The five of them finally arrived at the Peak of the Realm of Creation, and Ye Weiyang entered a middle-grade immortal vein of each of the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.Zhang Jiuling smiled brightly. For his level, he had already fully met his needs.

"Peak Master!" Wang Ye smiled openly, "How to arrange the remaining two peaks?"

Ye Weiyang looked at the main peak on the left, which was slightly shorter than Weiyang Peak: "That mountain will be called Jiuling Peak from now on."

This is named after Zhang Jiuling, everyone has no objection, Zhang Jiuling just smiled and did not refuse.

Ye Weiyang injected a metallic low-grade spiritual vein on Jiuling Peak, and then injected a low-grade immortal vein with the remaining four attributes on each of the four sub-peaks.In this way, each of the five mountain peaks has a fairy vein of attribute.The disciples who will be accepted in the future can choose the mountain that suits them according to their own cultivation direction.

"These five peaks are for disciples to practice." Ye Weiyang stretched out his hand and grabbed the ten disciples under the peaks: "These five peaks, you can each choose the peaks that suit you to build a cave for cultivation."

The ten disciples were overjoyed, and they all bowed down: "Xie Fengzhu."

The five people came to the main peak on the right again, and Ye Weiyang said with nostalgia in his eyes: "This main peak is called Xiongba Peak."

There was also a trace of nostalgia in Zhang Jiuling's eyes, and the fourth brother should be flying up soon.

Ye Weiyang glanced around the four sub-peaks surrounding Xiongba Peak, and then selected two sub-peaks, each of which entered a top-grade fire attribute immortal vein.Then he said to Wang Ye:
One of these two peaks is called Dan Peak for disciples who practice alchemy, and the other is called Qi Peak for disciples who refine weapons.With these two extreme fire attribute immortal veins, many alchemy rooms and weapon refining rooms can be built.This task is for you.

"Peak Master, don't worry." The three of them patted their chests and promised.

Ye Weiyang turned her attention to the other two secondary peaks, making talismans and forming formations are not limited to fire veins.Anyway, I have many immortal veins, so I entered five low-grade immortal veins of gold, wood, water, fire and earth under these two peaks, and then sealed them.

"These two secondary peaks are called Fufeng and Zhenfeng respectively. Students can practice making talismans and forming formations here. I hope that one day, the disciples of Wuweiyang Peak can turn these two mountains into Fuzhen Mountain and Zhendao Mountain , becoming two holy places.”

Ye Weiyang infiltrated five low-grade immortal veins of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth on the main peak, and then said: "On Xiongba Peak, build a mission hall, library pavilion, and treasure house. I'm putting the four-story talisman tower here. Catch some monsters and monster monks, and put them inside as a place of trial for disciples."

Everyone became excited, this is simply a sect.

"Go and build the refining room and the alchemy room. I will first refine these space treasures in the mission hall."

Ye Weiyang left Weiyang Peak, went to Qifeng of Chongxuzong, found a refining room, and started refining weapons.It is not easy to refine a space fairy treasure. It took more than a year and a half before Ye Weiyang returned to Weiyang Peak.

As soon as he entered Weiyang Peak, Ye Weiyang was stunned.

Then I saw Wanqingzong and other fortune-telling, boundary-breaking and boundary-creating monks sitting on their own Weiyang Peak to practice.

It's outrageous that so many people come to take advantage of you.


Ye Weiyang was stunned for a moment, then she was pleasantly surprised.She looked up into the sky, and saw traces of dao rhyme continuously falling from the billions of stars.

The lead star array was a success.

Ye Weiyang's return awakened Wan Qingzong and the others. They looked at Ye Weiyang with bright eyes, and then they were a little embarrassed, and said embarrassingly:
"Weiyang, it's much easier for you to comprehend the way of heaven..."

Ye Weiyang said helplessly: "I can set up a star-guiding formation and a locking formation for the sect. But you prepare the materials. And you have to contribute points to my sect."

Wan Qingzong grinned, there is no problem in preparing the materials, but the contribution points of the sect...

Now Ye Weiyang alone has more sect contribution points than all these elders combined.But think about it, this is all earned by others, and it has indeed brought infinite benefits to the sect.It's just that after this, Weiyang Peak will really become the number one mountain in the sect.

"Okay! I'll give it!" Wan Qingzong nodded.

Ye Weiyang looked at Yu Jiao, the master of the formation hall: "Let the formation hall refine the formation foundation. When the refining is finished, let me know. Then you can choose a place, suzerain."

"That..." Wan Qingzong said in a dazed voice, "Can we practice here before the construction of the Zongmen's star array is completed?"

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang said helplessly: "But after the Zongmen Yinxing Formation is built, you are not allowed to practice with me anymore."

"Yeah!" All the fortune-telling, world-breaking and world-creating monks nodded in unison.No one has such a big face, and even ran here to practice after the Zongmen had the star formation.

There is no hurry to set up the formation, Yu Jiao took out the Jade Sword of Communication, and let the formation hall begin to refine the foundation of the formation.And Ye Weiyang flew towards Xiong Bafeng.Wan Qingzong and the others were also curious and flew over.At this time, a large number of refining rooms and alchemy rooms were built on Qifeng and Danfeng.Both the formation peak and the Fu peak are still empty, nothing has been built, and the grass and trees are overgrown, and they have not been cleaned up.In fact, they are not going to clean up. In the future, formations and talisman formations will be set up here for the disciples.

Now there is only one building on Xiongba Peak, which is the four-story Talisman Tower.At this time, the four-story talisman pagoda is no longer a medicine garden, but a place of trials.

As for the monster Ye Weiyang inside, I don't care about it, I leave it to Wang Ye and the others.Anyway, they are going to run the mountain.Wang Ye has also made a decision. He is going to catch some monsters who have just joined the Tao. The strength of the first level is the lowest, and the strength of the fourth level is the highest.As for the disciples who break through the Taoism in the future, they will go out of the sect to practice.It's too dangerous to leave the sect for Taoism. Although Taoism is also dangerous, you should go out to practice, otherwise you will become a flower in the greenhouse.

Ye Weiyang took out the refined halls one by one and placed them on Xiongba Peak.

Mission Hall, Library Pavilion, and Treasure House.

Then, Ye Weiyang looked at Wan Qingzong and other 700 good fortune monks, nearly [-] boundary breaking big monks, and more than [-] world making big monks.

These big monks all understood in their hearts that this is a gift.

Ye Weiyang has truly established a mountain, and this is also a ceremony.The most important thing is, these are all cultivated in Ye Weiyang's big formation here, and they will continue to practice for a while in the future. Are you embarrassed not to give gifts?
So everyone started to take out the presents.I can't even take out a gift. Didn't you see that they have a library and a treasure house?

At least you can't take out two?
A kind of inheritance and a kind of treasure?
Therefore, starting from the Wanqing Sect's leadership, everyone came up with a kind of inheritance that belonged to their own, not the sect's inheritance.Some of these inheritances are exercises, and some are supernatural powers.Plus a treasure.


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