The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1240 Preaching

Chapter 1240 Preaching
"Aren't these the four puppets on duty?" Wang Ye couldn't help looking at Xiongba Peak, and then he saw four new puppets.

"This is the peak master's exit. Four new puppets have been refined? I don't know what strength it is."

"Go, go and see!"

The four of them came to Xiongba Peak again and stood in front of the door of Zangshu Pavilion.The puppet saw them and saluted them:
"Meet four elders."

Wang Ye looked at the four puppets curiously, then pointed to one and said, "Attack me with all your strength."


The puppet raised his fist and blasted towards Wang Ye.The power of heaven and earth went back and formed a huge fist.With a wave of Wang Ye's big sleeve, the cuff suddenly opened wide, like a huge mouth, swallowing the fist in one gulp, annihilating its power.

"Hey, that's right, it's equivalent to breaking through the path of shaping. It's no problem to suppress those little guys."

The little guy he is talking about is naturally the ten disciples of Weiyang Peak, and now these ten disciples have also broken through the top of the three flowers. These ten disciples are all carefully selected by Wang Ye and the others in the process of recruiting disciples of.His aptitude and talent are excellent.Then he practiced in the environment of Weiyang Peak, and broke through to the cultivation base of three flowers gathered at the top, which can be said to be a matter of course.

Young people are all mischievous, these ten disciples are no longer challenging the previous four puppets at once.All four puppets were defeated.If it weren't for the protection of the treasure house and the book library, these boys would be able to steal things.Now there are four plastic road puppets, those boys should be honest.

In fact, those ten disciples were indeed honest.Ye Weiyang came quietly, and left quietly after changing the puppet.Then the little ones noticed that the puppet looked different.

This is changed?

Then let's fight.

In the end, they were all beaten to the point of crying, and when they saw these four puppets one by one, they were all honest.

Ye Weiyang retreated for half a month, and then came out again.She felt that although she was standing in front of the gate of good fortune now.But just can't push the door open.After comprehending in this way, although I firmly believe that I will be able to push the door open, I don't know how long it will take.

Or by analogy.

Now the realm of alchemy is the lowest, so let's do alchemy and strive to become a great master.In fact, she is not far from the grand master.Therefore, Ye Weiyang went to the alchemy room of Danfeng in Weiyang Peak and started alchemy.

This alchemy is 36 years.Ye Weiyang finally became a real master of elixir.Then she sat cross-legged in the alchemy room and began to sort out the income of the past 36 years.Then integrate these gains into your own avenue.Gradually, a mysterious aura began to linger around her body.

One day, two days, three days... So seven or seventy-nine days passed.

The aura on Ye Weiyang's body became a little stronger, because she had already opened a gap in that door of good fortune, and it was just this gap that made her feel the depth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.It also gave her a clearer understanding of the Dao of Creation, but this opened a gap, and the Dao of Heaven and Earth began to temper her body, her immortal power, and her primordial spirit.Although the extent of quenching is very small.But this small margin has never been possible before.

Ye Weiyang's current body, Xianyuanli and Yuanshen's tenacity have reached the fourth level of good fortune.And her cultivation level is the perfect breakthrough.Therefore, as long as she has no adventures and just cultivates normally, she can only comprehend the Dao, and it is absolutely impossible for her to improve her own body, immortal power and primordial spirit tenacity.

However, when she comprehended a little of the Dao of Good Fortune and opened a gap, the Dao of Good Fortune began to temper her body, immortal power and primordial spirit when she practiced.

This shows that she is on the right path.

Ye Weiyang got up and walked out of the refining room, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and saw ten disciples, only three were on the mountain, and seven were missing.As soon as he took a step in the air, he appeared in front of a disciple.The disciple was startled when he saw a person suddenly appearing in front of him. After seeing Ye Weiyang, he hurriedly saluted:

"Disciple Bai Hao pays homage to the Peak Master."

"What about the other seven?"

"They all went to test the tower."

Ye Weiyang nodded, and swept his consciousness, Bai Hao's cultivation was stuck before the plastic road.

"Your cultivation bases are all the same?"


Ye Weiyang is not surprised, the Tao of Shaping is a big hurdle, even with such an excellent cultivation environment, with his own aptitude and talent, it is not so easy to break through the Tao of Shaping.

"Call those two people here. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Bai Hao's eyes lit up. He didn't stay at Weiyang Peak all the time, but he also left Weiyang Peak. He learned from other people that his peak master was a legend of the Chongxu Sect, who was less than six thousand years old. Age, has reached the boundary-breaking perfection.Moreover, he is also the saint of the immortal formation, the saint of the immortal talisman, the master of the immortal weapon and the master of the elixir.It is simply a great opportunity to have the peak master to solve his doubts.After thanking him, he hurriedly looked for the other two people, still feeling sorry for the seven fellow disciples who entered the trial tower.

Ye Weiyang took out a recliner and lay down on it.Soon, the three disciples rushed over.

"Meet the Peak Master."

"sit down."

The three disciples sat cross-legged opposite Ye Weiyang.

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Ye Weiyang stayed here for three days and then left.Then at Weiyang Peak, Zhang Jiuling, Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan were called over.With a sweep of consciousness, he sighed in his heart.No wonder Wang Ye and the others didn't have much enthusiasm for cultivation.More than 40 years have passed before and after, and the cultivation of these three people is still at the original level, and they are still in the early stage of breaking the boundary.It seems that for these three people, in the long years to come, it would be great if they can break through to breaking the boundary.

In fact, there is not much going on at Weiyang Peak right now.There are only four disciples, and they are not allowed to go out to earn resources and support the disciples.Most of their time should also be in cultivation, but the result of cultivation is like this.On the contrary, Zhang Jiuling's cultivation has broken through to the triple perfection of world creation.

Ye Weiyang preached to the four people, answering questions.Three months passed in a hurry, and the four people left.Ye Weiyang thought about it, then decided to continue studying the puppet.She now tastes the benefits of analogy.The figure disappeared in Weiyang Peak, entered the refining room, and began to refine puppets while researching.

The puppet she researched this time is naturally to elevate the puppet to the realm of royal dao.In fact, it's not that difficult, with the foundation of Taoist puppets, it only took three years for Ye Weiyang to refine four puppets whose strength has reached the peak of Yudao.He took four puppets and replaced the four plastic puppets on Xiongba Peak.Return to Weiyang Peak with four plastic road puppets, and then give the four three-flowered puppets to each of Zhang Jiuling, Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan to help them take care of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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