in continuously..." Ning Zhongjun stopped suddenly, his eyes sparkled, and he looked at Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang did the same, and then Knowing that the two of them thought of a piece, they laughed out loud.

The surrounding cultivators saw the two cultivators who were now calling the shots standing there, laughing, and couldn't help cursing in their hearts:
"Are these two people stupid? There is no good luck sitting in the town, and there is still the mood to giggle there?"

Ning Zhongjun was communicating with Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness at this time: "Weiyang, did you aim at the gap with hundreds of rune cannons, and when those creatures rush in from the gap, boom... "

"Yes, they are all gathered together. The entry-level simply gathers all the rune cannons. After one round, can two or three creatures be killed?"

"Very likely, hehehe..."

"Let's go, talk to them in private."

With Ning Zhongjun around, orders were issued one after another, and everything was in order on the defense line, but the atmosphere was not good, and every monk was discussing in private.

"Why haven't the good fortune seniors of the Chongxu Sect come?"

"What's the rush? With the speed of the Great Cultivator Good Fortune, it will take less than an hour to rush over. The monsters will not join forces immediately. It must be a one-on-one fight at the beginning. It will not be too late at that time."

"That's right."

In short, the atmosphere on the defense line was not stable enough, but these monks never thought that the good luck of Chongxu Sect would not come, so the general direction was relatively stable.

Time passed day by day, from the first day Ye Weiyang came to the defense line, he didn't show up again, stayed in his own cave, left Xingsuo outside to guard the gate, and he entered the natal rune tower to continue Alchemy.Five years later, Ye Weiyang finally refined a top-grade pill, but it will take a long time for the top-grade pill to be full.But suddenly he got something in his heart, he came out of the natal talisman tower, fell into samadhi instantly, and immersed himself in comprehending the great way of heaven and earth.

In just three days, she woke up from the samadhi, and her cultivation reached the completion of cracking.From this day on, she can fight to break through the good fortune.

She has a great advantage. Now both the body and the immortal power have reached the fourth level of fortune, and the soul has also reached the second level of good fortune. This is because the soul has opened the star aperture again. Now the number of star apertures on the soul It has reached 310, and she found that with each additional star aperture, not only will it be easier for her to comprehend the way of heaven, but the realm of the primordial spirit will also be improved.These three things are far beyond her own cultivation, and she already has [-]% hope of breaking through the good fortune.

What she needs now is to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth.As long as you understand the avenue of good fortune, you can step into good fortune.

But this level is like a natural moat for the monks, even if Ye Weiyang almost 10% hopes to enter the good luck, but he doesn't know when he will be able to enter.It may be in the next moment, it may take ten thousand years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer.

But Ye Weiyang has a feeling in his heart, even if he has cultivated alchemy to the realm of the elixir master, that is, he can refine the best alchemy full of alchemy, and he will definitely not break through the good fortune.This level of analogy is not enough.She sat in the cave and thought carefully about her direction.

She is now a little focused on bypassing analogy, because she has benefited from bypassing analogy.Apart from some of her adventures, comprehension by analogy played a vital role in her progress in cultivation.So her first thought was to comprehend by analogy.

(End of this chapter)

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