The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1216 Challenge

Dan Talisman array.

Now there is no need to think about the talisman, the sage of the immortal talisman, even if there is still a realm above, but the chance of comprehension is extremely slim.It requires extremely high comprehension and incomparable opportunities to comprehend.

Then there are Immortal Artifacts and Immortal Formation. These two are currently in the realm of great masters. It is really difficult to break through to the holy level.In this way, alchemy is left.

She can be regarded as an elixir master now, and among the top elixir masters.But if you want to start to understand the realm of the great master, you must refine all the pills to the highest level.

She has the confidence to comprehend the realm of the great master, but it will take a long time.Because Luoshu space can't help.This requires her to pile herself up with time and herbs.She does not lack herbs, and of course she does not lack time, she has a long lifespan.What she is thinking about now is whether it is faster to promote the elixir master to the grand master, or to promote the fairy weapon or fairy array from the grand master to the holy level.

After all, Luoshu space can help both in terms of immortal array and immortal artifact.

But in the end she decided to make alchemy first. She always felt that even with the help of Luoshu space, it would be very difficult to enter the holy level.Unless she is allowed to enter Wanzhen Mountain, with the help of Luoshu Space in Wanzhen Mountain, she can break through to the Saint-level Immortal Array Master in a very short period of time.

But that's not possible, at least not right now.

Then continue alchemy.

Ye Weiyang retreated again, but this time she was awakened by Xing Suo after less than a year of retreat.Ye Weiyang came out of the natal talisman tower, then walked out of the cave, and saw Ning Zhongjun standing outside.

Ye Weiyang was surprised: "Senior brother Ning, is this a challenge? Didn't someone come out and say a few words?"

"The monster race will change to a royal way, and then the way of transformation, until the good fortune comes out, and then start the general attack. In fact, the challenge is a process of shooting down the morale of the opponent. If in this process, we win more and lose less, it is very difficult Maybe even the Yaozu will not launch a clan war, but retreat."

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "This method is also good, at least the monster race won't notice that there is no good luck on our side."

"No!" Ning Zhongjun shook his head and said: "It's like this every time. There is no falsehood, only real ones. It's just such a real duel. I hope that through the duel, the opponent's morale will be completely defeated. Weiyang, don't underestimate it. This kind of challenge. If our human race continues to lose like this, from the plastic road to the royal road, and then keeps losing, transforming the road, dao yuan, joining the road, creating boundaries, breaking boundaries, how much resistance do you think the human race will have at that time? force?
Each monk has [-]% of his power, how much can he display?
Let me tell you, even [-]% can't be used.

"No!" Ye Weiyang shook her head.

The realm of the two monks is the same, but because of this mutual restraint, the human monks are at a disadvantage in every way, and the combat experience seems to be a bit overwhelming. In less than half an hour, they were beheaded by the opponent's monster clan.

In the third game, the human monk was still beheaded, losing three consecutive games at the beginning.The human monks on the defense line felt a little nervous, and their morale also dropped a little.

Although the Yaozu on the opposite side turned into a human form, its figure was also very huge, exceeding four meters in height. The human monk stood in front of him like a baby.

"You don't need to make arrangements, someone will always go out. The human race is not without temper, nor is it without the heart of glory. Just wait and see."

"Senior brother Ning, how do we arrange it here?"

"Not bad!" A smile appeared on Ning Zhongjun's face.

"He is?" Ye Weiyang asked.

At this time, a monk came out of the human race. This monk gave people a very unreliable feeling because he was too thin.

Back then, the only time the line of defense was breached was because those of our human race lost more than they won, and lost too much. "

Ye Weiyang's expression was serious, what should come is still here!
"Go, go and have a look, try to delay."

The monster clan laughed and left, no one stopped it, because everyone knew the rules, if the monster clan wanted to fight, the human race could send someone out, if they didn't want to fight, the human race had to let the opponent go back, and they couldn't make a move.Then there was the second duel, this time the scene was slightly better than the first one, but only slightly better. In more than two quarters of an hour, the monk on the human side was beheaded by the monster monk .

Sure enough, a monk rushed out of the line of defense soon, and fought with that monster clan's Taoist priest.As soon as the duel started, the human cultivators were at a disadvantage. Even cultivators of Ye Weiyang's level could tell that the Taoist cultivators had the upper hand.Cultivation techniques, attributes, and supernatural powers are all suppressed.

"Wei Young, the Yaozu has started to challenge."

At this time, outside the line of defense, there was a monk from the Yaozu, with a Taoism-shaping cultivation base, who was challenging.

"That's because my generation of monks can also reshape their bodies when they break through the Tao. Even though he was a dwarf when he was a mortal, he can reshape his body the moment he breaks through the Tao. .but he just didn't."

Ning Zhongjun smiled lightly and said: "Weiyang, don't worry, like us Chongxuzong's Taoism will not go out at the beginning. It is all those casual cultivators, other families and sect cultivators. This is also true for human cultivators. An opportunity to practice is an opportunity to become famous. The most important thing is that our human race attaches great importance to this kind of challenge and has extremely high rewards. Therefore, as long as you don’t die, it is an opportunity to gain both fame and fortune. People with a little self-confidence , will fight once."

Do not!
Either thin or small, or a dwarf, less than one meter tall, and not yet strong, it gave people the feeling that as long as there was a gust of wind, he would be blown away.

The two came to the line of defense and looked outside the line of defense.Then he saw a dark camp of monster tribes, and he couldn't see the side at a glance.It's just that the Yaozu didn't forcefully press on them, they just stood on the side of the camp and looked towards this side.It is almost a hundred miles away from the defense line.This distance is in front of the monks of both sides, and everything can be seen clearly.

"What if no one goes out all the time?"

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Then just wait."

"I really know this person." Ning Zhongjun said with a smile. Originally, it was impossible for him to know a Dao Shaping monk, and this Dao Shaping monk was not the peerless arrogance of the nine sects.But Ning Zhongjun knew:
"He is also a strange person. Have you seen such a dwarf in the fairy world?"


"Just because of this?"

"Yeah, he is the only one in the fairy world, and he has become a strange talk after dinner. I also heard it from others, so I have an impression."

"Then how is his strength?"

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!


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