The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1241 Thoughts

Chapter 1241 Thoughts
Then Ye Weiyang began to sort out what was said in the past three years. Although the fusion of Fu Dao Formation Dao and Qi Dao is only a branch, it touched her a lot, and tried to integrate these into her own Dao.

After 20 years like this, I finally integrated these gains into my own avenue.The opening of that door of good fortune opened even wider.The avenue of good fortune doubled the tempering of her body.

"By analogy is really effective! I will try to break through the fairy weapon to the holy level first."

Ye Weiyang went back to the refining room, took out the legacy about refining that Zongmen had exchanged for her, and started to retreat.

This time the retreat was extremely long, 800 years passed in a hurry, and Ye Weiyang's age was over six thousand years old.With the help of Luoshu space, Ye Weiyang finally took 800 years to step into the holy level of the way of immortal weapon.


Ye Weiyang let out a sigh of relief: "It's too difficult, this is with the help of Luoshu space, if there is no Luoshu space, let alone 800 years, even 8 years can't break through."

She closed her eyes again, and began to sort out the 800 years, and then merged into her own world.

In a hurry, more than 100 years have passed.

Chongxuzong became lively again.In fact, not only the Chongxu Sect, but also the nine major sects have become lively, because the once-in-a-thousand-year pilgrimage to recruit disciples has begun.Wang Ye and the others also left Weiyang Peak excitedly, looking for disciples with excellent aptitude and talent to take in as apprentices.Even Zhang Jiuling was very quiet and wanted to move, so he followed.

The inner mountain peaks of the nine major sects have two ways to recruit disciples. One is that the outer sect disciples enter the inner sect. These disciples can worship the mountain. If they are favored by the people of that mountain peak, they can be accepted as mountain peak disciples.The second is to look for it in the current kind of mountain harvesting.

Every time a mountain is opened to accept apprentices, it is the time for the major peaks to select seedlings.The good seedlings that are found will be taken away directly by each mountain peak.What about the rest?
For the remaining disciples, those who cannot meet the requirements will naturally not be accepted. Those people will leave the nine major sects, while those who meet the requirements can only enter the outer sect, and step through the outer sect into the inner sect step by step.

There are a lot of people who come to the Nine Great Sects to participate in the assessment each time, especially the two times when there are more people who came to Chongxu Sect.Who knows that Chongxuzong is now growing, and the one who can compare with Chongxuzong is now Taiqingzong.

The four of Wang Ye stood in the air, watching the disciples being assessed below.Those who were with them, as well as people from various mountain peaks, were rushing to collect good seedlings.

Wang Ye and the others also knew in their hearts that the reason why they were able to accept ten good seedlings last time was because the elders of the Chongxu Sect's peaks saw Ye Weiyang's face and let them go.But you can let go once, absolutely impossible to let go a second time.This time the competition must be fierce, and it is impossible to recruit ten disciples who are all excellent talents like last time.

However, Wang Ye and others still have confidence.

After all, Ye Weiyang's reputation is very famous now, and accepting disciples is also a two-way choice.It's not that any of your elders takes a fancy to someone, that disciple is yours.The student's consent is also required.If the disciple is willing to join which mountain, other peak masters have no choice.

Presumably many disciples came here for our Weiyang Peak, right?

A smile appeared on Wang Ye's face.

Zhang Jiuling glanced at him, and said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense: "Senior Brother Wang, don't go too far."

"Huh?" Wang Ye's spiritual sense said: "Jiu Ling, what do you mean?"

"I think there must be many disciples who came to Weiyang Peak, but you can't accept too much. You have to give face to other peak masters. You can't offend everyone."

"Well, I understand, I still only accept ten disciples this time."

Zhang Jiuling grinned: "Halve it. How many top disciples will there be in total?"

Wang Ye thought about it and sighed.He also understood in his heart that no matter how powerful Ye Weiyang is, it is impossible to monopolize the benefits.The Wanqing Sect doesn't even have a suzerain.If Weiyang Peak is really the same as last time, he will also recruit ten top disciples.Although it is also the choice of the disciples, other peak masters can't say anything, but Weiyang Peak will definitely be isolated by the entire Chongxu Sect.

"Then recruit five." Wang Ye was very reluctant.

Zhang Jiuling persuaded: "Brother, disciples are more expensive than many. We Weiyang Peak doesn't need so many disciples. Don't look at the fact that there are only ten disciples in Weiyang Peak. It seems that Weiyang Peak is empty. But we all have too long lifespan. Recruiting disciples once in a thousand years will gradually overcrowd Weiyang Peak. Because other mountain peak disciples will leave the mountain after breaking through the good fortune, and go to monopolize a mountain. But do you think our mountain peak disciples will leave? "

"No!" Wang Ye shook his head: "Which mountain has the cultivation environment of Weiyang Peak? The idiot just left. Didn't they all come to Weiyang to practice without seeing the original suzerain?"

More than a month of accepting apprentices from the mountain was over, and Wang Ye accepted five disciples, feeling very happy.People from other mountain peaks felt a little displeased, but they were still within tolerance. After all, this time Wang Ye took the initiative to reduce the quota by five. Originally, they thought that Weiyang Peak would accept ten more.

A group of elders walked with their own disciples, and an elder asked Wang Ye: "Junior Brother Wang, I haven't seen Peak Lord Ye for a long time. It has been thousands of years, Ye Weiyang has been in seclusion?"

"Yeah!" Wang Ye nodded and said, "It's been more than 900 years since the Peak Lord came out last time."

All the elders shook their heads one after another, with endless emotions in their hearts.With their cultivation base, it is common to retreat for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years at a time.It's just that it is almost impossible for Ye Weiyang to break through the good fortune through this closed-door situation.Perhaps after thousands of years, Ye Weiyang will leave the customs and go out to travel.

Wang Ye and others returned to the mountain and arranged for their disciples to stay.Then nothing happened.The four drank tea in Wang Ye's cave.Wang Ye suddenly said:

"I've been stuck at the peak of the early stage of breaking the boundary recently, and I can't break through. What about you?"

Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan also nodded.Zhang Jiuling broke through to the peak in the mid-term of the world, but obviously the speed has dropped a lot.Zhang Jiuling said:

"I want to leave the sect and travel for a while."

"It's also a way." Wang Ye nodded and said: "Jiu Ling, don't be in a hurry. Your cultivation has already broken through very quickly. When you go out and travel, you should focus on precipitation, so don't rush to break through."

"I understand, what about you?"

Wang Yedao: "I see that the peak master has been researching on the talisman array, and the suzerain also said that it is important to understand by analogy. Now our mountain has the inheritance of the talisman array, so I want to study one. I want to learn Learn to refine."

(End of this chapter)

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