The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1236 Immortal Vein

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said: "I can't think of another big formation, if you have any ideas, you can say so."

Wang Ye was also polite: "Master, I didn't expect the suzerain to give us two more peaks. In this way, we have three main peaks and eleven secondary peaks. What is the suzerain's plan?"

Ye Weiyang stood on Weiyang Peak and looked around.

Of the three main peaks, Weiyang Peak is the highest and is located in the center of the other two main peaks.There are three secondary peaks around Weiyang Peak.The other two main peaks each have four sub-peaks.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while: "This Weiyang Peak will be my Dongfu mountain. That's are all breaking and creating boundaries now, and you can also occupy a mountain alone, and you can apply to the sect."

Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan shook their heads like rattles: "We're not going anywhere, just stay here."

This is not nonsense.

As far as the entire Chongxu Sect is concerned, where is it better than this place?
Cultivation is absolutely safe, and once the star array is successful, here is the Chongxu sect...

Do not!
It is the best holy place for cultivation in the entire fairy world, only a fool leaves.Even if Ye Weiyang sets up a star array for the Zongmen in the future, it will definitely need Zongmen contribution points to enter.There, like here, breathing is the way.

Ye Weiyang didn't ask her elder brother at all, it was impossible for Zhang Jiuling to leave.Seeing the firm eyes of the three people, he said:
"Okay. You can stay here, but I can't give you a separate mountain. With your mentality of managing the mountain, I estimate that in the future, there will be more and more monks on Weiyang Peak, breaking and creating boundaries. There will be more and more, and there should be some people who will break through the good fortune.”

Having said that, she glanced at her elder brother.Zhang Jiuling smiled, full of confidence.

"So, it's impossible to give each of you a mountain."

"We don't need it!" Wang Ye said, "We don't stay at this main peak, the main peak can only be lived by the peak owner alone. Or for the future personal disciple of the peak owner, we just need a cave in another mountain."

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded, not being pretentious, paying attention to fairness.I am the peak owner, and I have won all the interests, so I should monopolize a mountain.Otherwise, there will be no order of respect and inferiority, and there will be chaos in the future.

He glanced at the three secondary peaks around Weiyang Peak, then pointed to the highest of the three secondary peaks and said:
"That mountain is called Good Fortune Peak, and it is empty now. Whoever breaks through Good Fortune in the future can go to that mountain to build a cave."

Wang Ye and the others nodded, since they had no hope anyway.But there is no difference between the three secondary peaks, except that the Creation Peak is a little higher.If you don't let go, don't let go.

Ye Weiyang pointed to the second highest peak and said: "That mountain is called Boundary Breaker Peak, you three Boundary Breaker monks can build your own caves on that mountain."

"Yes!" The three nodded immediately. Although it may be called the second peak, it is actually quite big.Let alone the three of them, it is enough to see more than 200 caves.The difference is that once there are too many boundary-breaking monks, the immortal energy on the mountain will not be enough.But isn't it just the three of them now?

Ye Weiyang pointed to the last sub-peak again: "That mountain is called Zaojie Peak, brother, you can go there to build a cave. Of course you like to live with me and build a cave, there is no problem."

Zhang Jiuling shook his head and said with a smile, "I'll go to Zhuojie Peak. Now I'm the only one here. That means I occupy a mountain alone. Then why should I squeeze a mountain with you?"

"Hahaha..." Although everyone knew that Zhang Jiuling was joking, they still burst out laughing.

Zhang Jiuling said again: "Weiyang, your name is bad enough."

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed again.

Ye Weiyang smiled and said, "You name the mountain behind it."

"Forget it!" Zhang Jiuling waved his hand and said, "I'd better trouble you, the peak master. Let me see what name you can come up with."

"Not in a hurry!" Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said, "I'll arrange Weiyang Peak and the three secondary peaks first, and they must be worthy of the name I gave them. Otherwise, it's called Fortune Peak, Boundary Breaker Peak, and Boundary Maker Peak, wouldn't it be provocative? joke?"

Ye Weiyang's consciousness entered the six-story talisman tower in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In the six-story Talisman Tower, each floor has a hundred immortal veins.This was all stolen by Ye Weiyang from the demon world.Moreover, so many celestial veins are gathered together, but they cannot be distributed and affect each other. There are already many celestial veins at the holy level.The celestial veins that were originally at the peak of the lower rank were upgraded to the middle rank, the middle rank to the upper rank, and the upper rank to the extreme rank.

Ye Weiyang sacrificed a six-story talisman tower, and then grabbed a metallic celestial vein from the talisman tower. The celestial vein was like a dragon, and Ye Weiyang beat it towards the foot of Weiyang Peak.Wang Ye and the others stared blankly at the fairy vein, until Ye Weiyang drove the fairy vein under Weiyang Peak, and they all exclaimed:
"Immortal veins! Top grade immortal veins!"

"It turned out to be the best immortal vein!"


But this is not over yet, and then Ye Weiyang took out another top-grade wood-attribute fairy vein, followed by water-attribute, fire-attribute, and earth-attribute.A total of five top-grade immortal veins of the Five Elements entered under Weiyang Peak.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A formation flag was driven into the ground, and five top-grade immortal veins were sealed under Weiyang Peak.The immortal energy of Weiyang Peak began to become strong at a lightning speed, and the flowers, plants and trees on the mountain peak were growing crazily, and their quality was improving.

"This..." Wang Ye, Zhang Tong, and Gong Xuan opened their eyes wide in surprise, "This is simply a holy place for cultivation. It is even stronger than the immortal energy in the sect's secret realm."

Zhang Jiuling's eyes were also shining brightly. As for the ten newly recruited disciples, they felt that it was difficult to breathe, because the immortal energy was too strong.Take a sip and it will take half a day to digest.With a flick of his sleeves, Ye Weiyang sent those ten disciples to the foot of the mountain.They couldn't bear the immortal energy here.

Soon, clouds and mists rose from Weiyang Peak, which were all generated from the extreme concentration of immortal vitality.It's just that these immortal vitality were sealed in the Weiyang Peak by Ye Weiyang just now, and couldn't be released.

"Let's go to Good Fortune Peak!"

Ye Weiyang took a step in the air, and the group landed on the Creation Peak.In the future, this place will be the place where great cultivators of fortune will practice, so naturally they cannot be weaker than Weiyang Peak in terms of immortal vitality.Therefore, Ye Weiyang infiltrated a top-grade immortal vein of each of gold, wood, water, fire and earth under Good Fortune Peak.Then the formation flag was laid down to seal it, and the immortal energy of Good Fortune Peak also rapidly became thicker, and began to generate mist, making Good Fortune Peak hazy, and then formed clouds to envelop Good Fortune Peak.

The five of them came to the Cracking Peak again, and at the Cracking Peak, Ye Weiyang broke into a high-grade immortal vein of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan were overjoyed.These are five high-grade immortal veins, not to mention satisfying the cultivation of three of them, even 3000 people can satisfy them.


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